This Knol is part of my series "Celebrity Family Trees"
Audrey's ancestry is half-Dutch from her mother, Audrey's father was half-Bohemian and half-English, but I will here be examining a few surprising ascents to medieval-English families, through her mother's Dutch ancestors.
Audrey's English Connection
- Audrey Hepburn's five-generation ancestry (mostly her mother's)
- The eight-generation ancestry of Audrey's mother Baroness Ella van Heemstra showing among others, her ancestors Pieter Godin, and George Clifford
- The ancestry of Audrey's ancestor Pieter Godin, showing his Sulyard ascent
- Audrey Hepburn's Sulyard ancestry (of English origin)
- The six-generation ancestry of George Clifford, Heer van Hoogersmilde
- Audrey Hepburn's Clifford ancestry (of English origin)