Francis Settle (d. 1707)


In Nov 2007, the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century, approved the application, National 37042, of Mrs Cleo Carmen Wilcoxson Carter Holden to join their organization based on her stated ancestor Francis Settle (d. 1707)

She states that this Francis Settle had a wife named Elizabeth  [possibly Bruce], and that this Francis lived in the colonies from 1656 to 1707

The most relevant part of the proofs submit to the Colonial Dames, simply refer to pages from a book called "The Settle-Suttle Family", by Wm. Emmett Reese.  The application presented, does not repeat what evidences are there given, only gives page numbers in this book as the proofs.

The final page of the application, states that Francis Settle purchased 400 acres from Wm. Barber 7 Sep 1664 Old Rappahannock DB 2, p429 also citing the book Settle-Suttle Family as the underlying source for this.