We at the 4th R Foundation Have Figured Out How to Make Our Lives Sublime
/EINPresswire.com/We at the 4th R Foundation Have Figured Out the Relationship Between Brain and Mind; Knowledge We Need to Replace Ignorance With Wisdom to Make Our Lives Sublime.Many of the this-worldly realities we treat as other-worldly are only due to our ignorance of the true nature of our brains and minds. The limits of our understanding about the next world is mixed up with our limited understanding of this world. Please take a closer look at our 4th R Foundation's wisdom/emotional intelligence proposals.
In Pursuit Of the Sublime - Andrew Stark in the Wall Street Journal
"/At any given moment, there is a far outer limit to what human beings can perceive and express. Think of Keats trying to convey the sense of unheard melodies. Or scores of mathematicians, over centuries, glimpsing but failing to find the proof for Fermat's Last Theorem. Or any of us getting a glimmer of the vastness of the universe in the night sky but never even approaching a full comprehension of it. There is a name for the combined pleasure and pain we experience in such moments of extremity. It is called "the sublime."/" - Beyond the Finite Edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte
How we express/behave is determined by how we perceive. The very nature of our perception is determined by our beliefs about the very nature of the very tools at our disposal that shape our perceptions and thus behavior. Our tools for perception are our brains and minds.
It is the very complexity of nature and it's reality that we have such a confusing understanding on our hands. The mess is compounded by our misunderstanding of the tools - our brain and mind; through which we have to perceive nature's handiwork. There is so much confusion about brain and mind, what they are, what is their relationship with each other, how they interact, what impact they have on our own self, our perceptions and understandings of life. The very nature of the nature of individual and collective brain and mind determines our perceptions about life and everything else in it. It colors our understanding of good and evil, moral values, human nature, self and others... We assign good and evil as independent entities which we wrongly believeare other-worldly forces that we have to manage and control and live with.
Much that should be common place and normal is considered sublime only because of our ignorance.
Having a clear understanding of the brain and mind will answer many of the questions of philosophy and clear up much of the ignorance that keeps us away from a sublime life. Much that is considered sublime and out of reach today can become common place and normal everyday life.
Let's consider the answers we seek regarding good and evil.
Good is real and evil is real. It is not imposed from above and is not even cast in stone in our genes. Good and evil are properties of the human self which in the majority of cases is the self-image. Good and evil are innate properties of the self-image. Good is expressed through the emotionally intelligent super mature behavior of the human brain/mind/pure-self. Evil is expressed through the emotionally challenged premature/immature/mature behavior of the self-image.
We at the 4th R Foundation have found the real source of good and evil in the world. It is the developed level of the emotional intelligence/wisdom/ignorance that generates the good and evil in man. Those who get a wisdom nurturing upbringing turn out as good and those who get an unhealthy upbringing turn out from less than good to pure evil. Of course even the health of the genes matter but in the majority of cases it is the quality of the upbringing that determines whether the brain will generate emotionally challenged behavior or super mature behavior or the more frequent mixture of the two.
Again by clearly defining the brain and mind we can scientifically answer the question of how to explain and standardize moral values. It is very simple; we can base our moral values on the quality of the character traits of the super mature brain/mind/self/self-image. Do good because it is the super mature/wise behavior. Do not commit evil because it is the premature (one peg below even immature)/ignorant behavior.
Evil is real and it is ignorance and it occurs due to the brain being 'on ignorance'. Thus evil is this-worldly. Good is real and is powered by knowledge/wisdom/super-mature-emotional intelligence; thus good too is this-worldly. In order to create good we have to start with the objective of ensuring all brains/minds to run on wisdom/super-mature-emotional-intelligence. With nurturing wisdom from at least birth onward to retooling the older brains/minds we can replace emotionally challenged behavior with super mature behavior thus removing the fundamental causes of evil. Thus making the world mostly free of evil/ignorance and making it good/wise.
All this has huge implications in all the mind sciences from and including education to how we live our lives including how we decide to choose and vote for our leaders.
Again knowing the brain mind relationship we can make reading body language a science. It is the brain that acts first and lets the mind manage the damage of clearing up the mess. It is the mind that feels guilty and at the same time tries to hide this guilt. The brain is like the small child that is being scolded by the mind/manager. The brain feels it wants what it wants like an addiction. The brain produces the emotionally challenged behavior and when confronted by the mind it acts as if it does not know what the mind is talking about. All this thinking activity of the brain takes place biochemically and all biochemical reactions have a physical impact on the body. When the brain is being scolded by the mind the brain wants to escape and this feeling of escape is physically reflected in the eyes. The eyes seem distant.
Let's take the case of Herman Cain. In his case one can clearly see from the distant look in his eyes that his brain wants to escape the scolding of his own mind! He is guilty! His mind is definitively trying to cover up the emotionally challenged behavior of his brain. He is guilty of a bigger moral crime of knowingly lying.
This face/body language reading is just one of the practical applications of my US patented hypothesis!
We can and will have to bring body language reading to the level of pure science. This will help us in all kinds of relationships, education, making society wise, making sublime normal and even determining the quality of the wisdom level of the presidential candidates...
"/But, as Burke himself argued, the concept applies equally to the depths, to the limits of our understanding about the next world and our confrontation with evil in this one. / " - Andrew Stark
Many of the this-worldly realities we treat as other-worldly only due to our ignorance of the true nature of our brains and minds. The limits of our understanding about the next world is mixed up with our limited and ignorant understanding of this world. It is about time the world took a good look at our 4th R Foundation's wisdom/emotional intelligence proposals.
Please also Google:
The 4th r foundation
Wisdom by Sajid Khan
The Difference Between Jesus and All the Other Giants of Science and Philosophy; From Aristotle and Socrates to Our Very Own Dalai Lama; Jesus Is the Only One With the Perfect Understanding of Wisdom
Self Image Therapy. - a knol by Sajid Khan
If you are thinking of a divorce please read this first. A new kind of ...
Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through ...
Wisdom is the Science of Life; Which Religion Got it Right and Science Got it Wrong.
Our Ignorance Powered Self Image is What Drives Our Lives and Shapes Our Destiny.
We at the 4th R Foundation Have Come up With a Proposal to Create a Super Mature America
The 4th R Foundation's Message to President Obama and All Our Leaders Around the World.
We at the 4th R Foundation are Proposing an Absolutely Essential Stimulus Package.
Why is Society the Way it is? Because it is Pay Back Time.
Please also check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"A Message for Bill Gates"
"If you are thinking of a divorce"
"Who am I"
"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"
The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image etc.
Sajid Khan
4th R Foundation
233 East, 59th Street
NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
Kind Attention: Knollers Living in the Washington DC area. Can You Join Us?
I am seriously considering, 'Occupy Education Department' in Washington DC; to wake up the education authorities to 'The Secret Tactics of a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Society'.
Just imagine the impact of just one ignorance powered belief, 'I am the best' that we embed in the biochemical structure of the brain, again and again in every generation.
The benefits just from eradicating this ignorant belief will give us incalculable emotional, physical and economic relief. It will make our pockets fuller and will make our brains, minds and bodies super mature; causing a rippling effect on all life. There will be authentic life all around and the ills of society will vanish drastically.
Societies' laws are enforced against ignorance powered behavior. As ill behavior is innately powered it is no wonder almost impossible to control by laws. Even when we do control it look at the economic costs, physical pain, economic pain and emotional pain.
I am focused on replacing all this mess that is a direct result of biochemically planting, 'I am the best' belief generation after generation; into a wisdom powered selflessness that will bring mankind to Utopia. At least as close to Utopia as humanly possible. Just imagine the benefits from not raising our children on this hugely destructive ignorance powered belief.
I have the solutions; it is a matter of spreading the word about our current erroneous tactics of faulty upbringing and making the government aware that we know the cause of the current mess and we have plans of how to correct this confusing mess.
It is amazing that no one has calculated the actual direct economic impact on society that is a direct result of this trophy self image that we ignorantly nurture from a very young age.
We can start such wisdom education movements all over the world. We can even target specific senate offices. Like Senator Kerry and Senator Menendez offered to look into my proposal but have not done anything.Those who can join please leave a comment here.
We can start such wisdom education movements all over the world. We can even target specific senate offices. Like Senator Kerry and Senator Menendez offered to look into my proposal but have not done anything.Those who can join please leave a comment here.
My latest press release:

4th R Foundation: Our Ignorance Powered Self Image is What Drives Our Lives and Shapes Our Destiny.
/EINPresswire.com/ Eighty% of the World's Population Shapes/Lives Life Through Emotionally Challenged Behavior. We at the 4th R Foundation Have Uncovered the Secret to a Wise Society.Almost 70% of America believes in Jesus Christ and we keep asking ourselves, 'What would Jesus do'? Why don't we follow the way of the Bible and do what Jesus clearly wants us to do. I have come to Jesus not because Jesus is the son of GOD. I came to Jesus because he is the one who is giving us the correct knowledge of wisdom. Jesus is showing us the scientifically sound way to wisdom and a wise society - the ultimate goal of philosophy as laid out by the ancient philosophers.
"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstrating of the Spirit's power. So that your faith... rest on... GOD's Power." - 1 Corinthian 2: 4-5
We are clearly being told that it is GOD's power that creates wisdom. In science terms the Spirit means the human mind, which is our pure consciousness. So what we are being told to do is to develop our full humanness/pure-consciousness potential and thus create a super mature mind free of all the emotional baggage of the brain/flesh.
The ancients settled on a managed life through controlling behavior by creating laws. They knew that a Utopian society involved creating wise human beings. As wisdom was out of the question they settled on managing society. But management was a second class choice. Till today we are still using this second class choice as our top and only policy. This reluctant and second class choice has resulted in a second class life for the whole society. So what we do is; it is like the heat system in the house is broken and instead of fixing the heat system we put on the AC. The excess heat continues to emotionally and physically harm the brain, body and mind. And the person's mind has to struggle to live within the laws of the land by managing the behavior of the brain driven self image. Managing behavior has barely worked but look at what the individual, society and country looses.
Behavior is a symptom of the individual's core self. Trying to control behavior is like trying to control a fragrance. Take a flower and try to control it's fragrance. As long as the flower is not changed physically the fragrance will remain the same no matter what one does.
Bad behavior springs from the self image, which itself is a symptom of the core self. All the ills of society occur because we try to control and manage the self image through laws. Suppose there is a fire and what we do is we try to control and bring down the heat and try to stop the smoke without putting out the fire. This is how we manage the phony self image. The self image is a byproduct of biochemical reactions that take place in the brain. When the brain continues to generate an ignorance powered self image then no amount of laws is going to change the core behavior of the self image. The self image will continue to pretend and fake good lawful behavior and will break the law at the first chance it gets to accomplish it's own ignorant goals.
It is like suppose the self image is that of a monkey. For all practical purposes the monkey self image will know, understand, become and behave as a monkey. What the government does is it ignores or is ignorant of the fact the self image of the monkey is what the government is dealing with. The monkey self image is innately produced by the ignorance powered brain. If we retool the brain we can change the monkey self image to a human self image. But what we do is we expect the monkey self image to behave within the human laws of the government. So we virtually force the monkey to behave like a law abiding citizen.
We at the 4th R Foundation have figured out that wisdom is an innate property of the pure self. So to make society wise all we have to do is make the self pure.
The core self quality determines the self image quality. We have to find ways to change the core self into a super mature emotionally intelligent self. The super mature pure self is powered by selflessness. Selflessness can be nurtured and cultivated from the womb onwards in our current and future generations and it can be created by retooling the brain of the adults. We do not need to produce animal self images and then try to control the herd behavior through laws and management. Expecting good human behavior from animal self images is insanity as it has proved futile for 1000s of years.
There are many factors that combine to create the self image. There is the mind generated self image. The brain generated self image. The pure self generated self image. The group and country generated self image. The life situation generated self image. The good and bad habits generated self image. The physical body generated self image. Each one of these self image components have to be analyzed separately and steps taken to make them become super mature emotionally intelligent. The mind generated self image is shaped by one's regular education. The brain generated self image is generated by one's upbringing. The pure self is one's super ego and conscience. The group and country self image is shaped by the beliefs of one's group and many times the narrow minded and group centered beliefs lead to wars and rivalries. The current life situation like being jobless or born rich etc has it's own impact on the self image. Habits have their own stamp on the self image. Physical health as well as one's concept of beauty all have their own component in the compound self image. The make the self image super healthy all the components of the compound self image will have to be fine tuned to as close to perfection as possible.
Every self image is powered by emotional intelligence; where emotional intelligence is to the self image what blood is to the human body. The purer the blood the healthier the body; the purer the core self the healthier the self image. The quality of the self image is determined by just one factor - the ability level of the self image to perceive the reality of life and everything else in it just the way it is. There are broadly four levels of self images:
1) The -2 premature self image. This is the self image that is developed through 'womb-conditioning', the shaping of the physical and emotional brain/mind by the nine month long womb environment. Womb-conditioning creates an omnipotent and omnipresent self image. Some have their brain stuck at this level even though their mind and body develops to the next level. Thus we have -2 people who are totally self centered, greedy, criminal and or emotionally challenged. So ignorance, the opposite of wisdom is total self-centerdness/selfishness.
2) The -1 immature self image. This is the self image that is developed through the after birth period by the parents upbringing. The self image that is generated by a brain that gets emotionally stuck at this level is corrupt. The bottom line self image of this level brain level is, 'I may not be important today but one day I will be by hook or by crook. There is a huge level of selfishness at this stage. Whole countries are -1 as a result of the majority of the people being -1.
3) The +1 mature self image. The majority of Americans bring up our children with loving care and provide our children with a nurturing emotional intelligence and intelligence environment. However we integrate into the brain structure a feeling of, 'I am the best'. As a result we deliberately create a trophy self image in the majority of Americans. So for most Americans the mind moves on to +2 super mature while the brain gets stuck at +1. It is our trophy self image that has created the current crisis for America and unless we wake up to this destructive traditional American belief our life situation will continue to go down. Our leaders must at least listen to us on this one and take steps to stop this traditional parental belief that they can fulfill their own life success dreams through their children. We must stop creating +1 trophy self images and start creating +2 pure selves. We need to create a +2 America all the way with a +2 mind/spirit and a +2 brain/flesh! We have the plan. Please google, 'self image therapy by sajid khan'. In fact in google search, 'self image therapy' brings up our 'knols' (google's units of knowledge) on the top.
Scholarly articles for self image therapy
Client-centered therapy - Rogers - Cited by 5442
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III - Millon - Cited by 391
Cognitive-behavioral body image therapy for body … - Rosen - Cited by 204
Search Results
If you are thinking of a divorce please read this first. A new kind of ...
Sep 19, 2011 - A new kind of marriage counseling: Self Image Therapy. Most marriage relationships are strained due to self image falling for self image; ...
Self Image Therapy. - a knol by Sajid Khan
Jul 16, 2011 - The human brain has the property to project several self images at the same time. Each one of these self images are self...
Self-esteem: Boost your self-image with these 5 steps - MayoClinic ...
Self-esteem — Overcome negative self-talk and a poor self-image in four steps. ...Request an Appointment · Log in to Patient Account · See Treatment ...
4) The +2 super mature self image. A good 15-20% of America is at this level where the brain and mind both are +2 super mature. The self image is selfless at this level. This is the level where the brain/mind complex is wise. The brain has no emotional baggage at this level so there is no selfish self image to filter and distort the out side in reality. The self at this stage is pure and oozes wisdom innately and unconsciously.
Super mature emotional intelligence = wisdom = selflessness. Thus in order to define wisdom we can say wisdom is selflessness. To make mankind wise all we need to do is create selflessness across the board on a mass scale. What we need is exactly what our profits have been saying all along. We have to get rid of the ego by getting rid of the self image.
The quality of behavior is an indicator of the quality of the very nature of the individual's human nature. It is an indicator of the self image of the person. Instead of improving the quality of the self image we manage the self image, leaving the pure self un-actualized, frustrated, guilty, angry... The human mind works in images. It takes it's phony self image as the pure self and as a result for all practical purposes it takes on the human nature/ego of the self image and behaves according to the human nature/ego of the self image. It is like a phony animal self is what most people become. No wonder most have a hard time controlling and managing even our own emotions/identity.
Thus society and the government has to contend with the inferior animal in man, the fake self image; but above all the individual's pure self has to contend and struggle with it's own fake self image.
Here are some of the areas of life where the self image (In America's case our trophy self image) messes up life.
1) It distorts and messes up time.
2) It sets us up for an imperfect life.
3) It sets us up for mispercieving reality.
4) It is the leading cause of divorce.
5) It not only causes depression; it keeps us away from pure happiness.
6) It causes wars and bloated defense budgets.
7) It is the chief cause of all emotionally challenged behavior; the reason why man from the earliest times has tried to figure out wisdom in order to make everyone wise to save society from the destruction of the self image's emotionally challenged behavior.
8) The self image is the factor that blocks the pure self. It is what we our selves integrate into the brain structure of our children. We create the best minds and yet we create faulty brains that generate trophy self images that ruin even our finances. Even the cause of the current economic crisis is at least partly due to our behavior being controlled by the trophy self image.
Our government and our mind scientists including main stream education must realize that managing and controlling behavior by trying to manage the animal human nature/the selfish and ignorant ego/the stink of the impure self - the phony self image is no longer the only option as our ancient sages had concluded. We have figured out how to create wise human beings; the first choice of our elders.
We must realize the huge cost in economic, emotional/body pain, hunger, crime, divorce, depression, poverty and all other ills due to emotionally challenged behavior. It can all now be replaced with wise behavior which will bring all kinds of physical as well as emotional benefits to all life. It will create a wise society. It will also take America and the world back on the road toward greatness.
Sajid Ali Khan
4th R Foundation
233 East, 59th Street
NY NY 10022
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Email: sajidalikhan2@gmail.com
Distribution Channel(s):
- EIN Presswire
- Education News Today
- Healthcare Industry Today
- International Development News Today
- Obama News Today
- World News Report
Press Release Title: Mr. President: We at the 4th R Foundation are Proposing an Absolutely Essential Stimulus Package.
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The ground rules are that each knoller can propose one of their own knols, or some one else's knol and they must explain why this knol is the knolest knol. All knollers are invited to this contest.
We can also use knol as a verb...as in 'please 'knol' your life as in fill it with practical and cutting edge new knowledge, or as in your essay is not 'knolled' enough so you can knol it further like this...
My latest and best knol in the cloud.
Press Release Title: Why is Society the Way it is? Because it is Pay Back Time.
Distribution Channel(s):
September 13, 2011
The 4th R Foundation Would Like the Attention of Our Leaders on the Creation of a New Subject That Teaches Emotional Intelligence/Wisdom: The 4th R: Reality/Truth, Which Will Give Us a Prosperous Life
-- We Americans need to go back to the good old American way of indulging in a frenzy of emotionally super healthy behavior which will gradually remove the fundamental causes of our current economic mess. It will bring back our good old prosperous life. --
NEW YORK, NY, September 13, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The 4th R: Reality/Truth
The R stands for truth/reality. Truth/reality is not just a moral issue; it is a much bigger health/economic/life/pure-happiness/well-being issue. Truth is an essential factor for a top quality physical and emotional life.
All our emotional problems stem from not knowing, understanding and actualizing our true self. It is because our true self is hidden under our part-phony self-image that we have all these fundamental problems in life. From economic troubles to depression, from greed to crime, from hate to tense relationships, all are due to the falsehood/emotional baggage that runs our brains/minds. Thus truth is a very essential emotional health factor.
"A Frenzy of Irresponsible Borrowing" - Newsweek.
We can rewrite the same sentence as, "A frenzy of irresponsible behavior" and we treat irresponsible behavior as the main cause for our social problems. So we try to address the problem of irresponsible behavior. However when we put this irresponsible behavior under the microscope; the fundamental cause, it is very clear, is our emotionally challenged behavior.
Whatever solutions the experts use are based on managing irresponsible behavior while the real cause is emotionally challenged behavior. No wonder trying to take care of the symptoms does not take care of the disease.
It is like the roof is leaking. So we move the furniture around and put buckets under the dropping water. We take care of the effects but we leave the holes in the roof. Our actions towards our economic mess are similar. We cannot fix the mess without fixing the fundamental problem.
The time to act is now. We at the 4th R Foundation have developed a new subject that teaches emotional intelligence/wisdom. We need our leaders to seriously consider our creation so that we can create a wise society and then we can go back to the good old ways of indulging in a frenzy of emotionally super healthy behavior which will gradually remove the fundamental causes of our current economic mess.
Also please google:
4th r foundation
The Third Eye; Everyone Has It, Including You - Sajid Khan
Please also check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"A Message for Bill Gates"
Please also partner the birth of Wisdom Day: Please Google, 'wisdom day, NY NY'.
*Wisdom Day, 2nd October, 2011, Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, United States, 4th R Foundation Is Inviting One And All To Partner The Birth Of Wisdom Day On 2nd Of October (Gandhi's Birthday) In Order To Wake... [read more]l
The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image etc.
Please also check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"If you are thinking of a divorce"
"Who am I"
"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"
"A Message for Bill Gates"
# # #
Read more Press Releases from Sajid Khan:
- 4th R Foundation: If the White House Was Really Open For Fresh Ideas We Would Have Real Changes in the Education Policy of Our Government. Our Government Would Take Immediate Steps 4 Teaching Wisdom.
- 4th R Foundation: Just Imagine all of Thousands of Years Wasted; History of Man Filled With Disastrous Episodes Powered by the Collective Emotional Baggage of Man. We Must Put an End to This Madness.
- Knol Author Foundation Would Like to Invite All Those Who Want to Change the World to Join Us. Knol is Looking for Your Unique Experience to Add to the Human Knowledge Pool.
- We at the 4th R Foundation Have the Blueprint to Create a Wise Society and We Need the Full Backing of Our Leaders in the Government and Industry
- 4TH R Foundation: Science Has a Closed Mind on Wisdom - Wisdom is Super Mature Emotional Intelligence (Now Defined Within the Paradigm of Science); Wisdom Education is Emotional Intelligence Education
- The Difference Between Jesus and All the Other Giants of Science and Philosophy; From Aristotle and Socrates to Our Very Own Dalai Lama; Jesus Is the Only One With the Perfect Understanding of Wisdom
- Sajid Ali Khan, the President of the 4th R Foundation, Says, "We Need the Mother of All Wars to Lift America to New Dizzying Heights of Prosperity"
- We at the 4th R Foundation Have Developed a Whole New Subject that Teaches Wisdom; We Would Like to Invite Our Leaders in Mainstream Science and Education to Put Our Work Under the Microscope
- The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The Attention Of Our Leaders To The 5 Words That Are The Key To Becoming Wise: God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14
- 4th R Foundation Is Inviting One And All To Partner The Birth Of Wisdom Day On 2nd Of October (Gandhi's Birthday) In Order To Wake Up The World To The Grand Mother Of All Bubbles:The Trophy Self Image

September 13, 2011
The 4th R Foundation Would Like the Attention of Our Leaders on the Creation of a New Subject That Teaches Emotional Intelligence/Wisdom: The 4th R: Reality/Truth, Which Will Give Us a Prosperous Life
-- We Americans need to go back to the good old American way of indulging in a frenzy of emotionally super healthy behavior which will gradually remove the fundamental causes of our current economic mess. It will bring back our good old prosperous life. --
NEW YORK, NY, September 13, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The 4th R: Reality/Truth
The R stands for truth/reality. Truth/reality is not just a moral issue; it is a much bigger health/economic/life/pure-happiness/well-being issue. Truth is an essential factor for a top quality physical and emotional life.
All our emotional problems stem from not knowing, understanding and actualizing our true self. It is because our true self is hidden under our part-phony self-image that we have all these fundamental problems in life. From economic troubles to depression, from greed to crime, from hate to tense relationships, all are due to the falsehood/emotional baggage that runs our brains/minds. Thus truth is a very essential emotional health factor.
"A Frenzy of Irresponsible Borrowing" - Newsweek.
We can rewrite the same sentence as, "A frenzy of irresponsible behavior" and we treat irresponsible behavior as the main cause for our social problems. So we try to address the problem of irresponsible behavior. However when we put this irresponsible behavior under the microscope; the fundamental cause, it is very clear, is our emotionally challenged behavior.
Whatever solutions the experts use are based on managing irresponsible behavior while the real cause is emotionally challenged behavior. No wonder trying to take care of the symptoms does not take care of the disease.
It is like the roof is leaking. So we move the furniture around and put buckets under the dropping water. We take care of the effects but we leave the holes in the roof. Our actions towards our economic mess are similar. We cannot fix the mess without fixing the fundamental problem.
The time to act is now. We at the 4th R Foundation have developed a new subject that teaches emotional intelligence/wisdom. We need our leaders to seriously consider our creation so that we can create a wise society and then we can go back to the good old ways of indulging in a frenzy of emotionally super healthy behavior which will gradually remove the fundamental causes of our current economic mess.
Also please google:
4th r foundation
The Third Eye; Everyone Has It, Including You - Sajid Khan
Please also check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"A Message for Bill Gates"
Please also partner the birth of Wisdom Day: Please Google, 'wisdom day, NY NY'.
*Wisdom Day, 2nd October, 2011, Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, United States, 4th R Foundation Is Inviting One And All To Partner The Birth Of Wisdom Day On 2nd Of October (Gandhi's Birthday) In Order To Wake... [read more]l
The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image etc.
Please also check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"If you are thinking of a divorce"
"Who am I"
"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"
"A Message for Bill Gates"
# # #
Read more Press Releases from Sajid Khan:
- 4th R Foundation: If the White House Was Really Open For Fresh Ideas We Would Have Real Changes in the Education Policy of Our Government. Our Government Would Take Immediate Steps 4 Teaching Wisdom.
- 4th R Foundation: Just Imagine all of Thousands of Years Wasted; History of Man Filled With Disastrous Episodes Powered by the Collective Emotional Baggage of Man. We Must Put an End to This Madness.
- Knol Author Foundation Would Like to Invite All Those Who Want to Change the World to Join Us. Knol is Looking for Your Unique Experience to Add to the Human Knowledge Pool.
- We at the 4th R Foundation Have the Blueprint to Create a Wise Society and We Need the Full Backing of Our Leaders in the Government and Industry
- 4TH R Foundation: Science Has a Closed Mind on Wisdom - Wisdom is Super Mature Emotional Intelligence (Now Defined Within the Paradigm of Science); Wisdom Education is Emotional Intelligence Education
- The Difference Between Jesus and All the Other Giants of Science and Philosophy; From Aristotle and Socrates to Our Very Own Dalai Lama; Jesus Is the Only One With the Perfect Understanding of Wisdom
- Sajid Ali Khan, the President of the 4th R Foundation, Says, "We Need the Mother of All Wars to Lift America to New Dizzying Heights of Prosperity"
- We at the 4th R Foundation Have Developed a Whole New Subject that Teaches Wisdom; We Would Like to Invite Our Leaders in Mainstream Science and Education to Put Our Work Under the Microscope
- The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The Attention Of Our Leaders To The 5 Words That Are The Key To Becoming Wise: God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14
- 4th R Foundation Is Inviting One And All To Partner The Birth Of Wisdom Day On 2nd Of October (Gandhi's Birthday) In Order To Wake Up The World To The Grand Mother Of All Bubbles:The Trophy Self Image
\"As one put it, “I mean, I guess what makes something right is how I feel about it. But different people feel different ways, so I couldn't speak on behalf of anyone else as to what’s right and wrong.” - David Brooks in NY Times
With the hold of religion and culture weakening moral values are no longer kept in check through religion and culture. So, 'how one feels about it' quite about sums up the forces that more and more drive moral values. And how one feels is dependent on the quality of the persons developed emotional intelligence/wisdom. Moral values and moral behavior is a function of one's developed wisdom/emotional intelligence potential.
We cannot blame the decline of moral values on these kids. When they are exposed to and nurtured into lower level emotional intelligence then how can their feelings be of higher moral values? It is like we create 10K gold metal but we expect 10K gold to have the properties of 24K gold.
There are much bigger reasons for this moral decline. Our whole education system is messed up, especially our emotional intelligence education. We have hundreds of subjects for educating our intelligence and zero subjects for educating our emotional intelligence and as a result a whole chunk of society is perpetually jelling into emotionally challenged citizens.
We at the 4th R Foundation have not only come up with a new subject that creates wise human beings our research has shown that unless we ensure a wise population through wisdom education/therapy our society will continue to decline morally, economically and in all areas of life.
*****If Only Our Leadership Could Understand the Fundamental Causes For the Current Mess...
/EINPresswire.com/ The quality of life is deteriorating under our very noses. From the quality of our environment to the value of our currency, everything is getting devalued. Different ideologies are blaming the other for this mess. There is a blame game going on. Whether it is president Obama or the opposition everyone is looking at the symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately reality has it's own laws and those who try to fix the symptoms instead of taking care of the disease are bound to failure.
The majority of us Americans bring up our children on lots of caring and love. However we introduce one crazy element that gets physically integrated with the emotional brain infrastructure. We introduce the belief of each one of us being the best; as a result we grow up with a phony over confident trophy self image; instead of growing up into our true self. This trophy self image has a rippling effect on all life. It is like we have $50.00 in our pocket to spend in the market place of life but we are absolutely certain we have $100.00. So when we give out $50.00 and feel we have given out $100.00 and the return we get is $50.00, you can imagine the anger and confusion. Now multiply this anger and confusion on a mass scale and what will we get. As a result from wall street greed to depression, from restlessness to divorce, from defense budgets to relationships all get messed up.
The current mess is not as bad as it looks. It is not even as confusing as it looks. We are here in this economic mess because our emotional intelligence education is messed up. We are the best in the world at making money. Because our professional expertise is +2 super mature. Our brains and our minds are both on the same +2 super mature page. When it comes to spending money we are one peg down at +1 mature. We make money with our brain, mind and our back breaking body's efforts. We spend it on the whims of the our self image. We know how to make money physically but we lack the expertise to handle money emotionally.
We are brought up on the notion that, 'We can if we think we can'. We can if we think we can is essential but not enough to succeed. In our professional life not only do we feel we can, we actually develop the expertise to succeed professionally. But in our emotional life we develop a phony self image that expects more than what it can ever deliver. Thus we spend today on credit confident that we will be able to pay it back tomorrow. So the basic reason for our current mess is that America has a part phony self image problem at the individual, group and country level. We must wake up to our trophy self image and to all the negative effects of this gap in our emotional intelligence. We have the road map of how to get out of this mess.
Sooner than later we will have to confront our hunger for more and more cheap and in many cases contaminated overseas produced consumer goods. Our solution is to establish Consumer Goods Producing Enterprise Zones. This will not only produce home made pure goods, it will generate jobs and taxes. The football manufacturing capital of the world was Sialkote, in Pakistan. It provided the world with over 70% of all hand made footballs. The Chinese created a factory that produces 10,000 footballs a minute! Tens of thousands of jobs were lost overnight. If we do not face this problem of addiction to cheap mass consumption of goods head on; we will get more and more hollow... We have business plans for Consumer Goods Producing Enterprise Zones.
We will have to confront the fact that 1/3 of all medicare expenses go to pay the medical bills for the last six months of life of the elderly. In most cases these are terminally ill and/or patients who have incurable diseases mostly due to very old age. In the majority of cases it is more prolonging death then prolonging life. These elderly patients suffer pain and humiliation and we spend money that we do not have on prolonging their pain.
We can not only produce text books for all grades and even adult reeducation for a new subject that teaches emotional intelligence; we have this whole new industry that we call the Wisdom Industry that will create millions of jobs and businesses. Our wisdom industry will generate jobs and wealth for the whole country. We have the ideas and the President has the connections and the resources for just the seed money. Our wisdom industry will generate wisdom education, creating text books, with exercises and lessons, training for teachers and parents, and 'pure happiness' counselors etc., wisdom coaching for adults, groups and countries, toys that teach wisdom, wisdom computer games, comic books, children stories, sitcoms, TV talk shows, movies etc.; and Wisdom Theme Parks where one can talk with Socrates and Aristotle, Confucius and the Buddha! Where a wisdom conf...
Britain turns out to be the smart one. They refused to join the Euro. The weaker currencies are going to ride on the backs of the marks and the francs and the big banks for as long as they can. And then within 3 to 4 years the Euro will slit up under pressure. Did you know that in two years time the equivalent of 60% of the EC GDP is due to just the banks. There is no way this much staggering money can be paid back. The current turmoil is nothing compared to what is coming.
Things are much worse than we are told. America does not have a 14 trillion debt. The real figure is much higher. Many times more. The American government has no gold. It just has gold certificates! So our gold is just paper assets! Even some of our top American banks keep issuing gold certificates and the buyers think they are buying gold. If all the gold certificate owners demanded to withdraw their gold many banks will go bankrupt. If I did a real analysis of the stock market you will be shocked. It is a gambling casino with a ...
The good news is that the American people are resilient. We are still resourceful. Our foreclosure rate is still low. Most are able to pay our bills. Every corner and every around the corner there are thriving businesses! Every village has its millionaires. The museums, theaters and stadiums are full. We trophy self images have our trophies in spite of our incomprehensibly ineffective and uninnovative leadership. Our president is little more than a top spin master, at least in my field of education. On every topic he knows how to say the right words and even adds spin to every speech. He knows the talk but I have a feeling that he knows that he cannot walk the walk, as it is the same old tried and failed policies in education. I am sick to the bone that no one in his circle has a clue to what is needed to lift the country out of this huge economic and emotional intelligence mess.
I am so disgusted that I seriously considered joining the dark side to push forward my agenda but then I got this beautiful new insight from Jesus! I guess Jesus wants me to stay with him.
My latest knol in the cloud is coming out tomorrow: (It is my biggest ever knol hit so far!)
“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." - John: 3-3"
For me the most challenging and intriguing chapter of the Bible is chapter 3 from St. John. The part about 'being born again' is clear as explained in Wikipedia, "In Christianity, born again refers to a "spiritual rebirth" (regeneration) of the human soul or spirit, contrasted with the physical birth everyone experiences."
However inspite of having spent hundreds of hours over many years on trying to decode the explanation given to Nicodemus:
'5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’
I was still not able to decode this intriguing explanation.
However yesterday the buses were running late and while waiting and waiting for the bus I went back to reading St John Ch 3. What caught my attention was, '6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.' I kept rolling this over and over in my mind. Finally it happened and even though I have not reached the level of decoding like I did in "The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The Attention Of Our Leaders To The 5 Words That Are The Key To Becoming Wise: God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14" I think I have come close to solving at least partly the mystery of this chapter.
I feel I have succeed in decoding this particular line: '6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.'!!!
b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the mind level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with even committing illegal acts. Leaders whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third world countries have this level mind leaders and citizens. Individuals at this level are a mixture of brain and mind. One can scientifically say that this level -1 brain-mind represents a mixture of flesh(brain) and spirit(mind).
c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult mind considers himself as first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his own self. He works for his own family first. Leaders who are at this level of the mind work for their whole nation but more so for their
own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially over spend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country. Individuals at this level are responsible citizens however they suffer from a phony over confident self image. They are brought up on ,'I am the best' belief that is implanted into their physical brain structure. As a result they have a trophy self image. The brain-mind complex is mostly ruled by the mind. Thus at this stage the brain-mind complex is mostly spirit.
d) Super mature mind (+2)...an altruistic nature. At this mind level the mind develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part of the whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Leaders who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They don’t help their own supporters above the opposition. They treat all alike with the
same highest respect. For them all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of society. The whole country becomes richer. Such leaders are truly altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure and defense and every thing in-between. This is the kind of leader every country needs every time there is an election. Individuals at this +2 brain-mind complex are true altruistic beings who are true manifestations of the pure self. Their mind(spirit) is in total control of the brain(flesh).
'Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.' we can decode as,
"Brain gives birth to brain, but the Mind gives birth to mind.' This has a much deeper meaning which I will post as a knol here later- 'the human mind comes from the Mind'. Mind here is being referred to as the Mind of Gd! So if we can get a glimpse of the Mind of Gd we can get some clue of how to create the human mind which means the human spirit!
What Are These Guys in the White House Smoking?
If he talks of jobs through infrastructure expansion it will not work because most of the infrastructure contracts go to big business and they are already rich and the vast majority of unemployed people will stay put, jobless.
Throughout history governments and businesses keep expanding the work force as populations grow. A stage comes when job openings cannot keep pace with the needs of the growing population and so unemployment soars. Then inventors and innovators come along and open up a brand new horizon for jobs. The most recent expansion of jobs came when the new industry of the internet came into its own. The Apples, Ebays and the Googles of the world created the new expansion of jobs. In fact President Clinton came along just when this new internet frontier was at its peak, thus generating jobs and wealth that created the budget surpluses.
We are at that stage in our economic history when even the now old internet industry has settled down and no major job expansions are possible in this sector. What the world urgently needs is a new jobs opening by the creation of a new frontier. What we need is the creation of a new industry. We at the 4th R Foundation have created a brand new step by step plan to humongously expand the job market by proposing a trillion dollar, 'Wisdom Industry'. In fact the current economic mess and life mess is a direct result of this elephant in the room, this emotional instability of the majority of Americans. It is not their fault, it is the fault of our government leaders and our main stream education leaders that we are not doing anything about this problem; that has a rippling affect on all our life.
Inspite of it now being established that emotional intelligence education is as essential as regular education we are still not taking any serious action. Whenever any epidemic is discovered America used to spring into action immediately. Emotional instability is at epidemic proportion. But our leaders are beyond busy repeating the same old mistakes again and again and have no time to even consider our proposal to expand the job market to include our invention (or at least expansion) of this 'Wisdom Industry'.
Mr. Obama has the opportunity to become the greatest Education President ever. He can go down in history as the enabler and frontiersmen of this brand new wisdom industry.
Commission after commission has been set up to fix the mess in education. Each time the experts are called to find the solutions to the education mess they look to improve main stream education. No one is thinking of fixing emotional intelligence education. It is below the radar screen and even those who have some clue to this problem are not sure how to handle this emotional intelligence education crisis. Well we have a very crystal clear step by step proposal.
In fact the $670,000,000.00 fund that your current central administration has given out to the states to come up with innovations in education, I am sure each one of them has sent back proposals of how to teach math and science better and have missed the central issue of the real mess in education; the lack of emotional intelligence education.
When we try to understand and fix the mess in education we keep going back to trying to improve how we teach subjects like math and science. Actually our math and science education is well set and the mess lies elsewhere. It is due to lack of even a single subject that teaches emotional intelligence. We need this wisdom education as an essential medicine to cure the illness of emotional ignorance/instability. As bonus we will be creating a wise society; that will also bring us jobs on a mass scale in the millions as well as make us live pure, happy and honest lives.
Please google, '4th r foundation'for more information.
Please also check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"If you are thinking of a divorce"
"Who am I"
"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"
"A Message for Bill Gates"
Sajid Ali Khan
4th R* Foundation
233 East, 59th Street
NY NY 10022
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* The R stands for truth/reality. Truth/reality is not just a moral issue it is a much bigger health/economic/life/pure happiness/well-being issue. One can get away with falsehood when it comes to the ropes of life but when it comes to living ones life then truth is an essential factor in a top quality physical and emotional life.
All our emotional problems stem from not knowing, understanding and actualizing our true self. It is because our true self is hidden under the cloak of our part phony self image that we have all these problems in life. From economic troubles to depression from jealousy to suspicion, from anger to restlessness are all due to the part falsehood/emotional-baggage that runs our brains/minds. So the 4th R/truth is a very essential life factor; especially an emotional health factor.
About Our Founder
Sajid Ali Khan has quantified the mind. Which means emotions are quantified. Now we can live our lives by numbers. From love to hate and everything in between can all be measured and thus defined within the paradigm of science.
My best bit of knol ever:
In order to understand wisdom education we must know the true nature of wisdom and we must figure out how wisdom is generated. The most essential factor is we must know the true nature of the mind and the brain. We must also know the difference between the brain and mind and the relationship between them.
/EINPresswire.com/The brain's domain is emotional intelligence and the mind's domain is intelligence. The mind knows and the brain understands. The mind speaks in words while the brain speaks in electric currents generated by the biochemical process. The brain is unconscious and works innately. The mind works consciously. Emotional intelligence is generated innately. Knowledge is acquired consciously. It is the brain that provides the power of emotional intelligence to the mind, innately through biochemical actions/reactions. Wisdom nor its attributes cannot be learned because wisdom is a product of a biochemical process. This is the reason wisdom cannot be taught. It can be created through making the brain free of all emotional baggage. In order for the mind to become emotionally intelligent the mind has to consciously focus on its own brain and clean the brain of all emotional baggage.
Wisdom is impossible to teach because wisdom is a product of a biochemical process. Just try to speak in words to a biochemical reaction! Or try to remove a stink in your house by speaking to the source of the stink. Or try teaching a pig table manners. Or try pleading or preaching with a dirty bed sheet to clean itself. All mental activity of the brain is biochemically processed. The brain speaks biochemically where the quality of the biochemical process is determined by the physical quality of the brain. The physical quality of the brain is determined by the level of the emotional baggage in the brain. So to improve the biochemical actions/reactions in the brain one has to get rid of the emotional baggage. Once the emotional baggage is removed the brain becomes physically pure and a pure brain oozes wisdom. The super mature brain innately projects a wise mind. Thus wisdom education is emotional healing therapy. Wisdom education has nothing to do with learning wisdom or its attributes. And certainly not through words.
It is the very being of wisdom that it is a secondary quality. It is the property of the pure self. It is a property of the physical material of the pure self. The pure self itself is the property of the pure brain; a brain free of emotional baggage. In order to create wisdom we will have to create emotional baggage free brains. Thus wisdom education is emotional baggage removing education.
We do not take the emotional baggage removing route for wisdom education because we have not figured out that wisdom is an innate property of the pure brain.
We teach wisdom just like we teach math and science by providing knowledge, mostly what are the benefits of wisdom. We preach, persuade, threaten, reward, punish and entice people to be wise. But as wisdom is a fragrance/symptom/innate-
property we make little progress in teaching wisdom. After all we cannot improve a fragrance by preaching, persuading, threatening, rewarding…it to improve.
It is amazing that wisdom is not a conscious entity. It is an innate entity and it does not listen to teaching.
Yes one can teach the mind math and science; but wisdom is a quality of the brain. And the brain cannot be taught. The brain has to be physically changed to improve the quality of the brain. Thus wisdom teaching can only be done by emotional healing. We already use emotional healing therapies to change the sub-normal to normal. We must use the same to change the normal to super normal.
The pure self starts off exactly like gold ore. Through proper upbringing it gets refined into the pure self. The special qualities of the gold metal innately come into existence when the gold is pure. Similarly the self becomes wise when the self is nurtured into becoming selfless.
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Notes for a grant proposal:
Emotionally challenged students are the unprepared students. Unprepared for learning and unprepared for living a responsible and wise life.
We at the 4th R Foundation Have Developed a Whole New Subject that Teaches Wisdom; We Would Like to Invite Our Leaders in Mainstream Science and Education to Put Our Work Under the Microscope.
NEW YORK, NY, August 02, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In spite of all the impressive research on emotional intelligence we have yet to figure out that emotional intelligence at the super mature stage is wisdom. We at the 4th R Foundation have found that the character traits of super mature emotional intelligence are exactly the same as wisdom. As emotional intelligence is a subject of pure science so is wisdom. We can no longer describe wisdom as indefinable. We at the 4th R Foundation have developed our own concept of wisdom through the following insights:
1) From the insights of religion:
As God is the very essence of wisdom let's try to figure out wisdom by trying to figure out the very nature of the very Being of God. By assuming that God has wisdom and all its attributes it boils down to the fact that God is great because God has all these great attributes of wisdom. This implies that God is God because He has these attributes. This means that God is something less and has these jewels; that make him great. But this is not God, He does not need anything to be what He is. He is Who He is. He is God because He is God. He does not need to have anything extra to be God. All this boils down to the fact that He does not just have wisdom, He is wisdom. He is all the attributes of wisdom. So as God is wisdom we can rewrite the following quotation as follows:
"There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work" - 1 Corinthians -12:6
"There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same wisdom at work." - 1 Corinthians - 12:6.
Thus it is very clear that wisdom is supposed to be part of all human behavior and above all part of every human being.
Now as God is wisdom, if we can know the true nature of God we will know the true nature of wisdom.
God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14
It is very clear that God is saying that He is exactly what He is supposed to be and He is not what He is not supposed to be. God is His Pure Self. There is nothing phony about God. Thus we can clearly determine that God is His pure Self. And God is also wisdom. So wisdom in man boils down to the self being pure. We at the 4th R Foundation have concluded that the path to wisdom education boils down to pure self education. We already have therapies to make the subnormal mind/brain normal; we can use the same to make the normal into the super normal.
2) From the insights of philosophy:
From the perspective of philosophy wisdom cannot be defined in words and the minute it is described in words it is not wisdom. It is accepted that there are three ways to wisdom.
i) One can be born wise:
We have observed that those who are born wise are actually the ones who have had a super mature upbringing. These individuals grow into their pure self without any emotional baggage. Most are exposed to less than a super mature upbringing and thus turn out less than wise. What happens is that as the brain/mind develops in a super mature emotional environment it grows into a physically and emotionally healthy brain/mind. When the brain/mind develops in an emotionally unhealthy environment it accumulates emotional baggage that pollutes the pure self into an over confident or under confident self image. We will have to methodically train parents to become nurturers of wisdom to ensure a wise society.
ii) One can acquire wisdom through experience over a long period of time:
What happens is over a long period of time, by old age most become wise. According to our observation what happens is that the emotional baggage very, very gradually gets ground down and the brain eventually gets free of this reality distorting and self image empowering emotional baggage. So as the emotional baggage becomes less and less the phony overconfident or under confident self image gets deprived of it's source of sustainability and it eventually disappears, enabling the pure self to emerge. Our suggestion to main stream education is that we already have well established scientific ways where we can deliberately grind down the emotional baggage and make the self pure. Why wait, after a life time of emotional struggles, to taste and live a pure life and experience life at the super mature emotional intelligence level when one is over one's prime. We can grind down the emotional baggage in a matter of months. ( This is the 4th R Foundation's fourth way to becoming wise ).
iii) One can learn the wisdom way and follow it thereby living a wise life.
Religion and society have both concluded that as those who are not born wise cannot be made wise they must be controlled by laws. Both try to control ignorance and enforce wise behavior through carrots and sticks. But society and religion have mostly failed for a huge chuck of humanity as we do not understand the true nature of wisdom/ignorance. It is like trying to teach a pig table manners.
Here is the 4th R Foundation's understanding of wisdom:
What is wisdom?
Wisdom is the ability to see, know, understand and above all become what one truly is. Wisdom is the enabling factor that makes the self pure and it is a two way street where it is the pure self that generates wisdom. Wisdom is an expression of the pure brain. Wisdom is the currency with which one lives an authentically pure life. Wisdom is a symptom of the pure self. Wisdom is a fragrance of the brain. It is an innate property of the fully developed humanness potential that is present in every human being. Wisdom is the ability to know and understand reality just as it is. Wisdom is real and can be a part of every life if we take the right steps...
The question is, "What is wisdom made of?"
Wisdom is made up of selflessness. Wisdom is selflessness and selflessness is wisdom. Selflessness is generated by the fully developed emotional intelligence which is generated by the pure brain; a brain that has no emotional baggage in it. It is very clear that to ensure wisdom we need to make the brain free of its emotional baggage, which can be done through established scientific ways of emotional healing.
Please also Google '4th R Foundation'.
The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, self, mind, brain, consciousness, self image, compound self.
Website: http://pureselfinstitute.com
Mind cultivation is still in a somewhat crude stage. It is like say a car is stalled and we do not know which part of the car is broken. This is why it is very essential that we wake up to the compound nature of consciousness/mind/brain/self/I and have the means to identify where exactly the defective part of consciousness/mind/brain/self/I is coming from. This is why it is essential to know
the difference between brain and mind. Please review my knol "Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through everyday life.." I was lucky to have been able to research first hand the difference between the brain and mind and it helped me tremendously in researching my own emotional holes of my brain by focusing my super mature +2 mind on my very own defective brain. There is much work to be done but at least now my latest article has been picked up by many industry news services like medical, education, university, mental health etc as their own top news: '
The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The ...
...'Man has understood since ancient times that humanity suffers from a 'lack of wisdom' crisis and man has struggled to find a way out. A whole new subject of philosophy was created to uncover the mystery of wisdom to address this crisis. Unfortunately to this day we still define wisdom as the ancients defined wisdom. The 4th R Foundation has figured out that wisdom is a symptom of the pure self; just as ignorance is a symptom of the impure self. Wisdom is the innate expression of the pure self. So even when we define wisdom we are just defining the symptom and not the symptom causing real entity. Symptoms are secondary entities and so cannot be created or taught on their own. The real health of the entity that causes the symptom has to be addressed. It is very clear that in order to create wise human beings we will have to create pure human beings. Thus we will have to create pure-self education which boils down to emotional healing education. We already have all kinds of therapies that take subnormal individuals to becoming normal. In the case of wisdom education all we have to do is use these same therapies to change normal minds into super normal minds.
We not only under develop our emotional intelligence; we pollute it. As a result the brain speaks one language, the mind speaks another and much gets lost in translation. Thus our personal human capital is misunderstood, misdeveloped and misused; and this affects all human behavior; as a result all the bubbles are caused by or get inflated by the trophy self-image bubble.
We can ace this problem. It has to be done. The world needs this new paradigm shift that is a necessary and an essential solution to this emotional leadership madness. Will our leaders even consider reform and add the 4th R of reality to our education curriculum or will we keep recycling the 3 Rs of education?
Thanks for sharing..
Anonymous - 21 Nov 2011www.handbagpurseu.com