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<title>Alaska Governor Sarah Palin</title>
<title>Alaska Governor Sarah Palin</title>
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<meta name="description" content="The official website of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.  The latest news, events, photos, audio/video and speeches online.">
<meta name="description" content="The official website of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.  The latest news, events, photos, audio/video and speeches online.">
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<span class="head">Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan</span><br><span class="subhead">Includes Alaska's Natural Gas Reserves</span>
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<span class="head">Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan</span><br><span class="subhead">Includes Alaska's Natural Gas Reserves</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="print_news.php?id=1384"><img src="" alt="Print Now" width="16" height="13" border="0"></a>&nbsp;<a href="print_news.php?id=1384" class="note">Printer Friendly</a>
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Governor's Radio Message</a><br>
<img src="" height="4" width="15"><small><b><u>Topic</u>: Gas Pipeline Now</b></small><br>
<img src="" height="4" width="15"><small><small><i>(Updated - Nov 17th, 2006)</i></small></small>-->
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ACES: Alaska's Clear and<br>
<img src="" width="29" height="1" border="0">Equitable Share</a><br>
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Latest revision as of 17:38, 2 September 2008

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