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Written by Will Johnson, email me at or post your comments for public view far below. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License | ![]() | The Knol Self-Tweeter on the left, is designed to work only for an article's author. |
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I'm not yet sure how vague I want to make this. I could obviously include my most popular articles which are all the "Movies on YouTube" series, which I've done. And the articles on television shows you can watch online, like the Twilight Zone. But I think I'm going to try to limit this list to just those articles related to changing your computer or your website in some way (i.e. programming, setting preferences and so on).
This list is already getting too long. What I need to do is go through and remove all my PHP articles to another list!
Disable as default search engine - Restore your original search engine, or at least disable ask as the default search engine.
Disable Google Thumbnails in Firefox and Internet Explorer - Turn off those nasty thumbnails. They make my computer so slow!
Helpsvc.exe Goes Crazy - Some programmer has made Helpsvc.exe chew up all the CPU. I'll show you how to stop it.
Pick, Universe, Unidata resources - User groups, message boards, job listsings, etc. All focused on the Pick Universe, Unidata, Revelation (computer programming) marketplace.
Working with Knol Tables - Knol allows the use of Tables, but here's a little better instruction on doing some fancy things with them.
Working with Knol Tables - Lesson 2 - Even more instruction on doing some fancy things with Knols tables.
What is a Spreadsheet Form? - I don't know what it is, and Knol isn't telling us, so let's experiment!
How to edit your webpage in Firefox - I like to edit my local webpages using Notepad. This is how.
How To Make Money Online, Chapter One - It's all about the money.
How To Make Money Online, Chapter Two - It's all about the money.
How To Make Money Online, Chapter Three - More money, more money.
How To Make Money Online, Chapter Four
Dynamic IP Web Server - And they said nobody was crazy enough to try this!
Integrating local content with your browser - Browse your local files, just as if they were on the Internet.
Javascript : Password Protecting Pages - Add a password to a webpage, pretty good security.
PHP Tutorial
PHP: Lesson 1 "Hello World" - Your first lesson in PHP
PHP: Lesson 2 Variables and Assignment
PHP: Lesson 3 Forms
PHP: Lesson 4 Grab a Web Page into PHP
PHP: Lesson 5 Send Email using a PHP Script
How to Tweet your Knol Updates - Includes code to add a password to a webpage using PHP
How to Tweet your Knol Updates (Page 2)
How to Tweet your Knol Updates (Page 3)
How to Tweet your Knol Updates (Page 4)
How to Tweet your Knol Updates (Page 5)
How to Tweet your Knol Updates (Page 6)
FireFTP Flunks User Interface Class
Knol Color Test : What are my Choices?
HTML Pairwise Color Test
Google Maps and Knol
PHP and a multivalued multi-user database
Members Site - Force Registration - This form and PHP script will require a user register or login with their password (if already registered) and then take them to a members area. The information is written to a file in order to validate against future login attempts.
Cloud Programming - Add two numbers together - Simple example of cloud programming. Two numbers can be pushed in from a previous POST (the fields are "number1" and "number2") or entered on this form. This PHP will add the two numbers and display the result
Clarion TopSpeed - TPS File Structure
Computer Users Groups in Santa Cruz, California
Edit your knol from a sub-section
Parsing Knol's Search Toolkit Results
Parsing Knol's Search Toolkit Results (Page 2)