This knol written and copyright 2011 by Will Johnson, wjhonson@aol.com, Professional Genealogist
The numbers next to the headings below, indicate the position of that person in the Ahnentafel (Ancestor Table) with Mary herself in position 1.
1 Mary Lutyens
Mary Lutyens was born 31 Jul 1908, the daughter of Edwin Landseer Lutyens and his wife Emily Bulwer-Lytton. Her mother Emily became an adherent of the Theosophical Society and by this Mary was introduced to Krishnamurti. She became his most authoritative biographer, writing a multi-volume work on his life.
2 Edwin Landseer Lutyens
3 Emily Bulwer-Lytton
Emily was born 26 Dec 1874. She married Edwin Landseer Lutyens. She became an adherent of the Theosphical Society. She died 3 Jan 1964.
6 Edward Robert, 1st Earl Lytton
7 Edith Villiers
12 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
13 Rosina Doyle Wheeler
Rosina Anne Doyle Wheeler was born 2 Nov 1802 at Ballywire near Limerick as the fifth child and fifth daughter of Frances Massey Wheeler of Ballywire; esq; and his wife Anne Doyle. At a literary party she met the young Edward Bulwer-Lytton later to become a famous author, but then only known as winning a poetry prize. They married 29 Aug 1827 at St James' Picadilly, and moved to the country. They had two children, Emily who died age 20 and Edward later the first Earl Lytton. By Rosina's later account, Edward was a vicious and unscrupulous man who physically and mentally abused her, squandered her inheritance, had mistresses under her nose, forced her to live in the country without money or friends, despised everyone she knew, took her children from her, and drove her away without a living. Eventually he even had her confined for some weeks in a madhouse. Her revenge was to write all of this down and have it published, which was done both in her lifetime, and in more detail shortly after her death. Prior to this however, she discusses her own "Wasted Life" in a journal she kept in 1835, which was later published at this link. Her son also published a biography of his father but glossing over his bad qualities. It was left to the grandson of this union to publish a truly unbiased attempt to envision both partners in this ill-fated marriage.
14 Edward Earnest Villiers
15 Elizabeth Charlotte Liddell
24 William Earle Bulwer of Heydon Hall
25 Elizabeth Barbara Lytton
26 Francis Massey Wheeler of Ballywire
Born 1776
27 Anne Doyle
28 George Villiers
29 Theresa Parker
30 Thomas Liddell, 1st Baron Ravensworth
31 Maria Susannah Simpson
50 Richard Warburton Lytton of Knebworth
52 Hugh Trevor Wheeler of Ballywire, co Limerick
53 Charlotte Massey
54 Nicholas Milley Doyle, Archdeacon
55 Anna Dunbar
56 Thomas Villiers, 1st Earl of Clarendon
57 Charlotte Capell
58 John Parker, 1st Baron Boringdon
59 Theresa Robinson
60 Henry Liddell, Knt and 5th Bnt
61 Elizabeth Steele
62 John Simpson
63 Anne Lyon
106 Hugh Massey, 2nd Lord Massey of Hermitage
107 Catherine Taylor of Ballymore
212 Hugh Massey, 1st Lord Massey 1776-
213 Mary Dawson
424 Hugh Massey
425 Elizabeth Evans
426 John Dawson of Newforest, co Tipperary; Col
850 George Evans of Bulgaddon Hall, co Limerick
851 Mary Eyre
1702 John Eyre of Eyre Court Castle
1703 Margery Preston
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English Knol Project
This knol written and copyright 2011 by Will Johnson, wjhonson@aol.com, Professional Genealogist
The numbers next to the headings below, indicate the position of that person in the Ahnentafel (Ancestor Table) with Mary herself in position 1.
See Also: Artists descended from royalty
1 Mary Lutyens
Mary Lutyens was born 31 Jul 1908, the daughter of Edwin Landseer Lutyens and his wife Emily Bulwer-Lytton. Her mother Emily became an adherent of the Theosophical Society and by this Mary was introduced to Krishnamurti. She became his most authoritative biographer, writing a multi-volume work on his life.
2 Edwin Landseer Lutyens
3 Emily Bulwer-Lytton
Emily was born 26 Dec 1874. She married Edwin Landseer Lutyens. She became an adherent of the Theosphical Society. She died 3 Jan 1964.
6 Edward Robert, 1st Earl Lytton
7 Edith Villiers
12 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
13 Rosina Doyle Wheeler
Rosina Anne Doyle Wheeler was born 2 Nov 1802 at Ballywire near Limerick as the fifth child and fifth daughter of Frances Massey Wheeler of Ballywire; esq; and his wife Anne Doyle. At a literary party she met the young Edward Bulwer-Lytton later to become a famous author, but then only known as winning a poetry prize. They married 29 Aug 1827 at St James' Picadilly, and moved to the country. They had two children, Emily who died age 20 and Edward later the first Earl Lytton. By Rosina's later account, Edward was a vicious and unscrupulous man who physically and mentally abused her, squandered her inheritance, had mistresses under her nose, forced her to live in the country without money or friends, despised everyone she knew, took her children from her, and drove her away without a living. Eventually he even had her confined for some weeks in a madhouse. Her revenge was to write all of this down and have it published, which was done both in her lifetime, and in more detail shortly after her death. Prior to this however, she discusses her own "Wasted Life" in a journal she kept in 1835, which was later published at this link. Her son also published a biography of his father but glossing over his bad qualities. It was left to the grandson of this union to publish a truly unbiased attempt to envision both partners in this ill-fated marriage.
14 Edward Earnest Villiers
15 Elizabeth Charlotte Liddell
24 William Earle Bulwer of Heydon Hall
25 Elizabeth Barbara Lytton
26 Francis Massey Wheeler of Ballywire
Born 1776
27 Anne Doyle
28 George Villiers
29 Theresa Parker
30 Thomas Liddell, 1st Baron Ravensworth
31 Maria Susannah Simpson
50 Richard Warburton Lytton of Knebworth
52 Hugh Trevor Wheeler of Ballywire, co Limerick
53 Charlotte Massey
54 Nicholas Milley Doyle, Archdeacon
55 Anna Dunbar
56 Thomas Villiers, 1st Earl of Clarendon
57 Charlotte Capell
58 John Parker, 1st Baron Boringdon
59 Theresa Robinson
60 Henry Liddell, Knt and 5th Bnt
61 Elizabeth Steele
62 John Simpson
63 Anne Lyon
106 Hugh Massey, 2nd Lord Massey of Hermitage
107 Catherine Taylor of Ballymore
212 Hugh Massey, 1st Lord Massey 1776-
213 Mary Dawson
424 Hugh Massey
425 Elizabeth Evans
426 John Dawson of Newforest, co Tipperary; Col
850 George Evans of Bulgaddon Hall, co Limerick
851 Mary Eyre
1702 John Eyre of Eyre Court Castle
1703 Margery Preston
See Also: Artists descended from royalty