The original article on which this one is based, is on my website http://www.countyhistorian.com at "Elizabeth Taylor" on CountyHistorian.
See my article on this same topic Ancestry of Elizabeth Taylor on Examiner.com
The original article on which this one is based, is on my website http://www.countyhistorian.com at "Elizabeth Taylor" on CountyHistorian.
See my article on this same topic Ancestry of Elizabeth Taylor on Examiner.com
Biography of Elizabeth Taylor | |||||
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[Edit] Elizabeth won an Oscar for the film Butterfield 8 in 1960; and for the movie Cleopatra in 1963 she was paid $1 million the highest price for any actress at the time. When Montgomery Clift was side-lined as being uninsurable, Elizabeth agreed to put up her own money as a bond, so he could play opposite her in 1967's ''Reflections in a Golden Eye''. But, since shooting had not commenced at Monty's death, his part was subsequently played by Marlon Brando. (Buy it on VHS, or DVD, or watch it on YouTube Part 1.) If you had been a subscriber to "Chairpotato's Night at the Movies" you could have watched "Reflections in a Golden Eye" on 12 Mar 2010 for free. But it's since that time, been removed from YouTube. |
Further reading
- "Elizabeth Taylor" on Wikipedia
- Hilarious Taylor spoof using Amy Winehouse's "They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab"
The below details showing her ancestry are part of my series Celebrity Family Trees
Francis Lenn Taylor
Francis Lenn Taylor was born 28 Dec 1897 in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, the son of Francis Marion Taylor by his wife Elizabeth Mary Rosemond. The family is living in the town of Cherokee in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, where his father, also named Francis "Frank" is listed in the 1910 U.S. Federal Census, as a salesman in a dry goods store. C. David Heymann in his "Liz: An Intimate Biography of Elizabeth Taylor" states that his father "operated the local general store" (p13). He there quotes Nona Smith, a classmate of Francis' from Cherokee, as saying that all the girls thought Francis was "very handsome". But C. David seems to confuse where Elizabeth's parents Francis and Sarah first met, thinking it was in this town.
By 1915 the Taylors had moved to Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, where they are all listed living together in Kansas' Special State Census that year. His father became a traveling salesman by 1920 which was then most commonly known as a "Commercial Traveler", which is how he is listed in the federal census that year. It's very likely that Francis had first met his future wife Sarah Viola Warmbrodt in Arkansas City, since she was also living in that same city with her parents from 1900 to at least 1920. Since she was about fifteen months older then he, they must have gone to the same high school together. Her parents are said to have at first opposed the friendship, as she was a year ahead of him in school.
Francis next appears living in 1917/18 in St Louis, Missouri on his World War I Draft Registration Card, where he lists himself as "secretary to Howard Young", who had married Mabel Rosemond (1880-1955), his mother's younger sister. Francis' uncle Howard Young (1878-1972), living in St Louis, had taken a small photography studio, and developed an art buying and selling business. He took Francis with him to be his secretary, but by 1920, Howard, Mabel and Francis had all relocated to New York City. Where that year, they are all living at 620 Fifth Avenue.
In 1922 Francis was living at 34 West 58th Street, while Howard and Mabel lived in the Carlton House. In Jul 1925 he is living at 634 Fifth Avenue. In Jul 1926 he is living at 55 55th Street. Meanwhile, Sarah, who had moved with her own parents to California, became a stage actress, using the name "Sara Sothern". In one newspaper article from this time period it describes her as having been a resident of Lawndale, California. She played parts in various cities including extended work in New York City. Perhaps Francis and Sarah bumped into each other there again. However they managed to meet and court, they ended up getting married 23 Oct 1926 in New York City.
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Image Source: http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/2993876.jpg |
In Jul 1927, Francis and Sara Taylor are living at 55 55th Street. The family moved to London when Francis was transferred to manage Young's London gallery. The exact date or even year is not yet known to me but on 4 Dec 1929, sailing from Southampton and arriving in New York City 12 Dec 1929 I find "Francis Lenn Taylor, born Springfield, Illinois 28 Dec 1897; Sara W Taylor, born Arkansas City, Kansas 21 Aug 1895; and Howard Francis Taylor, 5 months old, (birthplace not specified); Address in U.S.: Madison Hotel, New York City"
On 9 Dec 1930, sailing from Southampton and arriving in New York City, I find: "Francis Taylor, Sara, and Howard" all then living at "2 East 70th Street, New York City". On 19 Jul 1934 sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City, I find: "Francis Taylor, Sarah, Howard and Elizabeth" all then living at "677 5th Avenue, New York City".
Evidently their oldest child Howard was born in London, and this is how their daughter Elizabeth Taylor came to be born in London a few years after Howard.
On 20 Nov 1936, sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City : "Francis Taylor, Sarah, Howard born 27 Jun 1929 London, and Elizabeth born 27 Feb 1932 London" then living at "2 E 70th Street, New York City". On 21 Oct 1939, sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City, Francis Taylor, born in Springfield 1897, living at 1 E 57th St, New York City".
Just before the start of World War II, they moved again to Los Angeles, California in or around 1939, where Francis ran an art gallery in Beverly Hills. In the 1946 California Voter's Registration in Beverly Hills I find : "Francis L Taylor, Mrs Sara S Taylor, 703 N Elm Dr" both listed as Republican. They are still listed there through 1954, still both listed as Republican. In Apr 1958, Francis and Sara went together to London for a month. Francis died in his sleep, 20 Nov 1968 "at his Bel Air home" and is buried in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery, Westwood, California.
Primary Sources for 2
- 1910 Census of Cherokee Ward 3, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma : "Frank M Taylor, 49, married first time, 20 years ago, IN/IN/IN, Salesman, Dry Goods Store, Owns Home; Elizabeth Taylor, 41, married first time, 20 years ago, mother of 2, 2 living, OH/OH/OH; John A Taylor 16, IL; Francis L Taylor 12, IL"
- 1915 Special State Census of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas : "F M Taylor, 53, born Indiana, Commercial Traveler; Elizabeth, 40, born Illinois; Francis 17, born Illinois"
- U.S. Ship Passengers
- California Voting Registers
- California Death Index
- "Francis Taylor", obituary, Evening Times
Secondary Sources for 2
"Francis Lenn Taylor" on Wikipedia"Famous Folks: Elizabeth Taylor", hosted on Genealogy.com (not BY them)
Sarah Viola Warmbrodt
"Sara Sothern" Sarah Viola Warmbrodt in 1925 |
Sarah Viola Warmbrodt was born 21 Aug 1896 in Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, the daughter of Samuel Sylvester Warmbrodt by his wife Anna Elizabeth Wilson.
On the detailed points of Sarah's early life, I have started a blog entry here to tweeze out all the content we can. I've also written up more-or-less the same points on Knol in my article "Early Life of Sara Sothern, mother of Elizabeth Taylor"
In 1920 Sarah is living with her parents in Arkansas City, Kansas, but by 1924, her father had moved to Lawndale, California. Sarah became a stage actress using the name "Sara Sothern", acting both in New York City and elsewhere. An early press clipping reports her as having come to the stage from her home in Lawndale. By 1928 however, her father (and mother?) had relocated to the town of San Gabriel, California.
As "Sara Sothern Waimbrodt", she arrived 16 Aug 1924 in Southampton, England, from New York City, her proposed address being the Hotel Metropolis, London. By 1926, she was back in New York City where a chance meeting with Francis at a nightclub, started or rekindled a romance.
Sarah married 23 Oct 1926 in New York City, New York to Francis Lenn Taylor, whereupon she retired from the stage. In Jul 1927, Francis and Sara Taylor are living at 55 55th Street. Sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City 13 Dec 1927 I find: "Francis Taylor, Sara" then living at "55 W 55th Street, New York City". Sailing from Southampton 15 Jul 1928, arriving in New York City, I find: "Francis Taylor, Sara" then living at "35 West 55th Street, New York City". The exact date or even year that they relocated to London, is not yet known to me but on 4 Dec 1929, sailing from Southampton and arriving in New York City 12 Dec 1929 I find "Francis Lenn Taylor, born Springfield, Illinois 28 Dec 1897; Sara W Taylor, born Arkansas City, Kansas 21 Aug 1895; and Howard Francis Taylor, 5 months old, (birthplace not specified); Address in U.S.: Madison Hotel, New York City"
On the detailed points of Sarah's early life, I have started a blog entry here to tweeze out all the content we can. I've also written up more-or-less the same points on Knol in my article "Early Life of Sara Sothern, mother of Elizabeth Taylor"
In 1920 Sarah is living with her parents in Arkansas City, Kansas, but by 1924, her father had moved to Lawndale, California. Sarah became a stage actress using the name "Sara Sothern", acting both in New York City and elsewhere. An early press clipping reports her as having come to the stage from her home in Lawndale. By 1928 however, her father (and mother?) had relocated to the town of San Gabriel, California.
As "Sara Sothern Waimbrodt", she arrived 16 Aug 1924 in Southampton, England, from New York City, her proposed address being the Hotel Metropolis, London. By 1926, she was back in New York City where a chance meeting with Francis at a nightclub, started or rekindled a romance.
Sarah married 23 Oct 1926 in New York City, New York to Francis Lenn Taylor, whereupon she retired from the stage. In Jul 1927, Francis and Sara Taylor are living at 55 55th Street. Sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City 13 Dec 1927 I find: "Francis Taylor, Sara" then living at "55 W 55th Street, New York City". Sailing from Southampton 15 Jul 1928, arriving in New York City, I find: "Francis Taylor, Sara" then living at "35 West 55th Street, New York City". The exact date or even year that they relocated to London, is not yet known to me but on 4 Dec 1929, sailing from Southampton and arriving in New York City 12 Dec 1929 I find "Francis Lenn Taylor, born Springfield, Illinois 28 Dec 1897; Sara W Taylor, born Arkansas City, Kansas 21 Aug 1895; and Howard Francis Taylor, 5 months old, (birthplace not specified); Address in U.S.: Madison Hotel, New York City"
On 9 Dec 1930, sailing from Southampton and arriving in New York City, I find: "Francis Taylor, Sara, and Howard" all then living at "2 East 70th Street, New York City". On 19 Jul 1934 sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City, I find: "Francis Taylor, Sarah, Howard and Elizabeth" all then living at "677 5th Avenue, New York City". We get the proof that Howard and Elizabeth were both born in London on 20 Nov 1936, sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City : "Francis Taylor, Sarah, Howard born 27 Jun 1929 London, and Elizabeth born 27 Feb 1932 London" then living at "2 E 70th Street, New York City".
Arriving in Southampton Mar 1937 from New York : "Francis L Taylor, Art Dealer; Sara, Howard and Elizabeth" then living at "8 Wildwood Road, London, NW11". Sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City, 27 Apr 1939 I find: "Sara W Taylor, Howard, Elizabeth" all then living at "1719 Fairview Ave, San Gabriel, California." In the 1946 California Voter's Registration in Beverly Hills I find : "Francis L Taylor, Mrs Sara S Taylor, 703 N Elm Dr" both listed as Republican. Sailing from Southampton, arriving in New York City, 9 Sep 1947 I find: "Sara Taylor, Elizabeth" then living at "703 Elm Drive, Beverley Hills, California". They are still listed there through 1954, still both listed as Republican. In Apr 1958, Francis and Sara went together to London for a month.
Sara died at age 99 on 11 Sep 1994 in Palm Springs, Riverside County, California. She is interred beside her husband in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery, Westwood, California.
Primary sources for 3
- 1900 Census of Arkansas Ward 4, Cowley County, Kansas : "Samuel Warmbrodt, 37, IL; Anna E Warmbrodt, 36, OH; Wilson M Warmbrodt, 7, KS; Sarah Warmbrodt, 3, KS"
- 1920 Census of Arkansas Ward 4, Cowley County, Kansas : "Sam Warmbrodt, 57, IL/Switzerland/KY; Anna Warmbrodt, 55, OH/OH/OH; Sarah Warmbrodt, 23, KS/IL/OH"
- U.S. Ship Passengers
- California Voting Registers
- ''New York Times'', 27 Jan 1954, display ad "In the February Journal" "The girl who had everything, but --" "Elizabeth Taylor" "my daughter" "by Sara Sothern Taylor" "Growing up can be even harder when you're beautiful and famous! ....the true story of the price her daughter paid for being too beautiful."
- California Death Index as "Sara Southern Taylor, born 21 Aug 1895 Kansas, died 11 Sep 1994 Riverside County, mother's maiden name Wilson"
Secondary sources for 3
- "Sara Sothern" on Wikipedia
- WorldConnect
- "Sara Sothern" at the Internet Broadway Database
- "Famous Folks: Elizabeth Taylor", hosted on Genealogy.com (not BY them)
Francis Marion Taylor
Francis Marion "Frank" Taylor was born in 1860 in Indiana. He married Elizabeth Mary Rosemond. In 1897 the family lived in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois as this is where their second son Francis was born that year. However in 1910 they are enumerated in the US Federal Census living in Cherokee, Oklahoma where they had bought a house and where Frank was a salesman in a dry goods store. They may not have lived there long, as I next find them in 1915 in Arkansas City, Kansas. They are still living there in 1920 when we learn also that Frank had become a traveling salesman, then more commonly known as a "Commercial traveler". Elizabeth died in 1937, and Francis died in 1946, I'm not yet sure where either of them died or are buried.Primary Sources for 4
- 1910 Census of Cherokee Ward 3, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma : "Frank M Taylor, 49, married first time, 20 years ago, IN/IN/IN, Salesman, Dry Goods Store, Owns Home; Elizabeth Taylor, 41, married first time, 20 years ago, mother of 2, 2 living, OH/OH/OH; John A Taylor 16, IL; Francis L Taylor 12, IL"
- 1915 Special State Census of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas : "F M Taylor, 53, born Indiana, Commercial Traveler; Elizabeth, 40, born Illinois; Francis 17, born Illinois"
- 1920 Census of Arkansas Ward 1, Cowley County, Kansas : "Francis M Taylor, 56, IN/KY/KY; Elizabeth M Taylor, 48, OH/OH/OH"
Elizabeth Mary Rosemond
Elizabeth Mary Rosemond was born in 1869 in Ohio. She married Francis Marion Taylor. Her sister Mabel married Howard Young. In 1897 the family lived in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois as this is where their second son Francis was born that year. However in 1910 they are enumerated in the US Federal Census living in Cherokee, Oklahoma where they had bought a house and where Frank was a salesman in a dry goods store. They may not have lived there long, as I next find them in 1915 in Arkansas City, Kansas. They are still living there in 1920 when we learn also that Frank had become a traveling salesman, then more commonly known as a "Commercial traveler". Elizabeth died in 1937, and Francis died in 1946, I'm not yet sure where either of them died or are buried.Primary Sources for 5
- 1910 Census of Cherokee Ward 3, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma : "Frank M Taylor, 49, married first time, 20 years ago, IN/IN/IN, Salesman, Dry Goods Store, Owns Home; Elizabeth Taylor, 41, married first time, 20 years ago, mother of 2, 2 living, OH/OH/OH; John A Taylor 16, IL; Francis L Taylor 12, IL"
- 1915 Special State Census of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas : "F M Taylor, 53, born Indiana, Commercial Traveler; Elizabeth, 40, born Illinois; Francis 17, born Illinois"
- 1920 Census of Arkansas Ward 1, Cowley County, Kansas : "Francis M Taylor, 56, IN/KY/KY; Elizabeth M Taylor, 48, OH/OH/OH"
Samuel Sylvester Warmbrodt
Samuel Sylvester Warmbrodt was born 8 Oct 1861 in Illinois.Samuel died 6 Jan 1948 in Los Angeles County, California.
Primary sources for 6
- 1900 Census of Arkansas Ward 4, Cowley County, Kansas : "Samuel Warmbrodt, 37, IL; Anna E Warmbrodt, 36, OH; Wilson M Warmbrodt, 7, KS; Sarah Warmbrodt, 3, KS"
- 1905 Kansas Special State Census of Arkansas City, Cowley County
- 1910 Census of Arkansas City Ward 4, Cowley County, Kansas
- 1915 Kansas Special State Census of Arkansas City, Cowley County
- 1920 Census of Arkansas Ward 4, Cowley County, Kansas : "Sam Warmbrodt, 57, IL/Switzerland/KY; Anna Warmbrodt, 55, OH/OH/OH; Sarah Warmbrodt, 23, KS/IL/OH"
- California Death Index
Anna Elizabeth Wilson
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Congratulations for the success of the knol
Good that you posted this knol also in your series of knols.
Narayana Rao - 24 Mar 2011When people are searching for it, it is there to satisfy their need for information.