List of Fastest Rising Knol Authors

List of Fastest Rising Knol Authors

Starting with the List of Top Viewed Knol Authors, which of them is generating the highest current pageviews ?


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    • List of Fastest Rising Knol Authors (you are here)

This Knol should be cited as:
"List of Fastest Rising Knol Authors", by Will Johnson,, 2009.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

This article will answer the question: "Starting with the List of Top Viewed Knol Authors, which of those authors is generating the highest current pageviews ?"

The current list of the authors with the most pageviews, sorted by pageviews can be seen at this interactive link: Top Viewed Authors : A list of the top viewed authors on Knol.  This however does not allow us to see how these authors become more or less popular over time.  And it does not allow us to spot authors who might be abusing the pageviews metric, for example by using robots.  For that purpose I have created a table below where we can examine the week-by-week changes in the authors and their pageview numbers.

Table 1 of 2

Current Table of Top Viewed Authors including Pageviews this week

Total Pageviews as of
Pageviews This Week as of
 Rank  Author 7 May 09
 4 May 09
27 Apr 09 11 May 09
 1 Kevin Spaulding  366931  358164  345434  16256
 2 Jim Strickland  205564  200559  194732  5828
 3 Sara
 201348  198276  191972  4849
 4 eHowKnol  187465  178517  155319  18453
 5 YouTube Help Center Admin  183782  182157  177068  3476
 6 YouTube Chris  183732  182107  177020  3475
 7 Aquarel-Art Arts.Web.Group  161909  157446  147729  6370
 8 Ryan Moulton  150050  149752  149274  400
 9 周曙光 教育、培训, 煤炭坝镇  142926  141601  137564  2821
 10 The Family Handyman Magazine  137014  136387  134589  1317
 11 Advisor Steve  130108  127670  126493  1928
 12 Katrina Eagle  126898  125059  121092  3444
 13 Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.  124438  120537  113074  5682
 14 devnull devakm  123992  121122  113830  5651
 15 Douglas Rosinski  116100  114415  110790  3162
 16 Andreas Kemper  113839  111731  108055  2463
 17 Scott Jenson  109542  109049  107495  954
  Anonymous (Nikki Levin) (anomaly, see below #32)  98645  95125  90445  4497
 18 Craig Goldwyn  98025  96055  93692  2771
 19 Noshir Mehta  93201  92149  90321  1779
 20 Jeffery Greenblatt  92154  91505  90277  849
 21 Karl Kazmierczak, Esq.  83387  81453  78773  2211
 22 Lars Terjesen
 82302  81839  80867  722
 23 Kool carl
 81124  79132  71720  5687
 24 Alan Shindel  80653  77801  73152  3506
 25 Tom Lue  79599  77801  73152  3506
 26 Paul C. Burton
 78958  77786  75282  2009
 27 Jay Pasachoff  77323  77225  77041  169
 28 Usman Ismail
 77111  76350  74424  1816
 29 Daniela Carusi, MD, MSc  76411  75956  74728  825
 30 Costas Bougalis
 72395  72257  71880  305
 31 SALIM DJELOUAT  70282  68238  65050  2402
 32 Online Editors  68580  65490  61638  3732
 33 Fabio Maulo  66889  65740  63304  2079
 34 Knol Debates  66607  66520  66479  125
 36 Richard Kraig
 63556  63519  63349  134
 37 Anne Peters  63271  63194  62843  238
 38 Hunter Handsfield  58393  56431  53588  2341
 39 Dark Magus  57292  56528  54242  828
 40 Chishikiyoku Project  52156  51298  49939  987
 41 Roman Pustina  50939  46887  42862  4698
 42 Peter Baskerville  49858  47445  44377  3792
 43  عبدالعظيم المسلم  49543  47101  40383  4054
 44 federico zucchelli  48572  47579  45142  2153
 45 Jesus Martin Calvo  45694  45328  44607  408
 46 Alex Bertolini  45654  44101  41095  1863
 47 Sajid Khan  45377  44760  42574  1315
 48 Sergio Casiraghi  44296  41358  38047  3133
 49 giovanni savioli  43947  41957  39749  3132
 50 C. Benjamin Ma  43494  43159  42257  653
 51 Ward Mundy  42470  42100  40955  994
 52 Claes Johnson  41512  39486  35593  2747
 53  دكتور/ محرم خليفه  41442  37979  29795  4768
 54 Jessica Donington  39976  39881  39678  222
 55 patrice bouyrat  39586  38832  37832  1089
 56 Yanik Chauvin  38804  38549  37970  382
 57 Sébastien BURNEAU  38338  37430  36310  1459
 58 aaron wall  38330  37333  35477  1592
 59 Lyonel Baum  37592  36601  35170  1257
 60 Gust MEES  36648  35524  34764  1295
 61 Irwin Goldstein  36606  34902  32776  2033
 62 Hani Altanbour  35934  35297  34624  995
 63 Gladys Gahona  35494  33463  31093  2561
 64 Andrew Murr  35089  34193  32573  1183
 65 Ana Belén de Lucas  34968  34288  32179  1299
 66 United Church of God  33919  33656  32820  561
 67 Monica Gandhi  33773  32329  29926  1785
 68 Islamway website  33673  33413  33008  551
 69 Krishan Maggon  33165  31139  28093  2768
 70 Klaus Rohde  32218  31200  29411  1681
 71 Christine The Guide  31690  31209  30107  1026
 72 Will Johnson  30784  29376    2216
 73 Bryan Cho MD, PhD  30670  29830  28920  1058
 74 Garry Jenkins  30023  28106    2198
 75 jean-jacques moutal  29806  29719  29548  212
 76 Partha Das Sharma  29712  28711    1710
 77 Steve D  29383  28525    918
 78 Jeffrey Gramlich  29297  29284  29270  26

Table 2 of 2

Current Table of Top Viewed Authors, as of 11 May 2009, Sorted and Ranked by "Pageviews This Week"

If your Rank in column 1 below is higher than your Rank in column 5, then you are climbing up the chart.
If your Rank in column 1 below is lower than your Rank in column 5, then you are falling down the chart.
The greater the difference in Rankings, the faster your movement.

1. Rank 2. Author 3. Pageviews
This Week
4. Total Pageviews 5. Rank
 1 eHowKnol  18453  187465  4
 2 Kevin Spaulding  16256  366931  1
 3 Aquarel-Art Arts.Web.Group  6370  161909  7
 4 Jim Strickland  5828  205564  2
 5 Kool carl  5687  81124  23
 6 Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.  5682  124438  13
 7 devnull devakm  5651  123992  14
 8 Sara  4849  201348  3
 9 دكتور/ محرم خليفه  4768  41442  53
 10 Roman Pustina  4698  50939  41
 11 Anonymous (Nikki Levin)  4497  98645  17-18
 12 عبدالعظيم المسلم  4054  49543  43
 13 Peter Baskerville  3792  49858  42
 14 Online Editors  3732  68580  32
 15 Alan Shindel  3506  80653  24
 16 Tom Lue  3506  79599  25
 17 YouTube Help Center Admin  3476  183782  5
 18 YouTube Chris  3475  183732  6
 19 Katrina Eagle  3444  126898  12
 20 Douglas Rosinski  3162  116100  15
 21 Sergio Casiraghi  3133  44296  48
 22 giovanni savioli  3132  43947  49
 23 周曙光 教育、培训, 煤炭坝镇  2821  142926  9
 24 Craig Goldwyn  2771  98025  18
 25 Krishan Maggon  2768  33165  69
 26 Claes Johnson  2747  41512  52
 27 Gladys Gahona  2561  35494  63
 28 Andreas Kemper  2463  113839  16
 29 SALIM DJELOUAT  2402   70282  31
 30 Hunter Handsfield  2341  58393  38
 31 Will Johnson  2216  30784  72
 32 Karl Kazmierczak, Esq.  2211  83387  21
 33 Garry Jenkins  2198  30023  74
 34 federico zucchelli  2153  48572  44
 35 Fabio Maulo  2079  66889  33
 36 Irwin Goldstein  2033  36606  61
 37 Paul C. Burton  2009  78958  26
 38 Advisor Steve  1928  130108  11
 39 Alex Bertolini  1863  45654  46
 40 Usman Ismail  1816  77111  28
 41 Monica Gandhi  1785  33773  67
 42 Noshir Mehta  1779  93201  19
 43 Partha Das Sharma  1710  29712  76
 44 Klaus Rohde  1681  32218  70
 45 aaron wall  1592  38330  58
 46 Sébastien BURNEAU  1459  38338  57
 47 The Family Handyman Magazine  1317  137014  10
 48 Sajid Khan  1315  45377  47
 49 Ana Belén de Lucas  1299  34968  65
 50 Gust MEES  1295  36648  60
 51 Lyonel Baum  1257  37592  59
 52 Andrew Murr  1183  35089  64
 53 patrice bouyrat  1089  39586  55
 54 Bryan Cho MD, PhD  1058  30670  73
 55 Christine The Guide  1026  31690  71
 56 Hani Altanbour  995  35934  62
 57 Ward Mundy  994  42470  51
 58 Chishikiyoku Project  987  52156  40
 59 Scott Jenson  954  109542  17
 60 Steve D  918  29383  77
 61 Jeffery Greenblatt  849  92154  20
 62 Dark Magus  828  57292  39
 63 Daniela Carusi, MD, MSc  825  76411  29
 64 Lars Terjesen  722  82302  22
 65 C. Benjamin Ma  653  43494  50
 66 United Church of God  561  33919  66
 67 Islamway website  551  33673  68
 68 Jesus Martin Calvo  408  45694  45
 69 Ryan Moulton  400  150050  8
 70 Yanik Chauvin  382  38804  56
 71 Costas Bougalis
 305  72395  30
 72 Anne Peters  238  63271  37
 73 Jessica Donington  222  39976  54
 74 jean-jacques moutal  212  29806  75
Jay Pasachoff  169  77323  27
 76 Richard Kraig  134  63556  36
 77 Knol Debates  125  66607  34
 78 Jeffrey Gramlich  26  29297  78

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Kalle Schwarz - 13 Sep 2009

Are weekly page views of top 50 authors improving

Mr. Johnson

You are doing a good job of collecting various statistics.

One important statistic would be page views of top 50 or 100 authors. Are they improving over the period of time.

I don't what knol put a criterion for most viewed author. Supposed the criterion is 2500 cumulative page views. So number of authors crossing this threshold every week is another interesting statistic.

I opened a bulletin board knol, Global Financial Crisis - 2007-09 - Knol Bulletin Board,

If you follow the economic news, I request you to add the news items that you come across on this topic in this knol. I think we can develop knols on curret issues of interst in this manner. Once the issue is settled, the knol also becomes an archive and new topics are opened. I hope each knol author can take up one current issue of interst in his area of interest and invite other authors to participate in accumulating news and views on the issue.

Narayana Rao - 12 May 2009