Consumer Electronics Portal

Entry page to all things about consumer electronics on Knol

Entry page to all things about consumer electronics on Knol


 English Knol Project
  • Consumer Electronics Portal (you are here)

This Portal article writen by Will Johnson,, starting 16 Aug 2009

Toolkit search on "Electronics" as of 15 Aug 2009 hits 3720 Knols

Toolkit search on "Consumer Electronics" as of 15 Aug 2009 hits 978 Knols

Toolkit search on Category "consumer electronics" as of 15 Aug 2009 hits 432 Knols

I believe that the sources about household and office electronics such as televisions, stereos, computers, copiers and the like would be under 620 technology, 621 mechanical engineering and then 621.38 Electronics.  So that is where, I believe, sources about stereos, speakers, amplifiers, receivers, turntables, cd/dvd/laserdisc players and recorders, and cassette/8-track players and recorders should be also.  It's possible that as these portal entries grow I may have to separate out electronic research into a pure science portal page.  The entire list of current portals is at English Knol Project

This Portal entry still needs a lot of work obviously.  I've only taken a brief stab below at trying to collect some Audio Equipment Knols together.  I still need input from readers on Knols about television, telephone, computers, etc.  Whatever you can find related to Consumer Electronics on Knol.  If you consider yourself an expert in that area and would like to co-author this with me, just ask at

A few knols about Consumer Electronic Equipment

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Home Electronics

Sounds like you know a lot about home electronics. What are the popular electronic items this year? What brands do you recommend?


Anonymous - 18 Nov 2011

home electronics

I was looking for home electronics and didn't know where to find them. Know of any good sites?

Anonymous - 01 Nov 2011