Books on the Pick Operating System

by Will Johnson

(fHdc) List of books about the Pick Operating System which includes: Pick, Universe, Unidata, mvBase, mvEnterprise, D3, Revelation, OpenInsight, Reality, Ultimate, General Automation, Cache, OpenQM and JBase marketplace.


Written 2011 by Will Johnson for Fast Forward Technologies
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"Books on the Pick Operating System" on Knol, by Will Johnson
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This article was spun-off its parent article Pick, Universe, Unidata resources because I discovered many more books than I had expected.  If you want to know much more about Pick please visit that link first.

The Pick operating system is named for it's co-creator Richard A "Dick" Pick (d. 19 Oct 1994).  Pick was originally specialized for rapid software development with frequently changing requirements.  They called it a generalized information system.

I am a Pick / Universe software developer, specializing in collaborative software, social media, Javascript, and PHP.  I am available to answer your questions by telephone, or to work on your contract software development needs. I am an expert in Pick BASIC programming, and also in developing your websites. Contact me at

I know of the following mass-market books (as opposed to vendor manuals) which cover Pick, sorted below by publication date.  Each of these is a link to where you can buy this book on Amazon

  1. Pick for users, by Martin Taylor, Blackwell Scientific, Distributed in North America by Computer Science Press (1985) ISBN 063201492X
  2. Pick: The Easy Way : Expanded Theory and Operation by Matthew H. Stern (Jan 1986) ISBN 0936477024
  3. Pick the Easy Way: Database and Word Processing for the New User, by Matthew H Stern and Betsy Pollock, Comprehensive Information Sciences (June 1986) ISBN 0936477016
  4. The PICK Operating System, by Roger J. Bourdon; Addison Wesley (Jan 1987) ISBN 0201180553
  5. The Pick Operating System, by Joseph St. John Bate and Mike Wyatt; Van Nostrand Reinhold Computer (Jan 1987) ISBN 0442292767
  6. The Pick Operating System, by Malcolm Bull; Chapman & Hall (Feb 1987) ISBN 041228040X
  7. Pick pocket guide: Version IV, by Jonathan E Sisk, part of The Pick Library; JES & Associates; 4th edition (1988) ASIN B00072PA1K
  8. The Pick Perspective, by Ian Jeffrey Sandler, part of The Pick Library edited by Jonathan E Sisk, Tab Books (Feb 1989) ISBN 0830631232
  9. Exploring the Pick Operating System, by Jonathan E Sisk, Steve Van Arsdale, Sams Publishing (Jan 1989) ISBN 0672484129
  10. Programming With IBM PC Basic and the Pick Database System, by David L. Clark, part of The Pick Library; Tab Books (Nov 1989) ISBN 0830633227
  11. Pick for the IBM PC and Compatibles, by John W. Winters and Dale E. Winters, part of The Pick Library; Tab Books  (Jan 1990) ISBN 0830631526
  12. A Guide to the Pick System, by Dale Dougherty, part of The Pick Series; Orient Book Distribution (Jan 1990) ISBN 0937175439
  13. Pick Access: A Guide to the Sma/Retrieval Language, by Walter Gallant, part of The Pick Series; O'Reilly Media (Jan 1990) ISBN 0937175412
  14. Pick for Professionals: Advanced Methods and Techniques, by Harvey E Rodstein, part of The Pick Library edited by Jonathan E Sisk; Tab Books (Feb 1990) ISBN 0830601252
  15. PICK for users, by Martin Taylor; part of the Professional & Industrial Computing Series; Alfred Waller Ltd (Jun 1990) ISBN 0632027916
  16. Pick Master Dictionary: A Reference Guide to User Accounts, by Walter Gallant and O'Reilly & Associates Inc, part of The Pick Series, O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (August 1, 1990)
  17. Advanced Pick : a manager's handbook, by Nigel Jonas and Margaret Aldis, Syntagma Systems Literature (Oct 1990)
  18. Pick BASIC : a reference guide, by Linda Mui, part of The Pick Series, O’Reilly & Associates, 1990
  19. Pick for humans : a powerful business system made plain, by James Binney and Mark Newman, Computing Mcgraw-Hill (Nov 1991)
  20. Access, the Pick Enquiry Language (Chapman and Hall Computing), by Malcolm Bull, Chapman & Hall (February 1991)
  21. Pick Pocket Guide by Jonathan E. Sisk, part of The Pick Library (Nov 1991)
  22. EPICK : Encyclopedia Pick Manual, Version 1.0.4 (1993), 747 pages
  23. The Pick Programming Language: Basic, by Malcolm Bull (Chapman and Hall Computing), 1994
  24. Advanced Pick: Open Database and Operating System, by Roger J Bourdon, Addison Wesley Longman; 2 Sub edition (June 1995) ISBN 0201876965

Brian Leach has four privately printed books on Pick available for sale at

Rocket has all of their manuals online at:

Starting in the 1980s Pick Systems began publishing a book called "Pick Hits", which listed several hundred pages of software application vendors.  The first printing I remember was a smaller red book about the shape of a Reader's Digest, but a bit thicker.  A few years later, I purchased a large grey book about the shape of an encyclopedia.  I got rid of both of these copies over a decade ago, and now that I'm a historian, I wish I would have kept them.  Many articles could be created out of them today.  Pete Schellenbach of AccuSoft recently sent me yet another edition.  This is a large red covered spiral bound edition. which states copyright 1988 and inside a forward by Dick Pick states : "In this fifth printing of Pick Hits, we briefly outline more than 1,500 vertical applications, as well as nearly 200 horizontal applications and productivity tools.... we have included listings for Pick dealers, programmers and consultants... training centers, user groups and Pick licensees."

See Also