English Speaking Knolians

List of Knol-authors who write in English



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Add your name in alphabetical order (of Firstname)  here!

Abdullah al-Ghafri
Ahmed Alghamry
Al Jameson
Alec Radford
Artur Barrera 
Aubron Wood

Barry Myatt
Bill Seemiller
Bob Roger
Christine Kleinert
Craig Goldwyn
Dr. Mandi

Ellis Peterson
Eugene Schwartz
Fran Gangloff
Fred Feldon
Gayle Olson
Gerd Zeitler
Gil Carlson

Hamoda Alasuity
Harry Amon
Heather Clark
Jamil Abboud
Jeff Glauner
Johnson C. Philip

Khuda Dad Azara
Kit Fremin
Luk Van Loock
Manuel Menendez
Manjil Saikia
Mark Boucher
Michael A Rizzotti
Minoo Bhagia
Mohanad Abdalla

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
Nevil Darukhanawala
Nitin Krishan
NL Shraman
Phil Kongtcheu

Randall Kleinert
Roger Browne
Sajid Khan
Silverio Carugo
Sinclair McLaren

T.A. Schneider
Wael Kdouh
Will Johnson
Włodzimierz Holsztyński
Yousef Al-Sharif

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