Letter 54 - Jean Hotman - in Latin
transcribed here by Will Johnson, Professional Genealogist
from the original image on Google Books at this link
I wrote a life of Jean Hotman on the page at this link. Now I will give the Latin text of a letter he wrote a few days after his father Francois had died at Basel. Always pass your Latin transcriptions through a spell checker first. There is a decent one at this link. To translate it see this bad Free Online Latin to English Machine Translation, or the over-the-top monstrosity at this link. Evidently properly translating Latin is very difficult. Would you like to give it a shot?
transcribed here by Will Johnson, Professional Genealogist
from the original image on Google Books at this link
I wrote a life of Jean Hotman on the page at this link. Now I will give the Latin text of a letter he wrote a few days after his father Francois had died at Basel. Always pass your Latin transcriptions through a spell checker first. There is a decent one at this link. To translate it see this bad Free Online Latin to English Machine Translation, or the over-the-top monstrosity at this link. Evidently properly translating Latin is very difficult. Would you like to give it a shot?
Ex literis paternis, quas Kal. Febr. plures, uno argumento; sed diversis itineribus transmisit, quo loco res ejus constitutae fuerint, intelligere potuisti, Vir doctissime, ita ut magnopere necessarium non credam, longa oratione viam sternere, ad animum firmandum & tollenda ea, quae iustus Deus tibi, sororibusqúe tuis imposuit, pluribus hortari: praesertim cum cognitum antea habueris, esse tibi parentem mortalem, & quod morti proximum est, aetate provecta, ex literis porro eius pluribus. | |
Sed novissimus potissimum didiceris morbo eum laborare tali, qui Medicorum diligentiam omnem & curam eludar; & quod gravius, non statim tollat, sed frequenter per multos annos summis cruciatibus paulatim consiciat, sine spe salutis ulla. | |
Quam quidem ob rem nobis omnibus gratiae magnae sunt agendae Parenti coelesti; tibi vero & sororibus eo majores, quanto pios filios parentum angoribus, quam alios, ob innatum illis affectionem conjunctionemque moveri par est, quod imprudentiam & errorem fatalem inverterit, proque sua prudentia insignique misericordia longi temporis dolores, quos in parente timebamus, unico quasi ictu praeciderit, & intolerantiae ex diuturno morbo subsecuturae, in eo praesertim, qui non assuevisset, faciliusque moveretur, occasionem omnem praecluserit. | |
Rediit enim ad nos mense Septembri proximo, sola Theodora sorore comitatus animo, ob res publicas adversas, turbato, corporeque propter dejectiones crebriores alvi exhausto: quae cum neque hic remitterent, successit paulatim crurum & ventris tumor, eaque species aquae intercutis, quam tympanitem Medici nostri vocabant, diuturnamque futuram, fed absque magna salutis spe, conjiciebant. | |
Itaque Pater etsi nullos adhuc plane dolores sentiret, atque etiam cum appertitu cibum, nunquam sane cum nausea assumeret, tamen morae impatiens, & quod medicamenta a peritis adhibita lentiora viderentur, ab homine indocto & sanitatem intra paucos dies promittente, nescio quas aquas distillatas, medicamentaque assumpsit, de quarum vi pronuntiare meum non est; illud constat, patrem paulo post excrementa nigerrima, & ore magnam sanguinis vim ejecisse. |