The Royal Ancestry Bible

3400 Pedigree charts showing the way in which many American colonists descend from royalty.

The Royal Ancestry Bible: A 3,400 Pedigree Chart (Hardcover) by Michel L. Call (Author)


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List of the Colonists whose ancestry is given in the Royal Ancestry Bible (full version)
Also see the condensed version

Robert Abell
Dannett Abney
Paul Abney
Paul Abney
Jane Allen
Elizabeth Alsop
John Alston
John Alston
Samuel Appleton
Samuel Appleton
Alicia Arnold
Anne Arundell
William Asfordby
Walter Aston
Walter Aston
Barbara Aubrey
Ann Elizabeth Baillie
Kenneth Baillie
Robert Barclay
Charles Barham
Margaret Barkham
Margaret Barley
Anne Barne
Charles Barnes
Jane Basset
Lancelot Bathurst
Christopher Batt
Paul Batt
Henry Batte
John Baynard
Anne Baynton
Marmaduke Beckwith
Anne Bell
Barbara Bennet
William Berkeley
Francis Bernard
Richard Bernard
Richard Bernard
William Bernard
Elizabeth Bevan
John Bevan
Essex Beville
John Beville
Joseph Bickley
William Bladen
George Blakiston
Marmaduke Blakiston
Nehemiah Blakiston
Joseph Bolles
Thomas Booth
Elizabeth Bosville
Godfrey Bosville
Elizabeth Boteler
John Boteler
Mary Bourchier
Griffith Bowen
Mary Bowen
Thomas Bradbury
Christopher Branch
George Brent
Giles Brent
Thomas Bressie
Abigail Brewster
Mary Brokesby
Edward Bromfield
Nathaniel Browne
Obadiah Bruen
Edward Bulkeley
Elizabeth Bulkeley
Martha Bulkeley
Peter Bulkeley
Peter Bulkeley
Stephen Bull
Isabel Burnett
George Burrough
Nathaniel Burrough
George Burroughs  Sarah Bye  Thomas Bye John Cadwalader
Jane verch Cadwaladr Christopher Calthorpe  Cecil Calvert  Charles Calvert  Edward Carleton
 John Carleton  George Carrington  James Cary  John Cary  John Cary
 Miles Cary  William Cary  Anne Cavendish Thomas Chamberlayne Francis Champernoun
 Charles Chauncy  Kenelm Cheseldine  Grace Chetwode  Wiseman Clagett  Jeremy Clarke
Matthew Clarkson  James Claypoole  John Claypoole  Norton Claypoole  Elizabeth Cleeve
 Arabella Clinton  Thomas Clinton  Walter Clopton  William Clopton  St Leger Codd
 John Coke  Anthony Collamore  John Collamore  Frances Corbin  Henry Corbin
 Anna Corderoy  Matthias Corwin  Anne Covert  Elizabeth Covert  Elizabeth Coytemore
 John Cranston  Samuel Cranston  John Craycroft  James Cudworth  Frances Culpepper
 John Culpepper  Thomas Culpepper  George Curwen  Francis Dade  Magdalen Dalyell
 John Davenport  Humphrey Davie  Margaret Davis  Frances Deighton  Jane Deighton
Katherine Deighton  Anne Derehaugh  Edward Digges  Daniel Dobyns  Mary Drake
 Robert Drake  Thomas Dudley  Archibald Dunlop  John ap Edward  George Elkington
 Eleanor Ellis  Rowland Ellis  Alice Eltonhead  Martha Eltonhead  Richard Eltonhead
 Cadwalader Evans  John Evans  John Evans  Judith Everard  Richard Everard
 William Fairfax  William Farrar  John Fenwick  John Fenwick  Henry Filmer
 John Fisher Edward FitzRandolph Charlotte FitzRoy  Henry Fleete  Margaret Fleming
 Edward Foliot  Edward Foulke  Gerard Fowke  Mary Fox  Mary Foxall
 Alice Freeman  Thomas Gerard Elizabeth Gibbes  Robert Gibbes  Anna Maria Gill
 William Goddard  Thomas Gordon Ferdinando Gorges  Thomas Greene  Margaret Greville
 Muriel Gurdon  Mary Gye Margaret Halsmode  Katherine Hamby  Mabel Harlakenden
 Elizabeth Harleston  John Harleston John Harleston  Agnes Harris  Dorothy Harris
 Jane Haviland  Edmond Hawes Elizabeth Haynes  John Henry  Patrick Henry
 Joshua Henshaw  Ralph Hilton  John Hinton  George Home  Maria Horsmanden
 Warham Horsmanden  Patrick Houston  Margaret Huberd  Ellen Hughes  Anne Humphrey
 Daniel Humphrey  Owen Humphrey  William Ironmonger  John Irvine  Henry Isham
 Thomas James  Edmund Jennings  Gilbert Jones  Mary Jones  Henry Josselyn
 Edmund Kempe  Matthew Kempe  Joseph Kirkbride  Anne Knollys  Elizabeth Knyvett
 Dorothy Lane  Mary Laune  Jane Lawrence  Mary Lawrence  Thomas Lawrence
 Thomas Lawrence  William Lawrence  Christopher Lawson  Charlotte Lee  Dorothy Lee
 William Leete  Lucy Legh  Samuel Levis  Evan Robert Lewis  Thomas Ligon
 David Lindsay  Nathaniel Littleton  Robert Livingston  Robert Livingston  Ann Lloyd
 Thomas Lloyd  James Logan  Anne Lovelace  William Lovelace  Henry Lowe
 Jane Lowe  Vincent Lowe  Percival Lowell  Gabriel Ludlow  Roger Ludlow
 Sarah Ludlow  Sarah Ludlow  Thomas Ludlow  Katherine Lunsford  Thomas Lunsford
 Simon Lynde  Agnes Mackworth  Richard Mackworth  Alexander Magruder  Mary Mainwaring
 Oliver Mainwaring  Martha Mallory  Roger Mallory  Elizabeth Mansfield  Anne Marbury
 Catherine Marbury  Elizabeth Marshall  Anne Mauleverer  Oliver Mellowes  Barbara Mitford
 William Montgomery  Richard More  Ellen Morris  George Morton  James Murray
 James Neale  James Neale  Joseph Need  John Nelson  Philip Nelson
 Thomas Nelson  Cecily Neville  Thomas Newberry  Ellen Newton  Charles Norwood
 William Norwood  James Nourse  Increase Nowell  John Ogle  Griffith Owen
 Joshua Owen  Rebecca Owen  Robert Owen  Robert Owen  Thomas Owsley
 John Oxenbridge  Theodora Oxenbridge  Richard Palgrave  Richard Parker  Herbert Pelham
 Penelope Pelham  Samuel Penhallow  Robert Peyton  Richard Plantagenet  William Poole
 George Popham  John Prescott  Ralph Prescott  Hannah Price  Joan Price
 Robert Pugh  Edward Rainsford  Henry Randolph  Isham Randolph  William Randolph
 George Reade  Anne Rich  Lewis Richards  Gainor Roberts  John Roberts
 Margaret Roberts  Charles Rodes  John Rodes  William Rodney  Thomas Rudyard
 Walter Rutherford  Elizabeth St John  Katherine St Leger  Warham St Leger  Nathaniel Saltonstall
Richard Saltonstall  William Sargent  Anthony Savage  Euphan Scott  John Seton
 Henry Sewall  William Skepper Diana Skipwith  Lawrence Smith  Mildred Smith
William Snelling  Charles Somerset  Maria Johanna Somerset  Edward Southworth  Alexander Spotswood
 Myles Standish  Dorothy Stapleton  John Stockman  Anne Storer  Rose Stoughton
 John Stratton  William Strother  Christian Stuart  Anne Sutton  George Talbot
 James Taylor  Paul Thorndike  John Throckmorton  Robert Throckmorton  Richard Tilghman
 Lawrence Towneley  Lawrence Towneley  Mary Towneley  Thomas Trowbridge  Martha Truman
 Henry Tucker  Margaret Tyndall  Humphrey Underhill  Mary Underhill  Henry Vane
 Sophia Van Lodensteyn  Jan Otten Van Tuyl  Jane Vaughan  James Veatch  Jemima Waldegrave
 John Waller  Thomasine Ward  Thomas Warren  John Washburn  John Washburn
 William Washburn  John Washington  John Washington  Lawrence Washington  Lawrence Washington
 Richard Waters  Olive Welby  Mary Wentworth  William Wentworth  John West
 Thomas West  Jabez Whitaker  William Whitaker  Henry Whitfield  John Whitney
 Elizabeth Williams  Ellis Williams  John Wilson  Thomas Wingfield  Edward Winslow
 John Wiseman  Mary Wolseley  Walter Wolseley  Frances Woodward  Emmanuel Woolley
 Peter Worden  Peter Worden  Frances Wray  Nicholas Wright  Robert Wright
 George Wyatt  Hawte Wyatt  Margaret Wyatt  Henry Wyche  Henry Wyche
 Amy Wyllys  Thomas Wynne  Thomas Yale  Thomas Yale  George Yate

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