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At the time I wrote this article, the interface code between Knol and Google Maps was screwed up in some way. You could pull up a Google Map for insertion into your Knol, but you not actually select it. In addition, outside of Knol, Google Maps natively provides either a link or an embed function, but the embed uses the <iframe> which Knol strips out leaving you with just a link. Argh! Can we kludge it to make it work?
When the Google Maps to Knol code is working, your HTML will look something like this example:
<img src="http://www.google.com/chart?cht=d&chdp=sites&chl=%5B%5BGoogle+map%27%3D16%27f%5Cbf%5Chv%27a%5C%3D198%270%27%3D197%270%27dim%27%5Cbox1%27b%5CDBD9BB%27fC%5CDBD9BB%27eC%5C15%27sk%27%5C%5B%22Google+Map%22%27%5Dh%27a%5CV%5C%3D12%27f%5Cbf%5C%5DV%5Cta%5C%3D199%27%3D0%27%3D198%27%3D247%27dim%27%5C%3D199%27%3D0%27%3D198%27%3D247%27vdim%27%5Cbox1%27b%5Cva%5CFFFEF0%27fC%5CDBD9BB%27eC%5Csites_map%27i%5Chv-0-0%27a%5C%5Do%5CLauto%27f%5C" origsrc="maps?q=15533+75th+St+NE+Lake+Stevens,+WA&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&gl=us&ei=tFfKStaMI4H-sgO91q2iBQ&hq=&hnear=15533+75th+St+NE,+Lake+Stevens,+Washington+98258&ll=48.063858,-122.020047&spn=0.118851,0.287704&z=11" type="map" props="align:right;borderTitle:Google Map;height:250;objectTitle:Google Map;showBorder:true;showBorderTitle:true;width:400;wrap:true;" style="margin: 5px 0pt 5px 20px; display: inline; float: right;" width="400" height="250">
Can we pull this weird code apart and then put it back together to show a different location? That's the question. First let's see what this looks like without changes. | Google Map |
Now let's see what happens if we just remove all that gobbly-gook code at the start. It still shows the map. So what's the point of all that weird code? You got me! Maybe that will become clear as we move along. | Google Map |
Next let's remove any indication of where we are, who we are, or how we got here, and just leave "Lake Stevens, WA" as the only address. | Google Map |
Now for the really big test, let's try to hard-code in a completely different location like "Santa Cruz, CA". And it works, ta da! Am I a freakin genius or what? Shut up. | Google Map |
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