The state source books were created by Charlou Dolan. She began this massive project ca. 1986, organizing and typing the accumulation of Snodgrass research when she got "boxes and boxes" of files from Scott F. Hosier (he was Editor of The MACE 1978-1986).
Those files formed the nucleus of the "source books". During her tenure as Editor of The MACE, 1987-1993 and since, Charlou has been hard at it: gathering and entering into the source books Snodgrass data, making trips to courthouses and libraries across the country, collecting files & family data from past & present members of The Snodgrass Clan Society, as well as soliciting information from many other Snodgrass researchers.
The source books are one of the best tools available to anyone researching Snodgrass. One for every state, each is organized by county and within each county, info is arranged by date. These source books contain a wealth of Snodgrass research. Census readings - wills - deeds - misc. court records - marriages - deaths - obits - histories - Bible records - even queries found in genealogical publications ... all Snodgrass!
Charlou's comments on the collected data are shown as < . > throughout. Any comments marked [ . ] or [vss] were added by Violet "Suzie" Snodgrass Schoolcraft beginning in 1997, the result of her reading the source books and tracing families since she first joined The Snodgrass Clan Society in 1993. Any comments marked [wj] were added by Will Johnson.
Please keep in mind that the source books are meant to be a reference work - they give us an idea of what has already been found. Perhaps more importantly, they show us where to look next for what is yet to be done! Remember, extractions & transcriptions, notes & comments may have errors or may be missing certain portions of the original material. Always refer to the original source material whenever possible, using the source books as a starting point to guide you in your individual research.
If it is SNODGRASS we at The Snodgrass Clan Society continue to collect it! Please send items (with sources cited!) you want to share with others to:
Paul D. Snodgrass, at The Snodgrass Clan Society
(Editor of The MACE since 1993) E-mail:
Charlou Dolan E-mail:
(To be added to Charlou's mailing list for her updates, email her)
Suzie Snodgrass Schoolcraft E-mail:
and Will Johnson E-mail:
Note: This Knol is not finished. The links below for the most part, right now, don't go anywhere. The ones which do work are bolded and have a red background.
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The state source books were created by Charlou Dolan. She began this massive project ca. 1986, organizing and typing the accumulation of Snodgrass research when she got "boxes and boxes" of files from Scott F. Hosier (he was Editor of The MACE 1978-1986).
Those files formed the nucleus of the "source books". During her tenure as Editor of The MACE, 1987-1993 and since, Charlou has been hard at it: gathering and entering into the source books Snodgrass data, making trips to courthouses and libraries across the country, collecting files & family data from past & present members of The Snodgrass Clan Society, as well as soliciting information from many other Snodgrass researchers.
The source books are one of the best tools available to anyone researching Snodgrass. One for every state, each is organized by county and within each county, info is arranged by date. These source books contain a wealth of Snodgrass research. Census readings - wills - deeds - misc. court records - marriages - deaths - obits - histories - Bible records - even queries found in genealogical publications ... all Snodgrass!
Charlou's comments on the collected data are shown as < . > throughout. Any comments marked [ . ] or [vss] were added by Violet "Suzie" Snodgrass Schoolcraft beginning in 1997, the result of her reading the source books and tracing families since she first joined The Snodgrass Clan Society in 1993. Any comments marked [wj] were added by Will Johnson.
Please keep in mind that the source books are meant to be a reference work - they give us an idea of what has already been found. Perhaps more importantly, they show us where to look next for what is yet to be done! Remember, extractions & transcriptions, notes & comments may have errors or may be missing certain portions of the original material. Always refer to the original source material whenever possible, using the source books as a starting point to guide you in your individual research.
If it is SNODGRASS we at The Snodgrass Clan Society continue to collect it! Please send items (with sources cited!) you want to share with others to:
Paul D. Snodgrass, at The Snodgrass Clan Society
(Editor of The MACE since 1993) E-mail:
Charlou Dolan E-mail:
(To be added to Charlou's mailing list for her updates, email her)
Suzie Snodgrass Schoolcraft E-mail:
and Will Johnson E-mail:
Note: This Knol is not finished. The links below for the most part, right now, don't go anywhere. The ones which do work are bolded and have a red background.
Snodgrass Documents Arranged by State
AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS |
KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC |
ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY |
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