Will Johnson

Professional Genealogist, Freelance Biographer

Professional Genealogist and Freelance Biographer


See my main research website at CountyHistorian
All of my articles here at Knol are listed on my index page The Knols of Wjhonson
I created a directory of at the English-language Knol project at this link.

I am a professional genealogist. Contact me, if you'd like help in tracing your family tree, by clicking the below button.

I am available for hire.  I charge $25 per hour for my research time, or 65 cents per minute.  I accept checks, money orders or Paypal.  If you would like to hire me, you can call with the above link or you can email me at wjhonson@aol.com

I post most of my work on the research website http://www.countyhistorian.com where my newest articles are about : Joseph Biden politician, Henry Jaynes Fonda actor, Montgomery Clift actor, Curtis Bean Dall Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's son-in-law; a new and improved article on Ahmad Sohrab Baha'i; Michael Huckabee governor and once candidate for US President; Paul Walker the actor, Alice Ghostley actress, Carol Burnett, Gavin Newsom Mayor of San Francisco

See also: The Life and Times of Wjhonson

Collaborative Editing
My User Pages
My Talk Pages
Wikipedia Wikimedia Wikisource Wikinews  Wikipedia  Wikimedia  Wikisource  Wikinews
Wikiversity Wiktionary Wikibiz Wikiality  Wikiversity  Wiktionary  WikiBiz  Wikiality
Wikileaks Biographies (at Wikia) Mediawiki Cities (at Wikia)  Wikileaks      
Genealogy (at Wikia) Wikipedia Review Forum Countyhistorian (g) Countyhistorian (pb)        
Strategy Wiki

Knol Find-A-Grave        
FamilySearch Wiki

Movie Legends (g) Movie Legends (pb)        

Some of the wikis above use the exact same MediaWiki software, (perhaps in an earlier generation) as what Wikipedia uses.  But some of them use a completely different WYSIWIG type software.  The reasons for both are to hide the underlying HTML from the inexperienced editor, but also perhaps from the editor who doesn't like looking at all the clutter that an involved HTML page can generate.  Most of these Wikis preserve all old versions, however it seems that both sites.google.com and PBWiki do not.

Collaborative Sites No Longer Existing
  • The Heritage Network used to be a wiki displaying historical and genealogy details about the Northwest (mostly Washington state).  It has since been taken done, probably due to spamming.  I noticed when I used it last, maybe back in 2008, that all the "recent changes" were spam.
  • The WikBack (Wikipedia Feedback) used to be a forum, evidently created as an alternative to the Wikipedia Review Forum which was seen, by some, as being too abrasive.  WikBack didn't last very long, perhaps two or three months before it ceased.  I don't know why they ceased.
  • I know I joined Wiki Underground at one time, but I can't for the life of me, remember what it was.

Wjhonson's Knols - Total Pageviews - Independent Counter joomla stats


Are your ind counter and analytics views differing?

is there a significant difference?

Narayana Rao - 14 Apr 2011

Added the bio knol to a collection on top knol authors


Narayana Rao - 14 Apr 2011

Knol Author Foundation

I would like to invite you to join our worldwide community of authors. Our Mission:Knol Author Foundation http://knol.google.com/k/knol-foundation/knol-author-foundation/14g5pj4cyuk5u/1117?domain=knol.google.com&locale=en# is dedicated to utilizing Knol platform, Google technology and other web resources in order to promote international collaboration of intellectuals, writers and scientists around the globe. Our aim is to engage and encourage open participation in all fields of wisdom, science, history and culture. If you would like to become a member we just need some simple information. Your name, bio page, gmail address, where you are located, and a category you would like to be listed under. You would then be listed on our member page and http://knol.google.com/k/knol-foundation/-/v6cwpxfb3xad/4#view the language page http://knol.google.com/k/knol-foundation/knol-author-foundation/14g5pj4cyuk5u/1117?domain=knol.google.com&locale=en# your knols are written in. Your email address will never be published or given to a third party. It would be used for updates and announcements. If you would not like to receive any announcements or updates just let us know.
email knolfoundation@gmail.com

Anonymous - 25 Feb 2011

If you are searching for versatility, accessorize using a necklace and allow your character shine through using a cross shaped pendant made in light gold and studded with diamonds.

Anonymous - 25 Feb 2011

google gold : the best money you can imagine

imagine A
A (B..) is our google gold unit .
you can buy it for 5 whuffies .
you only need to write your name behind it .
the first to do this, is the owner .
A-auction was closed today (2010-09-30) .
tomorrow B-auction will start .
request you all to become co-owners and contribute.
request all authors to add their names in the appropriate section.
we will have better whuffie interaction and will be able to interact better on knol money group .

Kalle Schwarz - 03 Oct 2010

USA Knols Lists

I am compiling USA Knols lists to promote the lists on twitter and facebook.


I just started and made the framework of the lists. I plan to add around 50 knols to each list. A knol with page views more than 500 is categorized as interesting knol.

Presently I added some of your knols in some lists. Request you to add some more of your knols. The initial response is good and once sizeable number of is accumulated I can promote the knols more aggressively in social media.

Narayana Rao - 19 Aug 2010

Congratulations - for 32,000 weekly page views

I am very happy obseve that you are now clocking 32,000 page views per week. Congratulations and hope that you will maintain the performance and reach the million soon.

Narayana Rao K V S S - 15 Aug 2010

Huge fluctuations in weekly page views. Are they justified?

Narayana Rao - 15 Aug 2010

Friendship Day Greetings from a Fellow Knol Author and KAF member

E-Knol Greetings

Support India Knol Month Campaign

About Friendship Day

Help Knol Author Community to grow

Narayana Rao - 01 Aug 2010

Congratulations - Crossing 500,000 page views

Just observered that your knol portfolio cross 500,000 page views. Also weekly page views is now around 28,000. Great. Your author rank will improve further. All the best

Narayana Rao - 01 Apr 2010

Congratulations - 400,000 page views crossed


Hope you will reach one million page view target quickly now.

Narayana Rao - 05 Mar 2010

Congratulations 150,000 page views

You are overtaking many authors also

A new knol being developed
Knol Authors of USA and Their Top Knols - State-Wise Lists


Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2009

Are page views increasing for all authors

you are having three page views per knol per day on average. Good performance?
Are you happy with knol now in terms of readership?

Narayana Rao - 25 Sep 2009

You are reaching 100,000 page views

Congratulations in advance.

Digg is a platform to announce and promote articles. I started a knol to track knol submissions.


Write a comment on the knol. I want you to be a coauthor to come to know knols which are submitted to Digg asap. Also let us discuss how to promote knols on Digg.

Narayana Rao - 10 Sep 2009