Sajid Khan's Page

I have a very clear path to a better world but I cannot do it alone. I am a theorist just like a script writer; who still needs the whole movie production team to make the movie. Please share this information with your leaders and friends.

I have this whole new industry that I call the Wisdom Industry that will create millions of jobs and businesses. My wisdom industry will generate jobs and wealth for the whole country. I have the ideas and our President has the connections and the resources. Perhaps others like yourself can approach our leaders and share with them our ideas. Perhaps those in other parts of the world can take up this task as their own. My wisdom industry will generate wisdom education, creating text books, with exercises and lessons, training for teachers and parents, and 'pure happiness' counselors etc., wisdom coaching for adults, groups and countries, toys that teach wisdom, wisdom computer games, comic books, children stories, sitcoms, TV talk shows, movies etc.; and Wisdom Theme Parks, Wisdom Hall of Fame for every school, village, city, country and the world...We can create this wisdom industry in every country and use the income to lift the country out of poverty of resources of economics as well as the poverty of the mind. It is very clear to me that wisdom is a compound where all its individual attributes/ingredients have in them all the other attributes of wisdom. Wisdom is an all entity where each attribute of wisdom is biochemically compounded to every other attribute of wisdom. They all come together in a single unit of wisdom. Each attribute boils down to wisdom. For example love also contains all the other attributes of wisdom like respect, caring, sacrifice etc. However the chief property that makes love pure is selflessness. Selfless love is pure love; which is wisdom. Again selfless caring is wisdom. Selfless sacrifice is wisdom. All the attributes of wisdom are powered by selflessness. Each attribute boils down to selflessness; thus selflessness is wisdom. So it will not be wrong to figure out/assume that by creating selflessness we will be creating wisdom. Selflessness is the power that generates wisdom. In order to become wise one has to become selfless. Becoming selfless means being free of one's own self image.



We at the 4th R Foundation Have Figured Out How to Make Our Lives Sublime

/ at the 4th R Foundation Have Figured Out the Relationship Between Brain and Mind; Knowledge We Need to Replace Ignorance With Wisdom to Make Our Lives Sublime

Many of the this-worldly realities we treat as other-worldly are only due to our ignorance of the true nature of our brains and minds. The limits of our understanding about the next world is mixed up with our limited understanding of this world. Please take a closer look at our 4th R Foundation's wisdom/emotional intelligence proposals. 

In Pursuit Of the Sublime - Andrew Stark in the Wall Street Journal 

"/At any given moment, there is a far outer limit to what human beings can perceive and express. Think of Keats trying to convey the sense of unheard melodies. Or scores of mathematicians, over centuries, glimpsing but failing to find the proof for Fermat's Last Theorem. Or any of us getting a glimmer of the vastness of the universe in the night sky but never even approaching a full comprehension of it. There is a name for the combined pleasure and pain we experience in such moments of extremity. It is called "the sublime."/" - Beyond the Finite Edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte 

How we express/behave is determined by how we perceive. The very nature of our perception is determined by our beliefs about the very nature of the very tools at our disposal that shape our perceptions and thus behavior. Our tools for perception are our brains and minds. 

It is the very complexity of nature and it's reality that we have such a confusing understanding on our hands. The mess is compounded by our misunderstanding of the tools - our brain and mind; through which we have to perceive nature's handiwork. There is so much confusion about brain and mind, what they are, what is their relationship with each other, how they interact, what impact they have on our own self, our perceptions and understandings of life. The very nature of the nature of individual and collective brain and mind determines our perceptions about life and everything else in it. It colors our understanding of good and evil, moral values, human nature, self and others... We assign good and evil as independent entities which we wrongly believeare other-worldly forces that we have to manage and control and live with. 

Much that should be common place and normal is considered sublime only because of our ignorance. 
Having a clear understanding of the brain and mind will answer many of the questions of philosophy and clear up much of the ignorance that keeps us away from a sublime life. Much that is considered sublime and out of reach today can become common place and normal everyday life. 

Let's consider the answers we seek regarding good and evil. 

Good is real and evil is real. It is not imposed from above and is not even cast in stone in our genes. Good and evil are properties of the human self which in the majority of cases is the self-image. Good and evil are innate properties of the self-image. Good is expressed through the emotionally intelligent super mature behavior of the human brain/mind/pure-self. Evil is expressed through the emotionally challenged premature/immature/mature behavior of the self-image. 

We at the 4th R Foundation have found the real source of good and evil in the world. It is the developed level of the emotional intelligence/wisdom/ignorance that generates the good and evil in man. Those who get a wisdom nurturing upbringing turn out as good and those who get an unhealthy upbringing turn out from less than good to pure evil. Of course even the health of the genes matter but in the majority of cases it is the quality of the upbringing that determines whether the brain will generate emotionally challenged behavior or super mature behavior or the more frequent mixture of the two. 

Again by clearly defining the brain and mind we can scientifically answer the question of how to explain and standardize moral values. It is very simple; we can base our moral values on the quality of the character traits of the super mature brain/mind/self/self-image. Do good because it is the super mature/wise behavior. Do not commit evil because it is the premature (one peg below even immature)/ignorant behavior. 

Evil is real and it is ignorance and it occurs due to the brain being 'on ignorance'. Thus evil is this-worldly. Good is real and is powered by knowledge/wisdom/super-mature-emotional intelligence; thus good too is this-worldly. In order to create good we have to start with the objective of ensuring all brains/minds to run on wisdom/super-mature-emotional-intelligence. With nurturing wisdom from at least birth onward to retooling the older brains/minds we can replace emotionally challenged behavior with super mature behavior thus removing the fundamental causes of evil. Thus making the world mostly free of evil/ignorance and making it good/wise. 
All this has huge implications in all the mind sciences from and including education to how we live our lives including how we decide to choose and vote for our leaders. 

Again knowing the brain mind relationship we can make reading body language a science. It is the brain that acts first and lets the mind manage the damage of clearing up the mess. It is the mind that feels guilty and at the same time tries to hide this guilt. The brain is like the small child that is being scolded by the mind/manager. The brain feels it wants what it wants like an addiction. The brain produces the emotionally challenged behavior and when confronted by the mind it acts as if it does not know what the mind is talking about. All this thinking activity of the brain takes place biochemically and all biochemical reactions have a physical impact on the body. When the brain is being scolded by the mind the brain wants to escape and this feeling of escape is physically reflected in the eyes. The eyes seem distant. 

Let's take the case of Herman Cain. In his case one can clearly see from the distant look in his eyes that his brain wants to escape the scolding of his own mind! He is guilty! His mind is definitively trying to cover up the emotionally challenged behavior of his brain. He is guilty of a bigger moral crime of knowingly lying. 

This face/body language reading is just one of the practical applications of my US patented hypothesis! 
We can and will have to bring body language reading to the level of pure science. This will help us in all kinds of relationships, education, making society wise, making sublime normal and even determining the quality of the wisdom level of the presidential candidates... 

"/But, as Burke himself argued, the concept applies equally to the depths, to the limits of our understanding about the next world and our confrontation with evil in this one. / " - Andrew Stark 

Many of the this-worldly realities we treat as other-worldly only due to our ignorance of the true nature of our brains and minds. The limits of our understanding about the next world is mixed up with our limited and ignorant understanding of this world. It is about time the world took a good look at our 4th R Foundation's wisdom/emotional intelligence proposals. 

Please also Google: 

The 4th r foundation 

Wisdom by Sajid Khan 

The Difference Between Jesus and All the Other Giants of Science and Philosophy; From Aristotle and Socrates to Our Very Own Dalai Lama; Jesus Is the Only One With the Perfect Understanding of Wisdom 

Self Image Therapy. - a knol by Sajid Khan 

If you are thinking of a divorce please read this first. A new kind of ... 

Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through ... 

Wisdom is the Science of Life; Which Religion Got it Right and Science Got it Wrong. 

Our Ignorance Powered Self Image is What Drives Our Lives and Shapes Our Destiny. 

We at the 4th R Foundation Have Come up With a Proposal to Create a Super Mature America 

The 4th R Foundation's Message to President Obama and All Our Leaders Around the World. 

We at the 4th R Foundation are Proposing an Absolutely Essential Stimulus Package. 

Why is Society the Way it is? Because it is Pay Back Time. 

Please also check out our YouTube videos here: 

"Message to President Obama..." 

"A Message for Bill Gates" 

"If you are thinking of a divorce" 

"Who am I" 

"Practical application of quantification of the Mind" 

The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image etc. 

Sajid Khan 
4th R Foundation 
233 East, 59th Street 
NY NY 10022 
            212 421 4848       

Hello World!

Kind Attention: Knollers Living in the Washington DC area. Can You Join Us?

I am seriously considering, 'Occupy Education Department' in Washington DC; to wake up the education authorities to 'The Secret Tactics of a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Society'.

Just imagine the impact of just one ignorance powered belief, 'I am the best' that we embed in the biochemical structure of the brain, again and again in every generation.
The benefits just from eradicating this ignorant belief will give us incalculable emotional, physical and economic relief. It will make our pockets fuller and will make our brains, minds and bodies super mature; causing a rippling effect on all life. There will be authentic life all around and the ills of society will vanish drastically. 

Societies' laws are enforced against ignorance powered behavior. As ill behavior is innately powered it is no wonder almost impossible to control by laws. Even when we do control it look at the economic costs, physical pain, economic pain and emotional pain. 

I am focused on replacing all this mess that is a direct result of biochemically planting, 'I am the best' belief generation after generation; into a wisdom powered selflessness that will bring mankind to Utopia. At least as close to Utopia as humanly possible. Just imagine the benefits from not raising our children on this hugely destructive ignorance powered belief. 

I have the solutions; it is a matter of spreading the word about our current erroneous tactics of faulty upbringing and making the government aware that we know the cause of the current mess and we have plans of how to correct this confusing mess. 

It is amazing that no one has calculated the actual direct economic impact on society that is a direct result of this trophy self image that we ignorantly nurture from a very young age. 

We can start such wisdom education movements all over the world. We can even target specific senate offices. Like Senator Kerry and Senator Menendez offered to look into my proposal but have not done anything.Those who can join please leave a comment here.

My latest press release:

EIN News

4th R Foundation: Our Ignorance Powered Self Image is What Drives Our Lives and Shapes Our Destiny.

/ Eighty% of the World's Population Shapes/Lives Life Through Emotionally Challenged Behavior. We at the 4th R Foundation Have Uncovered the Secret to a Wise Society.

Almost 70% of America believes in Jesus Christ and we keep asking ourselves, 'What would Jesus do'? Why don't we follow the way of the Bible and do what Jesus clearly wants us to do. I have come to Jesus not because Jesus is the son of GOD. I came to Jesus because he is the one who is giving us the correct knowledge of wisdom. Jesus is showing us the scientifically sound way to wisdom and a wise society - the ultimate goal of philosophy as laid out by the ancient philosophers.

"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstrating of the Spirit's power. So that your faith... rest on... GOD's Power." - 1 Corinthian 2: 4-5

We are clearly being told that it is GOD's power that creates wisdom. In science terms the Spirit means the human mind, which is our pure consciousness. So what we are being told to do is to develop our full humanness/pure-consciousness potential and thus create a super mature mind free of all the emotional baggage of the brain/flesh.

The ancients settled on a managed life through controlling behavior by creating laws. They knew that a Utopian society involved creating wise human beings. As wisdom was out of the question they settled on managing society. But management was a second class choice. Till today we are still using this second class choice as our top and only policy. This reluctant and second class choice has resulted in a second class life for the whole society. So what we do is; it is like the heat system in the house is broken and instead of fixing the heat system we put on the AC. The excess heat continues to emotionally and physically harm the brain, body and mind. And the person's mind has to struggle to live within the laws of the land by managing the behavior of the brain driven self image. Managing behavior has barely worked but look at what the individual, society and country looses.

Behavior is a symptom of the individual's core self. Trying to control behavior is like trying to control a fragrance. Take a flower and try to control it's fragrance. As long as the flower is not changed physically the fragrance will remain the same no matter what one does.

Bad behavior springs from the self image, which itself is a symptom of the core self. All the ills of society occur because we try to control and manage the self image through laws. Suppose there is a fire and what we do is we try to control and bring down the heat and try to stop the smoke without putting out the fire. This is how we manage the phony self image. The self image is a byproduct of biochemical reactions that take place in the brain. When the brain continues to generate an ignorance powered self image then no amount of laws is going to change the core behavior of the self image. The self image will continue to pretend and fake good lawful behavior and will break the law at the first chance it gets to accomplish it's own ignorant goals.

It is like suppose the self image is that of a monkey. For all practical purposes the monkey self image will know, understand, become and behave as a monkey. What the government does is it ignores or is ignorant of the fact the self image of the monkey is what the government is dealing with. The monkey self image is innately produced by the ignorance powered brain. If we retool the brain we can change the monkey self image to a human self image. But what we do is we expect the monkey self image to behave within the human laws of the government. So we virtually force the monkey to behave like a law abiding citizen.

We at the 4th R Foundation have figured out that wisdom is an innate property of the pure self. So to make society wise all we have to do is make the self pure.

The core self quality determines the self image quality. We have to find ways to change the core self into a super mature emotionally intelligent self. The super mature pure self is powered by selflessness. Selflessness can be nurtured and cultivated from the womb onwards in our current and future generations and it can be created by retooling the brain of the adults. We do not need to produce animal self images and then try to control the herd behavior through laws and management. Expecting good human behavior from animal self images is insanity as it has proved futile for 1000s of years.

There are many factors that combine to create the self image. There is the mind generated self image. The brain generated self image. The pure self generated self image. The group and country generated self image. The life situation generated self image. The good and bad habits generated self image. The physical body generated self image. Each one of these self image components have to be analyzed separately and steps taken to make them become super mature emotionally intelligent. The mind generated self image is shaped by one's regular education. The brain generated self image is generated by one's upbringing. The pure self is one's super ego and conscience. The group and country self image is shaped by the beliefs of one's group and many times the narrow minded and group centered beliefs lead to wars and rivalries. The current life situation like being jobless or born rich etc has it's own impact on the self image. Habits have their own stamp on the self image. Physical health as well as one's concept of beauty all have their own component in the compound self image. The make the self image super healthy all the components of the compound self image will have to be fine tuned to as close to perfection as possible.

Every self image is powered by emotional intelligence; where emotional intelligence is to the self image what blood is to the human body. The purer the blood the healthier the body; the purer the core self the healthier the self image. The quality of the self image is determined by just one factor - the ability level of the self image to perceive the reality of life and everything else in it just the way it is. There are broadly four levels of self images:

1) The -2 premature self image. This is the self image that is developed through 'womb-conditioning', the shaping of the physical and emotional brain/mind by the nine month long womb environment. Womb-conditioning creates an omnipotent and omnipresent self image. Some have their brain stuck at this level even though their mind and body develops to the next level. Thus we have -2 people who are totally self centered, greedy, criminal and or emotionally challenged. So ignorance, the opposite of wisdom is total self-centerdness/selfishness.

2) The -1 immature self image. This is the self image that is developed through the after birth period by the parents upbringing. The self image that is generated by a brain that gets emotionally stuck at this level is corrupt. The bottom line self image of this level brain level is, 'I may not be important today but one day I will be by hook or by crook. There is a huge level of selfishness at this stage. Whole countries are -1 as a result of the majority of the people being -1.

3) The +1 mature self image. The majority of Americans bring up our children with loving care and provide our children with a nurturing emotional intelligence and intelligence environment. However we integrate into the brain structure a feeling of, 'I am the best'. As a result we deliberately create a trophy self image in the majority of Americans. So for most Americans the mind moves on to +2 super mature while the brain gets stuck at +1. It is our trophy self image that has created the current crisis for America and unless we wake up to this destructive traditional American belief our life situation will continue to go down. Our leaders must at least listen to us on this one and take steps to stop this traditional parental belief that they can fulfill their own life success dreams through their children. We must stop creating +1 trophy self images and start creating +2 pure selves. We need to create a +2 America all the way with a +2 mind/spirit and a +2 brain/flesh! We have the plan. Please google, 'self image therapy by sajid khan'. In fact in google search, 'self image therapy' brings up our 'knols' (google's units of knowledge) on the top.
Scholarly articles for self image therapy

Client-centered therapy - Rogers - Cited by 5442
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III - Millon - Cited by 391
Cognitive-behavioral body image therapy for body … - Rosen - Cited by 204
Search Results
If you are thinking of a divorce please read this first. A new kind of ...
Sep 19, 2011 - A new kind of marriage counseling: Self Image Therapy. Most marriage relationships are strained due to self image falling for self image; ...
Self Image Therapy. - a knol by Sajid Khan
Jul 16, 2011 - The human brain has the property to project several self images at the same time. Each one of these self images are self...
Self-esteem: Boost your self-image with these 5 steps - MayoClinic ...
Self-esteem — Overcome negative self-talk and a poor self-image in four steps. ...Request an Appointment · Log in to Patient Account · See Treatment ...
4) The +2 super mature self image. A good 15-20% of America is at this level where the brain and mind both are +2 super mature. The self image is selfless at this level. This is the level where the brain/mind complex is wise. The brain has no emotional baggage at this level so there is no selfish self image to filter and distort the out side in reality. The self at this stage is pure and oozes wisdom innately and unconsciously.
Super mature emotional intelligence = wisdom = selflessness. Thus in order to define wisdom we can say wisdom is selflessness. To make mankind wise all we need to do is create selflessness across the board on a mass scale. What we need is exactly what our profits have been saying all along. We have to get rid of the ego by getting rid of the self image.

The quality of behavior is an indicator of the quality of the very nature of the individual's human nature. It is an indicator of the self image of the person. Instead of improving the quality of the self image we manage the self image, leaving the pure self un-actualized, frustrated, guilty, angry... The human mind works in images. It takes it's phony self image as the pure self and as a result for all practical purposes it takes on the human nature/ego of the self image and behaves according to the human nature/ego of the self image. It is like a phony animal self is what most people become. No wonder most have a hard time controlling and managing even our own emotions/identity.
Thus society and the government has to contend with the inferior animal in man, the fake self image; but above all the individual's pure self has to contend and struggle with it's own fake self image.
Here are some of the areas of life where the self image (In America's case our trophy self image) messes up life.
1) It distorts and messes up time.
2) It sets us up for an imperfect life.
3) It sets us up for mispercieving reality.
4) It is the leading cause of divorce.
5) It not only causes depression; it keeps us away from pure happiness.
6) It causes wars and bloated defense budgets.
7) It is the chief cause of all emotionally challenged behavior; the reason why man from the earliest times has tried to figure out wisdom in order to make everyone wise to save society from the destruction of the self image's emotionally challenged behavior.
8) The self image is the factor that blocks the pure self. It is what we our selves integrate into the brain structure of our children. We create the best minds and yet we create faulty brains that generate trophy self images that ruin even our finances. Even the cause of the current economic crisis is at least partly due to our behavior being controlled by the trophy self image.

Our government and our mind scientists including main stream education must realize that managing and controlling behavior by trying to manage the animal human nature/the selfish and ignorant ego/the stink of the impure self - the phony self image is no longer the only option as our ancient sages had concluded. We have figured out how to create wise human beings; the first choice of our elders.

We must realize the huge cost in economic, emotional/body pain, hunger, crime, divorce, depression, poverty and all other ills due to emotionally challenged behavior. It can all now be replaced with wise behavior which will bring all kinds of physical as well as emotional benefits to all life. It will create a wise society. It will also take America and the world back on the road toward greatness.

Sajid Ali Khan
4th R Foundation
233 East, 59th Street
NY NY 10022
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Distribution Channel(s):

This is an open letter to President Obama. Please email this letter as a chain letter. Please ask your friends to email it further.

Press Release Title: Mr. President: We at the 4th R Foundation are Proposing an Absolutely Essential Stimulus Package.

Distribution Channel(s):

Knol so far is just a noun. It has the potential to be an adverb. For instance we can say that my latest knol is the 'knolest' of knols. As in the 'coolest' of cool knols; where in the case of knols 'knolest' applies to a knol that is packed with new and world changing knowledge that expands the frontiers of science, art, music, religion... Any knol that for instance enhances the understanding and improvement of life we can term a knolest of knols. Knol = newest unit of knowledge; knolest = unit of knowledge that has been improved to the level where it is beneficial to human beings in a new way. i would like to announce a 'Knolest Knol of the Year Award' that will carry a $1000.00 cash prize.

The ground rules are that each knoller can propose one of their own knols, or some one else's knol and they must explain why this knol is the knolest knol. All knollers are invited to this contest.

We can also use knol as a in 'please 'knol' your life as in fill it with practical and cutting edge new knowledge, or as in your essay is not 'knolled' enough so you can knol it further like this...

My latest and best knol in the cloud.

Press Release Title: Why is Society the Way it is? Because it is Pay Back Time.

Distribution Channel(s):


September 13, 2011

The 4th R Foundation Would Like the Attention of Our Leaders on the Creation of a New Subject That Teaches Emotional Intelligence/Wisdom: The 4th R: Reality/Truth, Which Will Give Us a Prosperous Life 
-- We Americans need to go back to the good old American way of indulging in a frenzy of emotionally super healthy behavior which will gradually remove the fundamental causes of our current economic mess. It will bring back our good old prosperous life. --

    NEW YORK, NY, September 13, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The 4th R: Reality/Truth

The R stands for truth/reality. Truth/reality is not just a moral issue; it is a much bigger health/economic/life/pure-happiness/well-being issue. Truth is an essential factor for a top quality physical and emotional life. 

All our emotional problems stem from not knowing, understanding and actualizing our true self. It is because our true self is hidden under our part-phony self-image that we have all these fundamental problems in life. From economic troubles to depression, from greed to crime, from hate to tense relationships, all are due to the falsehood/emotional baggage that runs our brains/minds. Thus truth is a very essential emotional health factor.

"A Frenzy of Irresponsible Borrowing" - Newsweek.

We can rewrite the same sentence as, "A frenzy of irresponsible behavior" and we treat irresponsible behavior as the main cause for our social problems. So we try to address the problem of irresponsible behavior. However when we put this irresponsible behavior under the microscope; the fundamental cause, it is very clear, is our emotionally challenged behavior.

Whatever solutions the experts use are based on managing irresponsible behavior while the real cause is emotionally challenged behavior. No wonder trying to take care of the symptoms does not take care of the disease. 

It is like the roof is leaking. So we move the furniture around and put buckets under the dropping water. We take care of the effects but we leave the holes in the roof. Our actions towards our economic mess are similar. We cannot fix the mess without fixing the fundamental problem. 

The time to act is now. We at the 4th R Foundation have developed a new subject that teaches emotional intelligence/wisdom. We need our leaders to seriously consider our creation so that we can create a wise society and then we can go back to the good old ways of indulging in a frenzy of emotionally super healthy behavior which will gradually remove the fundamental causes of our current economic mess.

Also please google:

4th r foundation

The Third Eye; Everyone Has It, Including You - Sajid Khan

Please also check out our YouTube videos here:

"Message to President Obama..." 
"A Message for Bill Gates"

Please also partner the birth of Wisdom Day: Please Google, 'wisdom day, NY NY'.

*Wisdom Day, 2nd October, 2011, Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, United States, 4th R Foundation Is Inviting One And All To Partner The Birth Of Wisdom Day On 2nd Of October (Gandhi's Birthday) In Order To Wake... [read more]l

The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image etc.

Please also check out our YouTube videos here:

"Message to President Obama..." 

"If you are thinking of a divorce"

"Who am I"

"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"

"A Message for Bill Gates"

# # #

Read more Press Releases from Sajid Khan:
  • 4th R Foundation: If the White House Was Really Open For Fresh Ideas We Would Have Real Changes in the Education Policy of Our Government. Our Government Would Take Immediate Steps 4 Teaching Wisdom.
  • 4th R Foundation: Just Imagine all of Thousands of Years Wasted; History of Man Filled With Disastrous Episodes Powered by the Collective Emotional Baggage of Man. We Must Put an End to This Madness.
  • Knol Author Foundation Would Like to Invite All Those Who Want to Change the World to Join Us. Knol is Looking for Your Unique Experience to Add to the Human Knowledge Pool.
  • We at the 4th R Foundation Have the Blueprint to Create a Wise Society and We Need the Full Backing of Our Leaders in the Government and Industry
  • 4TH R Foundation: Science Has a Closed Mind on Wisdom - Wisdom is Super Mature Emotional Intelligence (Now Defined Within the Paradigm of Science); Wisdom Education is Emotional Intelligence Education
  • The Difference Between Jesus and All the Other Giants of Science and Philosophy; From Aristotle and Socrates to Our Very Own Dalai Lama; Jesus Is the Only One With the Perfect Understanding of Wisdom
  • Sajid Ali Khan, the President of the 4th R Foundation, Says, "We Need the Mother of All Wars to Lift America to New Dizzying Heights of Prosperity"
  • We at the 4th R Foundation Have Developed a Whole New Subject that Teaches Wisdom; We Would Like to Invite Our Leaders in Mainstream Science and Education to Put Our Work Under the Microscope
  • The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The Attention Of Our Leaders To The 5 Words That Are The Key To Becoming Wise: God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14
  • 4th R Foundation Is Inviting One And All To Partner The Birth Of Wisdom Day On 2nd Of October (Gandhi's Birthday) In Order To Wake Up The World To The Grand Mother Of All Bubbles:The Trophy Self Image

\"As one put it, “I mean, I guess what makes something right is how I feel about it. But different people feel different ways, so I couldn't speak on behalf of anyone else as to what’s right and wrong.” - David Brooks in NY Times

With the hold of religion and culture weakening moral values are no longer kept in check through religion and culture. So, 'how one feels about it' quite about sums up the forces that more and more drive moral values. And how one feels is dependent on the quality of the persons developed emotional intelligence/wisdom. Moral values and moral behavior is a function of one's developed wisdom/emotional intelligence potential.

We cannot blame the decline of moral values on these kids. When they are exposed to and nurtured into lower level emotional intelligence then how can their feelings be of higher moral values? It is like we create 10K gold metal but we expect 10K gold to have the properties of 24K gold.

There are much bigger reasons for this moral decline. Our whole education system is messed up, especially our emotional intelligence education. We have hundreds of subjects for educating our intelligence and zero subjects for educating our emotional intelligence and as a result a whole chunk of society is perpetually jelling into emotionally challenged citizens.

We at the 4th R Foundation have not only come up with a new subject that creates wise human beings our research has shown that unless we ensure a wise population through wisdom education/therapy our society will continue to decline morally, economically and in all areas of life.

If Only Our Leadership Could Understand the Fundamental Causes For the Current Mess... 

/ The quality of life is deteriorating under our very noses. From the quality of our environment to the value of our currency, everything is getting devalued. Different ideologies are blaming the other for this mess. There is a blame game going on. Whether it is president Obama or the opposition everyone is looking at the symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately reality has it's own laws and those who try to fix the symptoms instead of taking care of the disease are bound to failure. 

The majority of us Americans bring up our children on lots of caring and love. However we introduce one crazy element that gets physically integrated with the emotional brain infrastructure. We introduce the belief of each one of us being the best; as a result we grow up with a phony over confident trophy self image; instead of growing up into our true self. This trophy self image has a rippling effect on all life. It is like we have $50.00 in our pocket to spend in the market place of life but we are absolutely certain we have $100.00. So when we give out $50.00 and feel we have given out $100.00 and the return we get is $50.00, you can imagine the anger and confusion. Now multiply this anger and confusion on a mass scale and what will we get. As a result from wall street greed to depression, from restlessness to divorce, from defense budgets to relationships all get messed up. 

The current mess is not as bad as it looks. It is not even as confusing as it looks. We are here in this economic mess because our emotional intelligence education is messed up. We are the best in the world at making money. Because our professional expertise is +2 super mature. Our brains and our minds are both on the same +2 super mature page. When it comes to spending money we are one peg down at +1 mature. We make money with our brain, mind and our back breaking body's efforts. We spend it on the whims of the our self image. We know how to make money physically but we lack the expertise to handle money emotionally.

We are brought up on the notion that, 'We can if we think we can'. We can if we think we can is essential but not enough to succeed. In our professional life not only do we feel we can, we actually develop the expertise to succeed professionally. But in our emotional life we develop a phony self image that expects more than what it can ever deliver. Thus we spend today on credit confident that we will be able to pay it back tomorrow. So the basic reason for our current mess is that America has a part phony self image problem at the individual, group and country level. We must wake up to our trophy self image and to all the negative effects of this gap in our emotional intelligence. We have the road map of how to get out of this mess.

Sooner than later we will have to confront our hunger for more and more cheap and in many cases contaminated overseas produced consumer goods. Our solution is to establish Consumer Goods Producing Enterprise Zones. This will not only produce home made pure goods, it will generate jobs and taxes. The football manufacturing capital of the world was Sialkote, in Pakistan. It provided the world with over 70% of all hand made footballs. The Chinese created a factory that produces 10,000 footballs a minute! Tens of thousands of jobs were lost overnight. If we do not face this problem of addiction to cheap mass consumption of goods head on; we will get more and more hollow... We have business plans for Consumer Goods Producing Enterprise Zones. 

We will have to confront the fact that 1/3 of all medicare expenses go to pay the medical bills for the last six months of life of the elderly. In most cases these are terminally ill and/or patients who have incurable diseases mostly due to very old age. In the majority of cases it is more prolonging death then prolonging life. These elderly patients suffer pain and humiliation and we spend money that we do not have on prolonging their pain.

We can not only produce text books for all grades and even adult reeducation for a new subject that teaches emotional intelligence; we have this whole new industry that we call the Wisdom Industry that will create millions of jobs and businesses. Our wisdom industry will generate jobs and wealth for the whole country. We have the ideas and the President has the connections and the resources for just the seed money. Our wisdom industry will generate wisdom education, creating text books, with exercises and lessons, training for teachers and parents, and 'pure happiness' counselors etc., wisdom coaching for adults, groups and countries, toys that teach wisdom, wisdom computer games, comic books, children stories, sitcoms, TV talk shows, movies etc.; and Wisdom Theme Parks where one can talk with Socrates and Aristotle, Confucius and the Buddha! Where a wisdom conf...

Britain turns out to be the smart one. They refused to join the Euro. The weaker currencies are going to ride on the backs of the marks and the francs and the big banks for as long as they can. And then within 3 to 4 years the Euro will slit up under pressure. Did you know that in two years time the equivalent of 60% of the EC GDP is due to just the banks. There is no way this much staggering money can be paid back. The current turmoil is nothing compared to what is coming.

Things are much worse than we are told. America does not have a 14 trillion debt. The real figure is much higher. Many times more. The American government has no gold. It just has gold certificates! So our gold is just paper assets! Even some of our top American banks keep issuing gold certificates and the buyers think they are buying gold. If all the gold certificate owners demanded to withdraw their gold many banks will go bankrupt. If I did a real analysis of the stock market you will be shocked. It is a gambling casino with a ...

The good news is that the American people are resilient. We are still resourceful. Our foreclosure rate is still low. Most are able to pay our bills. Every corner and every around the corner there are thriving businesses! Every village has its millionaires. The museums, theaters and stadiums are full. We trophy self images have our trophies in spite of our incomprehensibly ineffective and uninnovative leadership.  Our president is little more than a top spin master, at least in my field of education. On every topic he knows how to say the right words and even adds spin to every speech. He knows the talk but I have a feeling that he knows that he cannot walk the walk, as it is the same old tried and failed policies in education. I am sick to the bone that no one in his circle has a clue to what is needed to lift the country out of this huge economic and emotional intelligence mess.

I am so disgusted that I seriously considered joining the dark side to push forward my agenda but then I got this beautiful new insight from Jesus! I guess Jesus wants me to stay with him.

My latest knol in the cloud is coming out tomorrow: (It is my biggest ever knol hit so far!)
Science and Research News

Philosophy is still researching wisdom by putting it under the microscope! Only Jesus knew that wisdom comes automatically with the territory of the pure self/spirit/mind. Wisdom is not an independent entity which can be studied under the microscope. All the philosophers from Aristotle till today took the wrong track to wisdom education! And Washington is still stuck on the same wrong path.

My greatest milking of the insights of the Bible! It is #1 on google search!

"Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit."

This most important insight from the Bible also reinforces my own hypothesis!

My basic hypothesis quantifies the mind/brain into broadly and approximately four basic stages and as there are four levels of the brain/mind there are four levels of individuals, groups, countries and leaders described as follows:

“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." - John: 3-3"

For me the most challenging and intriguing chapter of the Bible is chapter 3 from St. John. The part about 'being born again' is clear as explained in Wikipedia, "In Christianity, born again refers to a "spiritual rebirth" (regeneration) of the human soul or spirit, contrasted with the physical birth everyone experiences." 

However inspite of having spent hundreds of hours over many years on trying to decode the explanation given to Nicodemus:

'5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’

I was still not able to decode this intriguing explanation.

However yesterday the buses were running late and while waiting and waiting for the bus I went back to reading St John Ch 3. What caught my attention was, '6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.' I kept rolling this over and over in my mind. Finally it happened and even though I have not reached the level of decoding like I did in "The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The Attention Of Our Leaders To The 5 Words That Are The Key To Becoming Wise: God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14" I think I have come close to solving at least partly the mystery of this chapter.

I feel I have succeed in decoding this particular line: '6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.'!!!

a) Premature mind (-2)...a totally self centered brutal nature. Leaders that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. One's own self is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even exist. Leaders who are stuck at this emotional mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing the common man and the country. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. Inspite of all the illegal wealth and power this mind level leaders are very insecure. They spend a disproportionate amount of money on their own and their countries security. For these leaders they alone are
above the law and everyone else is below the law. Except for the very few cronies of the leader the rest of the country lives in poverty and life remains a constant struggle. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional mind and its consequences. Individuals at this -2 level end up as murderers, thugs, rapists etc. They are the very personification of evil. The brain is physically and emotionally stuck at the -2 level and it projects a -2 mind/self/self-image. At this stage the mind is practically a slave of the brain. It is the physical brain that is totally in-charge of the brain-mind self-identity. We can scientifically say that the individual at this -2 level is the physical brain which is pure flesh, which totally rules the mind(spirit).

b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the mind level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with even committing illegal acts. Leaders whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third world countries have this level mind leaders and citizens. Individuals at this level are a mixture of brain and mind. One can scientifically say that this level -1 brain-mind represents a mixture of flesh(brain) and spirit(mind).

c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult mind considers himself as first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his own self. He works for his own family first. Leaders who are at this level of the mind work for their whole nation but more so for their
own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially over spend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country. Individuals at this level are responsible citizens however they suffer from a phony over confident self image. They are brought up on ,'I am the best' belief that is implanted into their physical brain structure. As a result they have a trophy self image. The brain-mind complex is mostly ruled by the mind. Thus at this stage the brain-mind complex is mostly spirit.

d) Super mature mind (+2) altruistic nature. At this mind level the mind develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part of the whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Leaders who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They don’t help their own supporters above the opposition. They treat all alike with the
same highest respect. For them all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of society. The whole country becomes richer. Such leaders are truly altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure and defense and every thing in-between. This is the kind of leader every country needs every time there is an election. Individuals at this +2 brain-mind complex are true altruistic beings who are true manifestations of the pure self. Their mind(spirit) is in total control
 of the brain(flesh).

Individuals who grow up chronologically but remain emotionally at -2 brain level can be termed as flesh.
These are the real criminals of the world. They either are mentally challenged and so are dependent on society for their needs or are criminals and so cause harm to the society. No wonder Jesus says those of flesh(brain) cannot go to heaven. 

Individuals who grow up chronologically but remain emotionally at -1 brain level can be termed as a mixture of flesh(brain) and spirit(mind). No wonder there are many layers of heaven and hell.

Individuals who grow up chronologically but remain emotionally at +1 brain level can be termed as mostly spirit(mind). 

Individuals who grow up emotionally to the +2 brain/mind level can be termed as fully self-actualized spirits. 

Thus think of the brain as flesh and the mind as spirit.

Thus,  'Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.' we can decode as,  

"Brain gives birth to brain, but the Mind gives birth to mind.' This has a much deeper meaning which I will post as a knol later- 'the human mind comes from the Mind'.

This most important insight from the Bible also reinforces my own hypothesis!

'Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit.' we can decode as, 
"Brain gives birth to brain, but the Mind gives birth to mind.' This has a much deeper meaning which I will post as a knol here later- 'the human mind comes from the Mind'. Mind here is being referred to as the Mind of Gd! So if we can get a glimpse of the Mind of Gd we can get some clue of how to create the human mind which means the human spirit!

My latest knol in the cloud



What We Can Learn From the Chinese. [22 Aug 2011] EIN Presswire My Knol
Statement by the President on Libya [22 Aug 2011] President Obama's Latest statement @ 2 pm today.

What Are These Guys in the White House Smoking?

/ The President has decided to seriously focus on the job problem. It is a good indication that he is giving a few weeks before he announces his new plan. This time he seems serious about the joblessness issue. Given the level of expertise in the current White House we bet he will announce a rehash of the same old, same old job creation strategy that he has always pursued. There will be a little more incentive for businesses to hire like tax breaks, and banks will be urged to ease up on lending or even the government will directly lend to businesses. This time around the new policy may be a little better than what is in place, but again this new initiative will be on oxygen on arrival. It will again fall flat because jobs are created when businesses are booming; which happens when consumers are spending. Businesses will not hire just to fill a non busy store. 

If he talks of jobs through infrastructure expansion it will not work because most of the infrastructure contracts go to big business and they are already rich and the vast majority of unemployed people will stay put, jobless. 

Throughout history governments and businesses keep expanding the work force as populations grow. A stage comes when job openings cannot keep pace with the needs of the growing population and so unemployment soars. Then inventors and innovators come along and open up a brand new horizon for jobs. The most recent expansion of jobs came when the new industry of the internet came into its own. The Apples, Ebays and the Googles of the world created the new expansion of jobs. In fact President Clinton came along just when this new internet frontier was at its peak, thus generating jobs and wealth that created the budget surpluses. 

We are at that stage in our economic history when even the now old internet industry has settled down and no major job expansions are possible in this sector. What the world urgently needs is a new jobs opening by the creation of a new frontier. What we need is the creation of a new industry. We at the 4th R Foundation have created a brand new step by step plan to humongously expand the job market by proposing a trillion dollar, 'Wisdom Industry'. In fact the current economic mess and life mess is a direct result of this elephant in the room, this emotional instability of the majority of Americans. It is not their fault, it is the fault of our government leaders and our main stream education leaders that we are not doing anything about this problem; that has a rippling affect on all our life. 

Inspite of it now being established that emotional intelligence education is as essential as regular education we are still not taking any serious action. Whenever any epidemic is discovered America used to spring into action immediately. Emotional instability is at epidemic proportion. But our leaders are beyond busy repeating the same old mistakes again and again and have no time to even consider our proposal to expand the job market to include our invention (or at least expansion) of this 'Wisdom Industry'. 

Mr. Obama has the opportunity to become the greatest Education President ever. He can go down in history as the enabler and frontiersmen of this brand new wisdom industry. 

Commission after commission has been set up to fix the mess in education. Each time the experts are called to find the solutions to the education mess they look to improve main stream education. No one is thinking of fixing emotional intelligence education. It is below the radar screen and even those who have some clue to this problem are not sure how to handle this emotional intelligence education crisis. Well we have a very crystal clear step by step proposal. 

In fact the $670,000,000.00 fund that your current central administration has given out to the states to come up with innovations in education, I am sure each one of them has sent back proposals of how to teach math and science better and have missed the central issue of the real mess in education; the lack of emotional intelligence education. 

When we try to understand and fix the mess in education we keep going back to trying to improve how we teach subjects like math and science. Actually our math and science education is well set and the mess lies elsewhere. It is due to lack of even a single subject that teaches emotional intelligence. We need this wisdom education as an essential medicine to cure the illness of emotional ignorance/instability. As bonus we will be creating a wise society; that will also bring us jobs on a mass scale in the millions as well as make us live pure, happy and honest lives. 

Please google, '4th r foundation'for more information. 

Please also check out our YouTube videos here: 

"Message to President Obama..." 

"If you are thinking of a divorce" 

"Who am I" 

"Practical application of quantification of the Mind" 

"A Message for Bill Gates" 

Sajid Ali Khan 
4th R* Foundation 
233 East, 59th Street 
NY NY 10022 
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* The R stands for truth/reality. Truth/reality is not just a moral issue it is a much bigger health/economic/life/pure happiness/well-being issue. One can get away with falsehood when it comes to the ropes of life but when it comes to living ones life then truth is an essential factor in a top quality physical and emotional life. 

All our emotional problems stem from not knowing, understanding and actualizing our true self. It is because our true self is hidden under the cloak of our part phony self image that we have all these problems in life. From economic troubles to depression from jealousy to suspicion, from anger to restlessness are all due to the part falsehood/emotional-baggage that runs our brains/minds. So the 4th R/truth is a very essential life factor; especially an emotional health factor. 

About Our Founder 

Sajid Ali Khan has quantified the mind. Which means emotions are quantified. Now we can live our lives by numbers. From love to hate and everything in between can all be measured and thus defined within the paradigm of science.


My best bit of knol ever:

In order to understand wisdom education we must know the true nature of wisdom and we must figure out how wisdom is generated. The most essential factor is we must know the true nature of the mind and the brain. We must also know the difference between the brain and mind and the relationship between them.

/ brain's domain is emotional intelligence and the mind's domain is intelligence. The mind knows and the brain understands. The mind speaks in words while the brain speaks in electric currents generated by the biochemical process. The brain is unconscious and works innately. The mind works consciously. Emotional intelligence is generated innately. Knowledge is acquired consciously. It is the brain that provides the power of emotional intelligence to the mind, innately through biochemical actions/reactions. Wisdom nor its attributes cannot be learned because wisdom is a product of a biochemical process. This is the reason wisdom cannot be taught. It can be created through making the brain free of all emotional baggage. In order for the mind to become emotionally intelligent the mind has to consciously focus on its own brain and clean the brain of all emotional baggage.

Wisdom is impossible to teach because wisdom is a product of a biochemical process. Just try to speak in words to a biochemical reaction! Or try to remove a stink in your house by speaking to the source of the stink. Or try teaching a pig table manners. Or try pleading or preaching with a dirty bed sheet to clean itself. All mental activity of the brain is biochemically processed. The brain speaks biochemically where the quality of the biochemical process is determined by the physical quality of the brain. The physical quality of the brain is determined by the level of the emotional baggage in the brain. So to improve the biochemical actions/reactions in the brain one has to get rid of the emotional baggage. Once the emotional baggage is removed the brain becomes physically pure and a pure brain oozes wisdom. The super mature brain innately projects a wise mind. Thus wisdom education is emotional healing therapy. Wisdom education has nothing to do with learning wisdom or its attributes. And certainly not through words.

It is the very being of wisdom that it is a secondary quality. It is the property of the pure self. It is a property of the physical material of the pure self. The pure self itself is the property of the pure brain; a brain free of emotional baggage. In order to create wisdom we will have to create emotional baggage free brains. Thus wisdom education is emotional baggage removing education.
We do not take the emotional baggage removing route for wisdom education because we have not figured out that wisdom is an innate property of the pure brain.
We teach wisdom just like we teach math and science by providing knowledge, mostly what are the benefits of wisdom. We preach, persuade, threaten, reward, punish and entice people to be wise. But as wisdom is a fragrance/symptom/innate-
property we make little progress in teaching wisdom. After all we cannot improve a fragrance by preaching, persuading, threatening, rewarding…it to improve.
It is amazing that wisdom is not a conscious entity. It is an innate entity and it does not listen to teaching.
Yes one can teach the mind math and science; but wisdom is a quality of the brain. And the brain cannot be taught. The brain has to be physically changed to improve the quality of the brain. Thus wisdom teaching can only be done by emotional healing. We already use emotional healing therapies to change the sub-normal to normal. We must use the same to change the normal to super normal.
The pure self starts off exactly like gold ore. Through proper upbringing it gets refined into the pure self. The special qualities of the gold metal innately come into existence when the gold is pure. Similarly the self becomes wise when the self is nurtured into becoming selfless.

Six out of the top ten news services are now offering to work with me free! I decided on Ein Presswire because I like their staff. My knol is the #1 featured on their cover! They have over 80 specialized news channels and my knol is featured #1on their main channel!

This is a service of a digital news provider

Reach Over 10,000,000 People with One Click with the EIN Presswire Press Release Distribution Service

Latest Press Releases
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Notes for a grant proposal:

Emotionally challenged students are the unprepared students. Unprepared for learning and unprepared for living a responsible and wise life.

From a teacher being a teacher to a 'learning enabler'.

This grant will allow 4th R Foundation to at the very least create text books that teach wisdom. It will be the first step towards creating a whole new subject that teaches wisdom. This new subject will enable individuals across the board from infants, students, parents, teachers and adults to groups and countries to become wise. This subject will contain exercises and lessons just like math and science. We will be able to create the learning tools to create wise societies. 

The current economic and social crisis is here to stay and get worse unless we address the fundamental causes of this mess. The major cause is this lack of a single subject that teaches emotional intelligence which at the super mature stage is wisdom. Huge chunks of our populations suffer from emotionally challenged minds, emotional holes that result in parents who are unable to provide the nurturing environment to create emotionally stable children and as a result huge numbers of students enter schools unprepared emotionally for mastering the 3Rs of education. These same students go on to become burdens on society, creating emotional pain on their spouses and family and the cycle of emotionally unstable children unprepared for learning starts once again. We thus create citizens that are dependent on drugs and alcohol, Wall Street traders who are scruples and greedy; even politicians who use spin and bluff to con to stay in power. Even groups and countries are emotionally challenged.

With your help we will be able to  insure that emotionally challenged students that enter will graduate with not just emotionally healthy minds they will graduate with super emotionally intelligent minds. You will help us to not just address and fulfill the necessary goals of emotional intelligence education and also the huge challenges facing the the whole society at large; the challenges of crime, greed, depression, divorce, drug addiction... all the attributes of ignorance. Because we will be replacing the attributes of ignorance with the attributes of wisdom.

Dear Ma'am/Sir:

We are pleased to submit our proposal that will meet not just the challenge of the lack of an emotional intelligence subject and also the larger challenge of lack of concrete solutions to the economic chaos and the resulting social mess of all society at large. Our own unique insights on wisdom will generate the tools to make all society wise.

We have figured out wisdom; what it is and how it can be taught. We actually have a concrete plan in place to put together the learning tools that teach wisdom. With your help we will put together text books, complete with lessons and exercises not just for students and also for parents, teachers, adults, groups and governments. Attached is our proposal requesting 1,000,000 over two years.

Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions.

If America is to come out of it's current economic and social mess and remain the financial basket for the world, we must wake up to the huge chunk of America being emotionally challenged; which has created a rippling affect that has a hand in all other crisis facing America. America must stand up to this single biggest factor that is the cause of all this mess; this lack of a single subject that teaches emotional intelligence/wisdom. The following will give an idea of the breath and vast new horizon that we have created; we have this step by step concrete plan to create text books that teach:

1) Students to become wise.

2) Parents to become healthy nurturers of wisdom.

3) Adult reeducation of emotional intelligence/wisdom.

4) Pure happiness classes.

5) The nuts and bolts of wisdom education.

6) The benefits of quantifying the mind.

7) Companies, groups and countries to become wise.

8) The benefits of knowing the true nature of human nature.

9) The benefits of knowing what is wisdom

10), 11) ...

All of our finished products will be disseminated throughout the world. 

You can see the depth of our commitment from the fact that our founder has been researching human nature, self, self-image, mind, brain, consciousness etc. for the last 35+ years resulting in our figuring out the nuts and bolts of wisdom education.

At the end of the two year period we will have created at the very least text books that teach wisdom to all the different layers of society. We also intend to expand our insights to create the following:

1) Brain Power Clubs

Budget Narrative:

Currently this foundation is a one man research institute where we have developed a concrete plan to create text books etc for our wisdom education. The time has come to expand our team to make real our goals to make the whole society wise.

Organization and staff qualifications:

So far our one man team consists of a mere graduate. But the hypothesis we have built up has enough original work that is bigger than several PhD's.


This is going to be my latest press release: (This has been my best press release so far, even CBS news has called it top latest news!

We at the 4th R Foundation Have Developed a Whole New Subject that Teaches Wisdom; We Would Like to Invite Our Leaders in Mainstream Science and Education to Put Our Work Under the Microscope.

"Researching the insights from religion and philosophy we have uncovered the mystery of wisdom. Wisdom is an innate character trait of the pure self. Thus wisdom education is pure self education. Wisdom education is emotional healing education".

NEW YORK, NY, August 02, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In spite of all the impressive research on emotional intelligence we have yet to figure out that emotional intelligence at the super mature stage is wisdom. We at the 4th R Foundation have found that the character traits of super mature emotional intelligence are exactly the same as wisdom. As emotional intelligence is a subject of pure science so is wisdom. We can no longer describe wisdom as indefinable. We at the 4th R Foundation have developed our own concept of wisdom through the following insights:

1) From the insights of religion:

As God is the very essence of wisdom let's try to figure out wisdom by trying to figure out the very nature of the very Being of God. By assuming that God has wisdom and all its attributes it boils down to the fact that God is great because God has all these great attributes of wisdom. This implies that God is God because He has these attributes. This means that God is something less and has these jewels; that make him great. But this is not God, He does not need anything to be what He is. He is Who He is. He is God because He is God. He does not need to have anything extra to be God. All this boils down to the fact that He does not just have wisdom, He is wisdom. He is all the attributes of wisdom. So as God is wisdom we can rewrite the following quotation as follows:

"There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work" - 1 Corinthians -12:6

"There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same wisdom at work." - 1 Corinthians - 12:6.

Thus it is very clear that wisdom is supposed to be part of all human behavior and above all part of every human being.

Now as God is wisdom, if we can know the true nature of God we will know the true nature of wisdom.

God Said To Moses, 'I Am Who I Am." - Exodus 3:14

It is very clear that God is saying that He is exactly what He is supposed to be and He is not what He is not supposed to be. God is His Pure Self. There is nothing phony about God. Thus we can clearly determine that God is His pure Self. And God is also wisdom. So wisdom in man boils down to the self being pure. We at the 4th R Foundation have concluded that the path to wisdom education boils down to pure self education. We already have therapies to make the subnormal mind/brain normal; we can use the same to make the normal into the super normal.

2) From the insights of philosophy:

From the perspective of philosophy wisdom cannot be defined in words and the minute it is described in words it is not wisdom. It is accepted that there are three ways to wisdom.

i) One can be born wise:

We have observed that those who are born wise are actually the ones who have had a super mature upbringing. These individuals grow into their pure self without any emotional baggage. Most are exposed to less than a super mature upbringing and thus turn out less than wise. What happens is that as the brain/mind develops in a super mature emotional environment it grows into a physically and emotionally healthy brain/mind. When the brain/mind develops in an emotionally unhealthy environment it accumulates emotional baggage that pollutes the pure self into an over confident or under confident self image. We will have to methodically train parents to become nurturers of wisdom to ensure a wise society.

ii) One can acquire wisdom through experience over a long period of time:

What happens is over a long period of time, by old age most become wise. According to our observation what happens is that the emotional baggage very, very gradually gets ground down and the brain eventually gets free of this reality distorting and self image empowering emotional baggage. So as the emotional baggage becomes less and less the phony overconfident or under confident self image gets deprived of it's source of sustainability and it eventually disappears, enabling the pure self to emerge. Our suggestion to main stream education is that we already have well established scientific ways where we can deliberately grind down the emotional baggage and make the self pure. Why wait, after a life time of emotional struggles, to taste and live a pure life and experience life at the super mature emotional intelligence level when one is over one's prime. We can grind down the emotional baggage in a matter of months. ( This is the 4th R Foundation's fourth way to becoming wise ).

iii) One can learn the wisdom way and follow it thereby living a wise life.

Religion and society have both concluded that as those who are not born wise cannot be made wise they must be controlled by laws. Both try to control ignorance and enforce wise behavior through carrots and sticks. But society and religion have mostly failed for a huge chuck of humanity as we do not understand the true nature of wisdom/ignorance. It is like trying to teach a pig table manners.

Here is the 4th R Foundation's understanding of wisdom:

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is the ability to see, know, understand and above all become what one truly is. Wisdom is the enabling factor that makes the self pure and it is a two way street where it is the pure self that generates wisdom. Wisdom is an expression of the pure brain. Wisdom is the currency with which one lives an authentically pure life. Wisdom is a symptom of the pure self. Wisdom is a fragrance of the brain. It is an innate property of the fully developed humanness potential that is present in every human being. Wisdom is the ability to know and understand reality just as it is. Wisdom is real and can be a part of every life if we take the right steps...

The question is, "What is wisdom made of?"

Wisdom is made up of selflessness. Wisdom is selflessness and selflessness is wisdom. Selflessness is generated by the fully developed emotional intelligence which is generated by the pure brain; a brain that has no emotional baggage in it. It is very clear that to ensure wisdom we need to make the brain free of its emotional baggage, which can be done through established scientific ways of emotional healing.

Please also Google '4th R Foundation'.

The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, self, mind, brain, consciousness, self image, compound self.


Mind cultivation is still in a somewhat crude stage. It is like say a car is stalled and we do not know which part of the car is broken. This is why it is very essential that we wake up to the compound nature of consciousness/mind/brain/self/I and have the means to identify where exactly the defective part of consciousness/mind/brain/self/I is coming from. This is why it is essential to know 
the difference between brain and mind. Please review my knol "
Knowing the difference between the brain and mind through everyday life.." I was lucky to have been able to research first hand the difference between the brain and mind and it helped me tremendously in researching my own emotional holes of my brain by focusing my super mature +2 mind on my very own defective brain. There is much work to be done but at least now my latest article has been picked up by many industry news services like medical, education, university, mental health etc as their own top news: '

 The 4th R Foundation Would Like To Draw The ...


"There are different kinds of working, but the same God works in all of them and in everyone."  

By assuming that God has wisdom and all its attributes it boils down to the fact that God is great because God has all these great attributes of wisdom which means that God is something else that has these attributes. So it implies that God is God because He has these attributes. This means that God is something less and has these jewels; that make him great. But this is not God, He does not need anything to be what He is. He is Who He is. He is God because He is God. He does not need to have any enhancing attributes to be God. All this boils down to the fact that He does not just have wisdom, He is wisdom. He is all the attributes of wisdom. So as God is wisdom we can rewrite the above quotation as follows:

"There are different kinds of working, but the same wisdom works in all of them and in everyone." 

It is not surprising that none of the experts are pointing to the mother of all bubbles; the-lack-of-emotional-intelligence-education-bubble/the-emotional-ignorance-bubble; as the main cause of all the other bubbles of the current crisis in America and the world. Each expert understandably likes to define the problem bubble in their own area of expertise. Unfortunately the experts on emotional intelligence are too fuzzy as to what plan to suggest for eliminating the lack of emotional intelligence education. So main stream emotional intelligence experts are not vocalizing their own concerns, of which they are well aware of. As a result almost no attention is being paid to the real viral cause of the current economic mess in America. The lack of emotional intelligence education is the cause of the phony over confidence bubble that creates most parts of all the other bubbles for individuals and a major part even for groups and governments. Unless this problem of a phony over confident trophy self-image bubble is addressed; not much is going to change as far as individual lives are concerned.

Man has understood since ancient times that humanity suffers from a 'lack of wisdom' crisis and man has struggled to find a way out. A whole new subject of philosophy was created to uncover the mystery of wisdom to address this crisis. Unfortunately to this day we still define wisdom as the ancients defined wisdom. The 4th R Foundation has figured out that wisdom is a symptom of the pure self; just as ignorance is a symptom of the impure self. Wisdom is the innate expression of the pure self. So even when we define wisdom we are just defining the symptom and not the symptom causing real entity. Symptoms are secondary entities and so cannot be created or taught on their own. The real health of the entity that causes the symptom has to be addressed. It is very clear that in order to create wise human beings we will have to create pure human beings. Thus we will have to create pure-self education which boils down to emotional healing education. We already have all kinds of therapies that take subnormal individuals to becoming normal. In the case of wisdom education all we have to do is use these same therapies to change normal minds into super normal minds.

We not only under develop our emotional intelligence; we pollute it. As a result the brain speaks one language, the mind speaks another and much gets lost in translation. Thus our personal human capital is misunderstood, misdeveloped and misused; and this affects all human behavior;  as a result all the bubbles  are caused by or get inflated by the trophy self-image bubble.

We can ace this problem. It has to be done. The world needs this new paradigm shift that is a necessary and an essential solution to this emotional leadership madness. Will our leaders even consider reform and add the 4th R of reality to our education curriculum or will we keep recycling the 3 Rs of education?



Thanks for sharing..

Anonymous - 21 Nov 2011

Interesting Ideas developed by you.

There are many factors that combine to create the self image. There is the mind generated self image. The brain generated self image. The pure self generated self image. The group and country generated self image. The life situation generated self image. The good and bad habits generated self image. The physical body generated self image.

Narayana Rao - 21 Oct 2011

You can write a separate knol on it.

Narayana Rao - 21 Oct 2011

Updated bulletin board in response to your post

Narayana Rao - 20 Oct 2011


It's the best time
to make a few plans for the future and it's time to be happy. I've read this
post and if I may I desire to suggest you some interesting things or

Faisal Tauheed Rao - 15 Oct 2011

Million page views next year.

Today my monthly page views crossed 83,400. So next year million page views in year possible.

Thank you Knol designers.
Thank you fellow knol authors.

Narayana Rao - 28 Sep 2011

Daily page views for my all online articles crossed 7000 today.

Thank you all for the encouragement, help and support.

Narayana Rao - 28 Sep 2011

Page views per month crossed 95,000 today.

Narayana Rao - 28 Sep 2011

Start a wisdom day knol.

Start it as a collection. Then you can add more and more knols to the collection.

You can name various wise persons and some knols can be written on their articles, books and teachings. If you do not have to money to launch things on national scale, the ideas that you are recording on knols will find some fertile ground in some future person and worthy among them will bloom. You decoding the bible sentences is appreciated by many. You have the intuition to decode many others' writing. No doubt some of them may not be right. It is up to others to negate them. You are sincerely trying to record your thoughts may be after checking every thought two or three times.

Narayana Rao - 28 Sep 2011

Pet preform manufacturers

Very good post, I was really searching for this topic, as I wanted this topic to understand completely and it is also very rare in internet, that is why it was very difficult to understand.

Thank you for sharing this.


pet preform manufacturers in india - 20 Aug 2011

Wisdom - Knol Book - Suggestion to Mr. Sajid Khan

I suggest that you create a knol book of wisdom and announce it online through your press release. I gave a suggested chapter outline and you can think what is more appropriate and feasible chapter scheme. If you make such a knol book and announce it on internet PR, you will promote your area of focus as well as Knol. I included some knols which looked appropriate to me to include in various knol book chapters.


Narayana Rao - 15 Aug 2011

Markets fell in many places

Markets fell in many countries. More trouble due to bubbles?

Narayana Rao - 05 Aug 2011

The Grant Proposal

Best wishes for your proposal.
I keep reminding that there are research studies in emotional intelligence in various schools. There will be research grants currently underway.

Some micro initiatives at one or two schools level have to be taken on pilot basis to demonstrate the power of new line of thinking. But you vision is from a much higher level and also your sphere of influence is also at a much higher level. Hence you may succeed in launching a national campaign.


Narayana Rao - 06 Jul 2011

Knol Authors and Visitors Forum

Hub pages announces that is has more than one million forum posts showing the activity of its authors.

Trying to see how comments page can be used as a forum in Knol also. It may help us to avoid archiving problem. Also helps us to develop an index for topics.

Have a look at it and make your posts.

Narayana Rao - 13 Apr 2011

All discussion knols on knol platform are included in Knol Forum

Narayana Rao - 13 Apr 2011

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Anonymous - 09 Mar 2011

WOMOI (World Monetary Institution)

I think you are worthy to be our first womoi president .

Kalle Schwarz - 01 Feb 2011

Thank you KS.

I am busy with some other stuff. I do not have time even to write knols. But thank you anyway. Wish you the best.

Sajid Khan - 01 Feb 2011

That is great


That is really great to see the group leaving such bulletin board for their friend to use the page as he likes.. This behavior is unique here, I should say so..

Best wishes

Moharram Khalifa - 26 Jan 2011

Good to see your update

Quiet sometime no communcation.
Good to see your update of the knol.
Will Johnson is now having 65,000 page views per week.
Knol authors are having better performance now.
Give your opinions on KAF suggestion board.

Narayana Rao - 23 Jan 2011

Remove professional pics service

Knol has stopped providing the professional pictures it used to provide to Knol authors. Remove all your pictures because they no longer show an image, just a "This image is no longer available for use".

Spiros Kakos - 15 Jan 2011

Dear SKS:
Thanks for asking. I am not doing much writing right now. I am hiring a professional press realease agency where I will be anouncing a couple of projects to further my agenda. I am thinking of taking my 'Wisdom Express' accross America for now and later all over the world. I also have dicided to go to China to make some of my wisdom teaching dolls. I have a very big Chinese tycoon friend but she has had an accident and she is ill so I am waiting for her to get well; then I will go with her to China.

What do you think of these inventions?

My 308th invention.
SODIS, short for Solar Water Disinfection.
This is a process where water in a regular plastic bottle is put under the sun for at least 6 hours to make it drinkable. How about making the plastic bottle special. Keep the outside same while inside make the inner surface as rough as possible or maybe it is the other way around; rough on the outside and smooth on the inside. We can even make water tanks with the same design. Just like solar covers for swimming pools that heat up the swimming pool water much faster. Please pass on this information to NGOs that are helping the poor with water purification devices.
My invention # 309.
Applying the same principle we can make solar panels that have a very rough surface this way the amount of area that will be heated by the sun will multiply many fold. And the amount of heat produced will increase sharply thus generating extra electricity. We already have solar panels that are flat and now someone has invented solar tubes which catch extra sunlight. Tubes are an improvement over flat panels.Very rough on the surface tubes and even very rough surface flat panels will generate more electricity. ( There! I do not need a PhD for a common sense improvement!). In fact the number of rough surface area shapes can be numerous and the ideal shape for the rough surface area for the solar panel must be thoroughly researched.

I just got some feedback from a solar panel expert. He says the idea is brilliant but not easy to implement. The surface is coated with specific chemicals. And to translate them into a rough surface may be difficult. Well we can keep the minute surface flat and still have an uneven surface. For instance we can have mini pyramids all over the solar panel surface or octagonal mini towers etc., etc. The possibilities of rough and uneven surfaces are limitless.

Thanks once again. I know you have class and am confident that you will always do the right thing.

Sajid Khan - 15 Jan 2011

The same to you SK! Hope the best for you!
And let's hope Knol is getting back on its feet again! Have you got any blog where you write?

Spiros Kakos - 15 Jan 2011

Dear SKS:
Happy New Year and best of luck to you and all your dear ones.
Thanks for the info.

Sajid Khan - 13 Jan 2011

Nice to read a message from you. Happy New Year.

As you might have observed more knols are being posted now every day on Knol.

I got into development of knol books now. I think that is a one good way of promoting knols of number of authors as a collection. It also highlights what is there on Knol on a topic or subjects and the gaps. Authors can write on issues without content on knol and make the books more comprehensive. Readers will get content on a subject in a single location. I hope many authors notice this facility and create many knol books.

List of knol books by NRao

Narayana Rao - 12 Jan 2011

Merry Christmas

Best Wishes for Merry Christmas to all Knol Visitors.


Narayana Rao - 24 Dec 2010

Viral marketing

I just posted a knol on viral marketing

Narayana Rao - 09 Dec 2010

Dear SK


I just observed that this page has 794 page views this week. All on your writing. Congratulations.

I started a knol book on Indian History.

See if you can write a knol on Tipu Sultan. I have a section for important historical figures and I want to include it in it.

Narayana Rao - 05 Dec 2010

Be wise...


As I did already in my comment below, I apologize again. Be wise and accept my apologies as I don't have any "enemy" attitude, hopefully You also not...

And let this comment be the last one, please. More than apologizing is not possible...

Have a nice Sunday and best regards,

Gust MEES - 28 Nov 2010

Dear Gust:
I do not need your apology. I need you to change your attitude. Either join me or criticize me by reviewing my work or shut up.

I still respect you and love you and will do all I can if you need my help in any way.

Lets merge both our groups.

Sajid Khan - 28 Nov 2010

Concerning the message from Obama, are YOU kidding or what???


STOP bringing in messages YOU can't proof!!! What is this for non responsible behavior???

Update: my deepest apologies to YOU, I didn't know that there was Thanksgiving Day and that this message was sent to many...

I got a private message from an friend of the U.S. who explained me... Once again, my apologies. I learned something.

BTW: it was not my day and I was too nervous. Nobody is perfect. Hope You understand this and forgive me please, thanks in advance...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 28 Nov 2010

Dear Gust:

This is a message that goes out to all his close supporters. This message goes out signed as President Obama, as Barack Obama and to the closest it goes out signed as Barack! The reason I posted this message is to show that I am still as close to President Obama as ever.

You are not nervous you are just pinky which is a big characteristic of a +1 person.

Just imagine I am saying that I have a whole stimulous plan of Wisdom Industry. Instead of being my partner or at least try to prove me wrong all you do is try to bring me down.

But it does not matter. I still love you and respect your work.

Sajid Khan - 28 Nov 2010

Dear Gust

Appreciate your gesture.

Best regards.

Narayana Rao - 27 Nov 2010

Hi NRao,

I made an update in my comment, thanks for the explication...

Have a nice day and best regards,

Gust MEES - 26 Nov 2010

There is nothing to prove in it. The message could have been sent to many by the US President. One came to Sajid also. Through Sajid we also come to know the message of US President.

It is a sensible message from the US President.

Thanks to US President for the message.

Thanks and regards to all fellow Knol authors.

Narayana Rao - 25 Nov 2010

Dear Gust:

The problem with you is that you keep trying to bring me down like a street fighter. You want to hit below the belt. The civilized way is to review my work and tear it apart. So for the last time I am requesting you that either shut up or prove me wrong.

This morning I wanted to write a new knol titled, 'The emotional intelligence of America'. Then I saw your stupid comment and it threw me off. I just deleted the knol even before I began.

So once again I want to request you to keep off your below the belt -1 tactics.

Sajid Khan - 28 Nov 2010

KAF Member News

Included this page in KAF member news

Narayana Rao - 28 Nov 2010


Who ever has converted this knol into Spanish please put it back in English. You can post one extra one up in your language, with your self as the owner of the knol. I have two books on Kindle. How to become wise and wisdom. You can translate these two books and sell them on Kindle and use the money for spreading wisdom education in your country. You may also translate any of my knols too.

Sajid Khan - 18 Nov 2010

dear Artur,
what du you think of giving Will 20 W for rollback to version 5126 ?

Kalle Schwarz - 18 Nov 2010

Dear Artur:
It is OK.

Sajid Khan - 14 Nov 2010

Creo haber sido yo SK. El problema se presentó me imagino por no haber cambiado el traductor. Yo lo que hice fue justificar el texto. Edit this knol : Format:Klick with the mouse point : pass the text (blue color) : Align : justify.

Estaba arreglándolo cuando entrastes tu. Cualquier problema lo que tienes que hacer es volver a la version tuya anterior a mi modificación. Creo que es la 5126. Para ello le das a versions y en Rollback to versión 5126 haces klick

Disculpa mi error

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 13 Nov 2010



You changed the name of the page also. Now this name is better description.

The other statement is also good. I am a writer. Require a producer and director to make the movie and take it to masses.

Just see if you have to remove the line Purchase here at Amazon. May be Purchase at Amazon is better. Knol does not allow other advertisements except Adsense. But still links are allowed to various web sites including commercial pages. The distinction is subtle. But good to be still within Knol TOS.

Narayana Rao - 16 Nov 2010

hi Will,

good work .

how did you make the rollback to version 5126 ?
(normally knol can not handle such high versions)
I think, SK should give you 10-20 W for this .

Kalle Schwarz - 14 Nov 2010

Knol University for Knol Writing and Marketing

A Knol Collection of all knols/articles on Knol writing, promotion, Adsense earnings, Author community etc.

Authors in the topics are requested to add their knols to the collection

Narayana Rao - 14 Nov 2010

Knol books of readings are good vehicle to promote knols of many authors.

Narayana Rao - 14 Nov 2010

Daily Message by Sajid Khan

Good idea.

Keep it up. You have to periodically remove material and post in a separate knol and create space for your new posts.

Good that your team left the board completely for your messages. That way they will be properly visible to visitors who are coming to read your further messages. Good number of page views are occurring. Shows that many are interested to read your writings.


Narayana Rao - 14 Nov 2010

the human brain has two parts.

but men and women have connected these two parts in a different way .
you don't understand human society if you don't understand this crucial fact .

Kalle Schwarz - 07 Nov 2010

the highest corridors of power

it is not important whether Obama or anyone else is president of the united states . nothing will change .
it is much more important to make the first cell of a new mankind, which can only happen in knol .

Kalle Schwarz - 06 Nov 2010

In the world there are many initiatives by many people. Many give limited results and many fizzle out. Some will give global level results. It is difficult to say which ones will blossom and which ones fizzle out. When Obama started his political career, can somebody with confidence say he will become President of USA.

It is nice that Kalle Schwarz has the idea of the first cell of a new mankind happening on Knol. I would say it is a worthy initiative and we are all with you in this idea.

Narayana Rao - 06 Nov 2010

I hope SK will find back,
but first we need the other co-authors back .

Kalle Schwarz - 06 Nov 2010

Prove your criticizm or shut up.

Dear Gust:
"Strange to see that some persons are willing to push trough their "mentality" (could be called also different...) about politic and religious meaning. Is this wise, no, excuse me..."

When you say some people you should actually name names. and when you say 'are willing to push trough their "mentality" (could be called also different...) about politic and religious meaning.' you should not just accuse, you should explain and analyze with proof. Other wise just shut up.

Do you know what your problem and the problem of some of your partners in KPG is?
You think that in your profession you are +2. I agree that you all are +2 in your profession. But being on top in your chosen field still does not give you the right to criticize me on my chosen field simply by passing negative statements. If you think my work is wrong or off then prove it.

I am the king on wisdom and in my field I am the master and I say that the problem with you and your partners is that yes indeed professionally you are +2 but unfortunately when it comes to emotional intelligence you are +1. So you are out there thinking you are the expert with the right to say that my work is no good. I am the guy who wrote the book on wisdom! Yesterday I read another book on wisdom. It is more confusing then reading tea leaves. When I write on wisdom I explain wisdom/it in my first sentence. In my book you and your pack are worthy of the highest respect but the reality is also that in emotional intelligence you all/most are subnormal and I can prove it.

Sajid Khan - 25 Oct 2010

Randy, we all wish that Chrissy is hosting our new board and also be our referee if we need one .
please ask her to take this big chance for us all .

Kalle Schwarz - 25 Oct 2010

Sorry for the mistake.

Randy Kleinert - 24 Oct 2010

there is a link to KAF . klick on the knol icon on the top of this page .
but where is the link to this page from KAF ?
anyway, we plan to make a new board (open board for knol authors and visitors) .
are you interested ?
I think we can win if we learn that knol writing is a sort of meditation by whitch we can learn to look at the world in a new perspective .

Kalle Schwarz - 24 Oct 2010

I, Randy Kleinert who has done most of the knol work on the foundation has decided that this knol has nothing to do with the foundation anymore. Look at the past few months and you will see what I mean. There is not even a link to KAF from this site. It is better if the KAF knols are about KAF and its activities.
As Gust said wise men don't talk about politics and religion. I will not give a reason why I removed KAF from this board.I can talk to Democrats and Republicans wihout an agrument and I can talk to different religions and I can understand their point of view. Everyone has there own point of view and I respect that.
Several years of meditation has made me look at the world in a new perspective.

Anonymous - 23 Oct 2010

who is Knol Foundation ???

Kalle Schwarz - 23 Oct 2010

Why remove Knol Foundation?

Knol foundation has not yet protested about the various lines in which its members raise issues and discuss. If it is the way in which issues crop in an author association, it is the way.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2010

"KS is still stuck in board policy. he does not realize the great opportunity we now have."

oh my god, oh my god, oh my god .
you do not realize the great opportunity we now have."

@ RK
I fully understand your reasons .
please remove also Knol Foundation .

Kalle Schwarz - 23 Oct 2010

I will be leaving this board also, for several reasons.

Randy Kleinert - 23 Oct 2010

I am thinking of quiting too. KS is still stuck in board policy. He does not realize the great opportunity we now have.

Sajid Khan - 23 Oct 2010

To all board members,

With the constant criticism on this I no longer want to be a co-author. I hate to think what readers from around the world must think when they read this board. I no longer want to be part of this KBB team.

Anonymous - 23 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
I do not need to bring me every time in front. But I do need to bring my work in front. And now I have done it better than the best!

Do not tell me what to do and what not to do. I will do whatever it takes to advance my agenda. It is not about my book it is about my work. You should know that I have no fear and I have my connections at least now all over the world. If I really wanted to criticize KPG I would dig out dirt about the members. But I respect and wish them all well. My criticism is not personal.

On the one hand they say that knols like those of Prof. Clausen cannot be judged by their knol matrix and that 300 page views is a good measure ( I have hundreds of knols that are over 300 ) and on the other hand they say that my matrix score is extremely low! They are implying that my work is of very poor quality. They are entitled to their opinion but my problem with them is either prove that my work is of low quality or apologize. Their problem is they know they are wrong but unfortunately emotionally they are +1 and so their phony self image dictates their pride.

Sajid Khan - 23 Oct 2010


Do You really need to bring YOU everytime in front??? Why fore this new comment again. I gave you my answer already in my initial comment below.

Here it is again:


I didn't criticize You and your book (I didn't read it, so I can't criticize it and I am not interested also to do so), when You read my comment so You would find out that I said this generally, I said "on a BB". Anybody who has good knowledge about ICT advices people not to bring in politics and religion on a BB (Bulletin Board and/or Forum), elsewhere creating a special section for those two... So people who are interested in those categories and/or sections will only visit those...

And people who are not interested in those categories can enjoy much better a BB. BTW (By The Way): I respect anybodies political and religious meanings...

And make me a favor, please. Stop with your comments about KPG, please. Look forward and be wise...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 22 Oct 2010

Summary Knol

On some topics there are many knols now, that there is scope of writing summary knols. These knols summarise number of knols into a comprehensive article and point out to the knol having details on each of the issues discussed in the summary knol. This would facilitate some readers to understand the topic and then highlights the knols that they can read for more detail and therefore gives link building opportunity for the knol included.

I am trying to develop one on Social media.

Social Media - Various Dimensions - Summary Knol of Knols

Narayana Rao - 24 Oct 2010

Google Instant Search now also working (nearly) perfect in Knol...


Google Instant Search now also working (nearly) perfect in Knol... Thus meaning: when you are looking for a certain knol it shows already propositions in a textbox...

It works actually that good that I found a plagiarism, somebody was that impertinent to copy a whole knol (Portail culinaire). But I found that plagiarism with "pasta asciuatta" and not with "portail culinaire".

What are your experiences with that, let me know please, thanks do do so ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 24 Oct 2010


PG PG PG! I love KS and I love you even more. I am 60 years old which is not too old. But I have constant back pain and arthiritis. I was hoping people like you will pick up on the new path that I have created and take it further. If you think what I did last Sunday was big just wait till my next move. Within the next two months there will be a more effective action from me. It will be totally legal, harmless, selfless and will contain all the attributes of wisdom and it will once more put me/my work at the center of the world stage again. My book will float in the air for 5+ minutes as a bird on the Oprah Winfry Show, going over the heads of the audience and then it will fly back and will sit on the desk/table next to Oprah and then become my book again. Something no magician has ever done.

I thought that I will crown myself as the King of the wisdom indusrtries empire and you as the Prime Minister of Wisdom. Togehter with our team we could create a whole empire with wisdom education, training for teachers, wisdom choaching for adults, groups and countries, toys that teach wisdom, comic books, children's stories, sitcoms, TV talk shows, movies etc.

Sajid Khan - 24 Oct 2010

Dear Prof. KVSS:
I do not want this knol just for me. You all deserve to own it. Just leaving the top as it is now is enough for me.

Sajid Khan - 24 Oct 2010

I think I wrote first that it is better that Sajid open a separate blog or knol and continue writing. More and more members are expressing similar views in different words.

All the members love and respect You, SK for your unwavering commitment to EI and wisdom education, whatever your methods are for promoting them. Also, we are with you on this mission of Knol platform promotion.

I just made a suggestion of gifting this knol to you to all team members. We can always start one more Knol and popularise, but can't create one more knol with links from many blogs in the name of Sajid Khan. Hence the idea of gifting this knol to you.

That will show the amount of love and respect that we have for you and your joint efforts with us.

With best regards

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2010

A BB is to inform and debate, why not participate instead of commenting ?

It is all in the title. No further ...comment !
Back to the BB now !

Peter Greenfinch - 24 Oct 2010


I made a proposal to start a new bulletin board and KS also accepted it. We can leave this bulletin with a final message from Sajid Khan and move to a new bulletin board. We propose that you open the new bulletin board in your knol portfolio and provide new strategic direction. You have experience in management in theory and practice. Bring some of that into steering this board for some time. We are all there to participate and do our bit. It will not a big burden on you. You can also open a French bulletin board and add a translation link to it. We will add a translation link to English bulletin board - simple link with French as default. That way authors of French language will know what is happening on the English board and English will know what is happening on the French side. You being a bilinugual person can write some thing extra as needed to bridge the gap between the two. To start with it will be our first bilingual attempt and then we can extend it others like Spanish, Arabic etc.

Narayana Rao - 24 Oct 2010


This platform is for all knowledge sharers and readers to share our ideas, views and suggestions. Let us improve our life and life of all by mutual communication of our understanding, opinions and feelings.
We are proud to be knol authors and happy to be of some service to online readers.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

Well, if you judge your comments as not worthy to enter the BB, OK, just taking note.
Or if you find the BB lousy or unrespectable, a place where you would lose your sool, I don't understand why you spend so much time with it and deliver all your nice comments for our enjoyment ?
* Groucho Marx attitude ("I would never belong to a club that would accept me") ?
* Hidden admiration ?
* Intent to educate and convert the poor sinners that participate?
* Or plain platonic love ;-)
Expecting your next valuable comment, to enrich the treasure chest.

Peter Greenfinch - 20 Oct 2010

What is a BB (Bulletin Board)???

There are two ways of running a BB:

1.) On the wild (No Moderation...)

2.) A moderated one (protecting...)

1.) On The Wild: Strange posts could show up, guess what I mean???

2.) A Moderated One:

Why fore??? It would allow only posts who are worth to get shown, following some "rules and TOS", BTW: TOS = Terms Of Service ;-)

BTW: What are the "rules" and/or "TOS" for this BB (Bullein Board)??? Are there some existing or is it on "The Wild"???

Do the "owner" and the "co-authors" be aware about their responsibalities by running a "BB"???

It is "only" a knol, but running as a "BB" (Bulletin Board), so the same "status" for it as a "BB".


--->Concerning: So, except if there is some specific reason, why not participate instead of writing side comments ? <---

My answer is already published now in this comment and I will still comment only (if still???) when this BB will change ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 19 Oct 2010

I agree with you.

Sajid Khan - 19 Oct 2010

LInk to SK's Knol

When SK initially mentioned, I wrote it clearly, please start knols on your account and write your thoughts. You can take a link to your knol or blog from the bulletin board.

Now many more authors also expressed the similar thought and I hope SK also understands our view. We love him and respect him for his journey along with us on this Knol project.

Visitors who come to this bulletin board in search of his blog can always go his own knol entry.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2010

Hello, we are moving. Only that

Talk like a good democrat. Decalogue to know

Tolerance, prejudge, dialogue, consensus, agreement, opponent, rival, dissent, sectary. ''of defeat my opponent, I need his opposition''

but you must:

''To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profund wounds in those we love''

''To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently''

Dissent: to differ in opinion
Sectary: fanatical an intransigent of a party or an idea or position; characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude
Opponent: one that takes an opposite position (not enemy)
Rival: one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess ( gain a play base-ball and -honor to vanquished, I build bridges of gold for him)
Dialogue: a discussion (an exchange of ideas and opinions) between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at resolution
Consensus: general agreement
Agreement: harmony of opinion, action, or character
Prejudge: to judge before nearing or before full and sufficient examination
Tolerance: Sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's
Rhetoric: 1. the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion 2. insincere or grandiloquent language

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Oct 2010

Dear Artur
OK and Regards

Yesterday I made a presentation on Knol in my institute.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2010

"It only takes a few seconds to open profund wounds in those we love''

"It only takes a few seconds and hits to make deep wounds also"

Mahatma Gandhi, the excellent preacher of nonviolence said even brothers break their heads. But if love is there to start with, there is every possibility they unite later on. Only one of them has to say, I feel I should not have done it and the other is likely to reciprocate.

Even in democracy we see politicians meeting and enjoying and then within a short time once again blaming each other. But I feel democracy to a large extent has limited conflict to lower levels. Under monarchy, there were more hangings, and also there were more armed fights.

Narayana Rao - 14 Oct 2010

Hi for @all

Relax everybody, don't doing like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, although United States won in that dispute. If you continue like this, knol will lost. Top Google CEO will see and them smile, saying ''something good must come out of there''
I tell to all, would can survive.

My contribution

Click in Wait and turn on

Read an hear

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Oct 2010

Hi Artur,

I wish all the best for the Chile miners and I think the whole world is with them and watching and also wishing the best for them...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010

Hi Artur,

I agree completely with You. That is why fore I published some comments which are meant to go to the direction of "Community Feeling" on KBB (Knol Bulletin Board). It would be about time, after two years of existence, that most of Knol Authors would see and understand that "Community Feeling and Acting" is the MOST IMPORTANT!!!

What happens before had to be commented, and TOP Authors did so, well done. They did well to do so, no problem, a bit the hard way, but anyway I accept what they did. I did also some hard (harsh) comments and point of views.

Generally, this had to be made in the name of Community to show present authors and the MOST IMPORTANT visitors to Knol what is to do and what not...

There are different ways, different mentalities and different laws (depending from one country to the other one) who allowed us authors to "talk", meaning "publish" about what and why we did those publications of knols...

OK, we did, but now we have to forget about the past and looking to the future of Knol. We are now on 21th Century mentality, hopefully I convinced most people about that (most of people don't realize it yet) and hopefully people who were attacked or thought that they were attacked (by not being attacked...) by messages of some of us authors should switch over to 21th Century mentality also ;-)

BTW: In the next days (depending of my time schedule) I will try to prepare the translation in Spanish which You will do in good Spanish of my knol and the knol ???

Can't remember which one, let me know please, too much work on Knol for the moment, sorry... I am nearly lost by work to do with Knol for the good way for Knol, I need Help, help, help...

In the hope that they do so ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010

Hi all,

Listen to this music video and especially on the lyrics:

Enjoy and open the filter situated between your two ears, called also "brain" ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010


I do not understand KVSS

KS Thanks!

Winking happy face? WJ and RK is ok

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Oct 2010

Narayana, Más que usted yo estoy lamentando la situación. Yo me precio de conocer la naturaleza humana. De sus defectos y debilidades. Le sé un hombre extraordinario, con una capacidad de trabajo envidiable y que da todo lo que tiene por Knol, él es sus desvelos, su niño mimado y su proyecto quizás de vida. No se ofenda por lo que va a leer, ni me guarde rencor. Tal vez de mis afirmaciones surjan unas buenas enseñanzas. Y le pido disculpas de antemano.

Las cosas no pueden ser obligadas. Yo no estoy en un cuartel. Ni me siento eslavo de nadie. Yo amo mi libertad de decidir. A mi me gusta decir lo que siento, lo que creo es mi verdad. Y no siento que yo tenga el monopolio de la misma. Yo no critico a nadie por sus posturas: políticas, religiosas, creencias sociales o económicas. Si cada frase que yo exprese se va a cuestionar sin aclarar, sin debatir o al menos preguntarme por qué de tal o cual posición, o su significado o qué quise decir, entonces esto es un diálogo de sordos. Me disgustan las reglas que ustedes tienen en estos boletines, dónde uno no sabe a que atenerse porque los códigos y reglas los manejan ustedes. Hagan un listado de deberes y derechos de autores con un link y que uno pueda leerlos y decidir si entra en los debates o no!

Por otra parte, usted tiene que saber que los autores todos, como yo, no dominamos sino la lengua materna y en los apuros por responder utilizamos el traductor automático metiendo la pata por escribir algo que no debe ir en determinada respuesta. Yo he agradecido su insistencia casi obsesiva en invitarme a este foro. Usted sabe que acabo de hacer un knol extremadamente fuerte llamando a reflexión de parte y parte; pues bien no puedo en estos momentos aceptar invitación ni de una parte ni de otra. Ello sería contraproducente. De hecho he rechazado varias co-autorías por esta razón.

Uno no puede interpretar o pensar que determinada respuesta o contribución es un ataque. Veladamente usted insinuó que podría estar yo cuestionando a RK. Le voy a explicar, si no entendió. Copie y pegue en el traductor google y traduzca al español, ahí le va a aparecer lo que usted sabe; que RK y WJ están en contra. El Emoticono sale así: sí : KS, PG (si, ;-) Mucho gusto en contra, RK, WJ. Entendí que RK y WJ están en contra de la invitación. Qué hice? escribí: Winking happy face? is ok. Porque según el diccionario eso es lo que significa el Emoticono. Le traduzco: Es un guiño Cara feliz? esta bien. De dónde saca usted que yo cuestiono a RK?. Luego más tranquilo y sosegado descubrí que el Emoticono es de PG. Un poco tarde ya!

Después usted se toma la libertad y se apropia la decisión de ''parar este baile de aquí para allá ridículo''. Pues bien usted marco su Poder y su terreno. Ahí no entro ni piso yo. Todos los días de mi vida he estado luchando contra esas insinuaciones muy parecidas a las del Presidente Hugo Chávez en mí país. Con qué ganas puedo entrar a hacer una contribución ante semejante manifestación.

KS le indicó mi posición, le aclaro suficiente y usted se toma nuevamente la libertad de colocar el comentario a que aludo y pegarlo dentro del boletín. Es decir; usted es el amo y señor de esos prados? y puede hacer lo que le venga en gana con lo de los Autores? Eso no me gusta a mi?

Usted sabía que yo desde hace como tres días había rechazado la invitación en los comentarios; esta me llegó y la ignore y luego fue revocada. Si lo hubiese querido y deseado yo la hubiera solicitado a través de los comentarios.

Con todo afecto-cariño y sin rencores, habiéndome vaciado.

Atentamente, sigo siendo y me consideraré siempre su amigo.

Artur Barrera

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 23 Oct 2010

KS's poist should be here.

our new top theme : Let us make one knol with 25 authors
but don't forget : nobdy can become a co-author if the team does not agree .
do we want a co-authorship of ALBG ?
yes : KS, PG (si, con mucho gusto ;-) ,RK , WJ

Sajid Khan - 23 Oct 2010

KS (2010-10-21)
what do you think about a 25 authors promotion .

I agree with you. We are a team. Also 25 authors sounds good.

hmm, does SK really know what he is writing ?

Kalle Schwarz - 23 Oct 2010

Wise man don't talk about politics and religion...


Strange to see that some persons are willing to push trough their "mentality" (could be called also different...) about politic and religios meaning. Is this wise, no, excuse me...

A wise man never talks about politics and religion, that are "things" who are individual and no one has the right to tell anyone about on how to use them and on how to make some influence on them, so better not to talk about it on a BB ;-) So, please, take that out of a BB ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 22 Oct 2010


I didn't criticize You and your book (I didn't read it, so I can't criticize it and I am not interested also to do so), when You read my comment so You would find out that I said this generally, I said "on a BB". Anybody who has good knowledge about ICT advices people not to bring in politics and religion on a BB (Bulletin Board and/or Forum), elsewhere creating a special section for those two... So people who are interested in those categories and/or sections will only visit those...

And people who are not interested in those categories can enjoy much better a BB. BTW (By The Way): I respect anybodies political and religious meanings...

And make me a favor, please. Stop with your comments about KPG, please. Look forward and be wise...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 22 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
"Strange to see that some persons are willing to push trough their "mentality" (could be called also different...) about politic and religious meaning. Is this wise, no, excuse me..."

When you say some people you should actually name names. and when you say 'are willing to push trough their "mentality" (could be called also different...) about politic and religious meaning.' you should not just accuse, you should explain and analyze with proof. Other wise just shut up.

Do you know what your problem and the problem of some of your partners in KPG is?
You think that in your profession you are +2. I agree that you all are +2 in your profession. But being on top in your chosen field still dose not give you the right to criticize me on my chosen field simply by passing negative statements. If you think my work is wrong or off then prove it.

I am the king on wisdom and in my field I am the master and I say that the problem with you and your partners is that yes indeed professionally you are +2 but unfortunately when it comes to emotional intelligence you are +1. So you are out there thinking you are the expert with the right to say that my work is no good. I am the guy who wrote the book on wisdom! Yesterday I read another book on wisdom. It is more confusing then reading tea leaves. When I write on wisdom I explain wisdom/it in my first sentence. In my book you and your gang are worthy of the highest respect but the reality is also that in emotional intelligence you all/most are subnormal and I can prove it.

Sajid Khan - 22 Oct 2010


I like jokes actually very well and I do sometimes even too much (and misunderstood also) ;-) To make sure that somebody else takes it like a joke, please bring in a ";-)" and I will understand it ;-)

And/or make a remark (for other persons) that it is a joke, please. Communication is very difficult, especially on Internet as people don't see each others face (when there is a photo [ ;-) ] ) and also without seeing the way people are acting by their mimic, body talking and so... Things which in normal (real life) give anybody (in the brain) a direction on how a sentence was meant...

On Internet we don't get those "sensors" to tell the brain how a person is trying to bring over his message, it could be misunderstood (mostly of times by my experience...).

On a conversion by comments, when you don't really understand what your "communicating partner" wants to explain, so give him a reply, please. As example: Sorry (excuse-me), i didn't really understand what you wanted to tell me, could you try to explain different. It is not my mother tongue...", or something else related to the question and or comment.

That is "Communication", use it well ;-) and their will be a lot of misunderstood comments not anymore present and you will save a lot of wasted time... Thus meaning you will have a lot of more time for creative things...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 21 Oct 2010


Kalle said "We have the same dream"

I was making a joke when I replied "The dream with the goat and the piano?"

In your language pick any two nouns that make no sense together, and put them together

"The dream with the midget and the tuba?"
"The dream with the Mazda and the salami?"

It's a joke.

Will Johnson - 21 Oct 2010

may knol progress !

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Oct 2010



I brought in your video which I really like by the title (music also). Please have a look on the text which I brought in an if You think that it could be "adjusted" ( verbessert [DE] ) send me an other text ;-)

To remember the address:ès#

BTW: I gave up the knol "Knol Top 10 Palmarès" and I renamed it to "Knol, Quo Vadis?", as new knols are not anymore presented on Knol Landing Page. And seriously I think that "Knol, Quo Vadis'" is more worth to get shown as the other one...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010


Thanks for the video, it's great and I will integrate it into my knol ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

@ WJ,


---> Concerning: The dream with the goat and the piano? <---

Sorry, I don't understand that expression. Possible that in my country and/or in Europe we have a similar one, but that one doesn't know it??? Possible to get an other expression, please???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Oct 2010

The dream with the goat and the piano?

Will Johnson - 20 Oct 2010

I really, really, really like people who want to tell me what I have (not) to do .

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Oct 2010

we have the same dream .

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Oct 2010


Don't take it wrong, it is a suggestion only. I could have written it on a different way that is true. My apologies for that if it was getting understood differently ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

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Twitter Pages - 21 Oct 2010

it would be better to delete this SPAM, please

Gust MEES - 21 Oct 2010

Concerning Gadgets...



Is this gadget following the TOS by Google and controled by Google concerning Security??? Let me know more about it, please... I am interested on how to create gadgets as I don't know how to do... I had already a look on it and their TOS were too complicated for me, maybe you could explain it better than Google does...

Please don't take this message wrong. I don't have anymore that much time to do so, so your advice would be helpful ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 21 Oct 2010



Thanks a lot. Will have a look on it...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 21 Oct 2010

Gadgets are not "controlled" by Google, but there is a terms of service when you publish a gadget. If you don't publish your gadget there are no terms of service as far as I know.

You can start to learn about Gadgets in my article here. There are three lessons, that take you from knowing nothing, to publishing a working gadget.

Will Johnson - 21 Oct 2010

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)...


Do You have questions about Knol??? They could get asked and also get answered here, as feasible:

Knol, Quo Vadis?:

What about the questions already posted on this KBB??? Waiting for your questions ;-) Let me be surprised about which question would be the first one to post on the knol mentioned above???

Hope that one day we will "FIND THE RIGHT MENTALITY FOR KNOL, as a COMMUNITY" (that is what I am trying to do with my comments and Knol publications ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

Content is King, SEO is Emperor, Reader is God.

Lyonel Baum - 22 Oct 2010

Dear Lyonel Baum

Interesting statement.Reader is God.
For every writer who wants recognition and appreciation, reader is God.
There may be some people who are writing only to satisfy themselves. They can ignore others.

Thank you.

Narayana Rao - 20 Oct 2010

content is king, seo is emperor, reader is god.
but knol is for humans .

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Oct 2010

may be that you need some quality to make an open board .
but as you can see here, it works .
and democracy always needs more qualities than dictatorship .

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Oct 2010


Why do I not anymore publish "Open Collaborations"? I did in the past, ALL my knols were in Open Collaboration. My experience of 2 years, since the beginning of Knol (nearly) showed me that it is better to make "Closed Collaborations" for me. I have seen knols where authors only came in to change "one letter" in the text and also is the "Editor" from Knol too difficult to handle to see what was getting changed by the person who entered the "Open Collaboration" by editing.

When authors are leaving a comment, that is exactly the same. If their content is worth to get published, I will do so, by mentioning their name and also by back-linking to their profile. It is exactly the same ;-)

---> Concerning: We are adults, we don't need moderators :)<--- Are you sure, I have seen strange things happening in the past ;-)

But let us forget about the past and looking forward, please... 13 years practice on Internet have shown to me that it is better running a BB moderated, but you guys do as you want anyway. This is only a suggestion, as I said already before...

My intention is not hostile, I am trying to give you all my experience as an author and also as an ICT Instructor (Coach), thats it, nothing else...

I am trying every time to look on a knol and think on it how it would be seen by "external" (not present on Knol) people (readers) and also from what my friends in my country and from other countries tell me. So I post than my messages which are grouping my ideas and some other ones...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

Why Closed Collaboration?

Gust I dare you to make a Knol that is Open Collaboration.

We are adults, we don't need moderators :)

Will Johnson - 20 Oct 2010

the right mentality is : we ! are ! a community .
therefore we need a person (knol star) to speak with google .

Kalle Schwarz - 19 Oct 2010

A very good address to share, it is also a knol ;-)


Please have a look on this knol, made by professionals: They know their job, so we could learn from it also...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

Strange Knol URLS, could anybody explain me, please...


I see more and more Knol URL's such as (example) Can anyone explain me what that is???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 20 Oct 2010

Is this a blog of SK now?


Is this KBB becoming a blog of SK now? Sorry, he changed his name into "Obamabookthrower", very strange, isn't it??? Is this KBB still worth to visit it now?

Is this good for Knol??? Do the owner and co-authors of this knol accept this???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 17 Oct 2010


---> Concerning: "Gust points out that we are not involving other KAF members as if he is getting complaints from them. He writes his friends are inquiring him. Of course this is a standard phrase of Gust. " <--- What will this mean, please???

It is right that some of my friends (not present [yet] on Knol, who are following comments and or the discussions from this KBB were asking me some questions which I couldn't answer and that why fore I posted those questions in here at this KBB. So what is wrong with that, please???

---> What does this means: "Gust points out that we are not involving other KAF members as if he is getting complaints from them"??? <---

I don't understand there what you mean exactly, be so friendly to explain me that, thanks in advance to do so.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 17 Oct 2010


---> Concerning: "The coauthors of this blog are with Sajid Khan as far as writing on this board is concerned." <---

Thanks for having answered that question "Do the owner and co-authors of this knol accept this???".

Let me please correct something, it is marked "blog", instead of "knol" ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 17 Oct 2010


---< Concerning: Gust is intent on finding issues to point out Knol Author Foundation and this bulletin board in negative manner. <---

Why saying such things, please? I don't have that attitude, that are normal questions. Remember what I said in other comments: Knol needs both groups KAF and KPG and I accept also different point of views. I am working together with some members of KAF by the way on different Knol Projects, I mean that this is showing my good attitude and that there is no hostility, but community feeling and so a need to ask those questions... If there are some questions which you don't understand where fore they were asked, so you might ask again, but not doing like you did now, that is not fair, sorry...

Ask other KAF members with whom I am working together, they could tell you that I don't have any hostile attitude, please...

And also the questions which I asked about KAF, I gave you also tips about FAQ's to add, so that is not hostile nor issues to point out Knol Author Foundation. I think that you misunderstood something there.

And as KS said, I agree, it is better to replace it by a link.

Congratulations for the page views, which I hope that readers will not get a negative view of Knol, that fore my questions???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 17 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
The reason I am still here is to give a boost to knol. KBB is now having the highest page views ever.

I am blogging on, CNN, NBC, Microsoft Foundation, Facebook founders blog etc. If our team does not like my blogging here I can go back to the old ways.

I did not change my name but I have to milk my fame to advance my agenda! I have to keep doing this till others join my fight against emotional intelligence ignorance. Why don't you write on my work foundation and advance our joint work.

Sajid Khan - 16 Oct 2010

Preparation for the letter for Google...


I suggest that Knol Authors bring in here their wishes what should be in that letter. I will start it:

- all the technical problems(there could be made a special comment for that)...

- authors are getting anxious, nervous, overreacted, frustrated...

- question "What is the future of Knol?"

- and...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 17 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
---> Concerning: ".yes my brain has more information, more than anyone else in the world!" <---
Yes my information on 'wisdom' only is more than anyone else simply because I have researched it for 40 years. But as emotional intelligence, where the highest stage is wisdom is a component of all
human behavior I am some what of an expert on all fields that involve human behavior.
Did you know that the Cato Institute axed my review of their knol on the economic crisis. I posted the review as a knol. Guess what my knol came up ahead of their knol on the main web!

Why are most people so afraid of the Secret Service. Don't be afraid of the Secret Service they are here to help the common man.

Why are people so afraid of life in general? In my case I have dedicated my life to creating eternal time and so personal fear and pain mean nothing to mean. Humiliation and insults mean nothing to me. The only negative emotions I have are the reality of ignorance that is so widespread and it need not be like this.

This is why I never feel insulted and consider you and all KPG members as my friend because I clearly see the fault is not that of your real +2 self. The fault is that of your +1 self image.

Multi-intelligences is nothing new, It is as old as the prophet Moses. Multi-intelligences are a new name for the old concept of the attributes of wisdom!

Sajid Khan - 17 Oct 2010

Hi SK,

---> Concerning: ".yes my brain has more information, more than anyone else in the world!" <---

How about to write a book about that, I don't understand how that could be possible that YOU and your brain has more information, more than anyone else in the world!

I only hope that now the Secret Service will not investigate against me (I have nothing to hide anyway, but I wouldn't like that...) because I have answered You?

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 16 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
"You would not anymore see my work as "half baked", because your brain got more information???"
If you analyze my remark, what I said is that on some issues your knowledge is half baked. Particularly on this open letter to the CEO of Google. I am myself a champion of writing open letters. Open letter to the world, open letter to President Obama, open letter to Knol Help etc. I have friends in Google in top positions from before Knol was launched. I have written open letters to Microsoft and Google long ago! But can I claim that it as my original idea? Never, because many people have written before me.
So only in some respects your knowledge is half baked. I am saying that our so called society is sub normal by the standards of Mother Nature. And when you take my statement personally it gives me an opening... But any way please understand that now I have been given a huge opportunity by Jesus to push my agenda forward, so I do not have time to reply to personal questions anymore. I woke up today to write an open letter to President Obama and I am wasting time on this stupid post.
So please do not take it personally. In most things my knowledge is half baked but on multi intelligences I am way ahead of our friend Gardner. Multi intelligences means one can develop one intelligence at a time. But it is very hard because emotional intelligence is a complex compound and not a mixture. It is an all rolled into one entity.

So please understand that Gd has now given me a new degree. I am THE BT(book thrower) now and I have no more time. I have to use my time to push my agenda even more with the rich and powerful. I think you are way ahead of me in your field but on wisdom...yes my brain has more information, more than anyone else in the world!

Sajid Khan - 16 Oct 2010

preparation for the letter for google...
my point is that we need a speaker, google will accept .
google-help has to make a page, where they may discuss with our speaker, so we all can read and comment it .

Kalle Schwarz - 15 Oct 2010

Hi SK,

By reading his book and with several years of practicing it, You would change a lot ;-) But that alone is not enough... Howard GARDNER's books and also Daniel GOLEMAN's books once read, understood and brought to practice after some years will help a lot to understand things differently. Maybe, after those years of practice from those two excellent people, You would not anymore see my work as "half baked", because your brain got more information???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 15 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
Thanks. This one would have slipped me by.

Sajid Khan - 15 Oct 2010

Hi SK,

I suggest You some brain food, have a look on Multiple Intelligences from Howard GARDNER:

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 14 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
I have written several open letters to the Google group myself, long ago. Do you know how many letters are written to CEOs every single day. Writing to a CEO is no novel idea. Your knowledge is so half baked on some issues that it is amazing.

Sajid Khan - 14 Oct 2010

Hi Kalle,

I really missed You. I thought already that You would not reply ;-) I will give You a reply later on. Now it is 01:15 AM in my country and I will go to have a sleep, so that I will be fresh for giving You an answer ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010

everything is a knol .

Kalle Schwarz - 13 Oct 2010


A knol is a "unit of knowledge" and not a blog, nor a forum, nor a web site ;-)

So, no way to start a knol about such thing, sorry!!! As the main idea about a letter to the management and/or Eric SCHMIT (CEO) of Google came from Rector Silverio CARUGO, he already published an open letter to him on one of his comments (thanks Silverio), so we should respect the origines and ask him friendly if he would like to write this letter.

It is not ethical to take the idea from somebody else and producing (creating) something under his own name, sorry, no way. I respect that...

Honor to whom belongs it ;-)

I only give a help for starting it, it is done now, so others should bring in their thoughts, please...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
Three cheers to you. This is the kind of knol leadership I want from you and expect from you. Please start a separate knol for this letter.

Sajid Khan - 13 Oct 2010

Stop strange, not well thought comments and especially replies to comments as well, please...


I am fed up with strange and not well thought back-comments, and mainly with comments with a "hostile meaning", so??? Wouldn't it be time to switch over for the 21th Century and stop with 19th Century mentality???

I guess this would bring in the Best for the Knol Community, your thoughts and comments in here please ;-)

And not again the same .... again please. Switch to 21th Century Mentality please before replying, thanks again to do so, it would be appreciated in the name of Knol Community ;-)

The future is on front and not behind us, don't forget that, please ;-) And don't take this message wrong, please, thanks...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 15 Oct 2010

things you will never find in an encyclopedia : the last word of GM .
my last word to GM : please answer the questions of WJ as I answered your questions on

Kalle Schwarz - 15 Oct 2010

My last word:

Knol Community needs both groups KAF and KPG, people make their choice...

I accept this KBB also, but I think that it would be better to move a maximum of discussions into a real Forum and to use this KBB only to show the main ;-)

BTW: I accept that there are different meanings also...


Gust MEES - 14 Oct 2010

Let me give you a few examples to clarify the concept of an encyclopedia versus a Knol. I still have the firm belief that your KPG thinks Knol should be an encyclopedia. Here are some things you will never find in an encyclopedia.

1 Today's weather report for Paris.
2 Table showing the latest trends in the Dow Jones
3 Currency exchange rates
4 Investigative journalism report on crime in Chicago
5 Schematic, discussion and prices for a stereo with links to buy it now from the author of the article
6 Links where you can watch now all the episodes of the television series Star Trek, and then buy them from Amazon
7 Pictures of the last ten things that sold on Ebay in the Category Dollhouses, and the next ten things that will sell shortly.

Now which of those things do you think should be Knols and which should not ? Or more importantly which of those would your members rally around to denounce?

Will Johnson - 14 Oct 2010

clear your brain, make a "reset" ;-) after a "reset" things look different ;-)
everything is a knol ;-)

Kalle Schwarz - 13 Oct 2010


KPG doesn't dictate what ever... Forget about what happens before with some members of KPG to You and start reading again what is on KPG Knol. Clear your brain, make a "RESET" ;-) After a "RESET" things look different ;-)

And BTW, a knol is a "unit of knowledge" (I hope I understood this right???) and not a forum. Google makes it possible for Knol Authors to create a forum for FREE to make it easy for authors to discuss about??? Tell me if I am wrong, please??? I think I don't need to tell You the address for it, You are intelligent enough to know it.

I repeat it again, looks that You don't want to understand and/or accept it: Knol Community needs both groups KAF and KPG, people make their choice...

PS: I am not going against this knol. I only tell people what is mentioned in the TOS of Google Knol ;-) and Knol is a unit of KNOWLEDGE, right???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010

PLoS has never tried to dictate to me what I should do or how I should write. However four of your founding members did. I pushed the envelope of what Knol could be, just as others in this group have done, and your founding members objected.

Just as this bulletin board you would say isn't a "unit of knowledge" however it is a Knol. There is no reason to try to pattern Knol to be another Wikipedia. We can make it be whatever we wish it to be.

No one should be telling anyone else not to write the way they want to write. Or about whatever they want to write about. Including their own belly button if they want to. Your founding members however have gone out of their way to find fault with the way certain people like myself have chosen to use Knol.

Since your group was formed with those very same founding members, there is no way to seperate the intent of it, from the intent of them. No matter how you yourself feel on it.

Will Johnson - 13 Oct 2010


I am sorry, that has nothing to do with KPG, looks like You misunderstood something ;-) So Is PLoS and other existing groups on Knol also on your target???

I am not doing my own TOS, nor does KPG. In a democratical world and on Knol, by respecting the TOS, the knol authors have the right to do so, or not??? If You don't like it that is your choice ;-)

BTW: Knol Community needs both groups KAF and KPG, people make their choice...

Maybe You didn't see what KPG is, here the link to it:

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010

I support the TOS and I also support the free and independent actions of the Knol Community. You are seeking to change the TOS into your own version of it.

As you said, if you don't support the TOS you are on the wrong place, sorry. Only the mirror is pointing at you and the KPG, who try to suppress freedom, claiming the TOS says so. But it doesn't say so.

Will Johnson - 13 Oct 2010


I am not controlling at all, I am using my right of freedom to speech and to show my point of view. Independence is what you make out from and in between the TOS. If you don't accept the TOS from the service you subscribed to, you are on the wrong place, sorry. People who think like that would have better to create their own platform with their own TOS, but no TOS in the TOS, please ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010


I support the TOS (Terms Of Service) from Google Knol, the service which I suscribed to, and You??? I don't see any reason why for I should support something else than the TOS of the BOSS, who is GOOGLE and not somebody's (who ever it is) TOS. No need for some more TOS, there are already enough ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010

I support the Terms of Service and I also support the free and independent actions of the Knol Community. And their continued freedom as stated in the Declaration.

Why are you trying to exert control? No one has ceded control to you. Why can you not support independence.

Will Johnson - 13 Oct 2010

Well Gust do you support the

In particular that no internal group should be telling other Knollers that their Knols are less acceptable provided they adhere to the Knol Terms of Service ?

And does your KPG support that declaration as well?

Will Johnson - 13 Oct 2010

Good luck, not die the book nor its writing. You will continue.

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 12 Oct 2010

Some music videos with lyrics to express the feelings of authors...


Music is sometimes a good "media" to express some feelings by authors, here we go, listen to it please:



In the hope that you understand the message ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 13 Oct 2010

Your amazing Gust. You never give up, even when 'the pack' attacks you so unfairly. You have done more for Knol and Knol authors than all of them put together. You have contributed so many Knols helping and inspiring authors in both the English and French language. So many of your team have taken Google's approach and withdrawn our energies from Knol, but not you. You are a true believer and have only ever wanted the best for Knol and your fellow authors. The fact that others can't see past their own petty issues to see that truth, is a reflection on their smallness and not on your fantastic contribution.

Somehow, you can see past Google's abandonment of Knol, past the site bugs, past the turned off ranking algorithm, past the reduced Knol publication size, past the non-updating front page, past the raising spam, past the non-updating pageviews, past the failed Adsense returns, past the unfair attacks from small-minded people and still 'believe' in Knol. I wish you well in your endeavor and pray that your 'faith' will win out in the end. Sadly, you may have to 'carry the flag' on your own as many of your contemporaries look to invest their energies elsewhere on the internet.

Peter Baskerville - 13 Oct 2010

mir kommen gleich die tränen .

Kalle Schwarz - 13 Oct 2010 Mejor el original. No esta disponible el original en mi pais.

Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 12 Oct 2010

Stop talking negative against other groups, please...


When an author from a certain group makes comments which you don't like, so please don't bring in the whole group please. Belonging to a group and when I publish something will not say that that is the same meaning of that group. As we are acting on democracy so everybody is allowed to express his own meaning, without that this meaning is also the meaning of the whole group. We are not on Knol to make political discussions, people who would so have better to become politic people, but not on Knol.

We might have some differences on certain points on what Knol should and/or could be, I agree, but that is not a reason trying to make guilty the whole group, please!!! Thanks to consider this!!!

If not so, I am even able to quit that group to protect that group from your negative comments, but be sure that I still will comment the way I think it is necessary to give my "pepper-corn" to it... Knol is giving us authors a "challenge" similar to a sportive competition. Who is the Best and who is ranking on the Top, OK??? The same for groups (as a Club), but let FAIRNESS being on the TOP, please, as on a sportive competition ;-) Thus not meaning that I want to be the best, far away from it, I hope that other authors don't think that they are the best???

This is not a war or a battle, nor a political debate, this is a normal way to create knols and to discuss about what has been done and what could be done on Knol and some authors make comments about what they think (me included), sometimes some authors don't like some comments, OK, me neither.

But we are adult people and we have even to accept those comments and trying to act on a community way (for Knol). It would be about time that the mentality of this KBB (Knol Bulletin Board) would change for that positive way of thinking. I would appreciate that and I am sure lots of other authors would appreciate also.

This is not FAIR what is happening on this KBB at all, and I wish that this will change. I hope so that other authors think the same and that they will express their feelings also, thanks in advance to do so ;-)

An other question, hope you will answer it, this is not an attack.

As I didn't see anything from KAF about democracy, which is meaning for me "asking people", giving "advice to people", "democratical votes"??? KAF is talking and talking here on the KBB and what are saying the other members of the Foundation??? Are they even get asked to tell their meaning??? Is their some democracy on KAF???

I want to know more as I don't see any actions from the members and the chapters??? Are there no "meetings" organized "online" by the KAF Committee for the Chapters where the Chapter Presidents are getting involved to talk about the future of KAF (is this existing???)

How is such a big Foundation working, let me know please, thanks in advance. What are the legal aspects of the chapters??? What does a Chapter do to be right by law in their Country??? How works the governance of KAF??? Do the responsible people of the Chapters know that they have to follow the laws of their Country, Internet is not lawless??? Who is electing the Committee of KAF??? Are there elections and how do they work??? Is KAF working on a democratically way or are only the people who created that knol about KAF already for the rest of their life the administrators???

In my country (Luxembourg) there is a need also to make a legal deposit for a Foundation, also on Internet. How is that in the US??? Howe is this in other Chapter Countries??? Are those Chapters aware about the legal issues of their Country??? Did somebody from KAF tell them that they have to watch and to respect the laws of their Countries???

As long as their are not all answers there up from the beginning (I mean well explained...) on a knol, I will continue to ask... Maybe I didn't see it, so give me the link where I will see those answers, please, thanks in advance...

Please let me know, thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010


It is a shame to see how some authors are reacting on an invitation for freedom.

And also a multimedia link, listen to it, please:

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010

Here's how we stop the fighting. Open your group to all Knol authors.

Stop trying to position yourself as the arbitors of quality. No one gets the right to judge the work of the rest of us.

Some in your group have decided they have the right to try to impose their will over the entire Knol space, they don't. We don't give them the right to decide what it good and bad for Knol and then try to dictate it to us.

So when your group decides to stop these activities then there won't be the hostility. It was created by your group, and only your group can stop it.

Will Johnson - 12 Oct 2010


I thought my message was clear, apparently not... I wish and I want that ALL those fights are OVER!!!

The questions I asked could and should be available on KAF knols, thus to provide a maximum of information for the readers. I gave even here a possibility on how to do, creating a FAQ section knol, so what is wrong with that???

---> Leave the past where it is and look forward, please ;-) <---

I repeat what is mentioned in my original post, read it again, please:

---> We might have some differences on certain points on what Knol should and/or could be, I agree, but that is not a reason trying to make guilty the whole group, please!!! Thanks to consider this!!! <---

I hope that You are open minded and not have a hostile mentality.

The Knol Community needs both of our groups...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010

Same guestions back to you Gust. Why is your group a closed club? Why do you seek to suppress the work of others? Who elected you to judge the entire Knol space? What right do you have to attack other Knollers with your articles about The Good, The Bad, The Ugly?

How were the members of your private club chosen? When are we going to see elections?

Maybe I should send you a mirror?

Will Johnson - 12 Oct 2010


Here are some other questions which I got asked:

- Who is actually on the head of KAF?

- How do members of the Head get elected?

- Are there elections?

- How do those elections get handled?

I am sorry to say that, but I can't find those answers on It might be good to bring them in there???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 11 Oct 2010


Once again, I only want to get an answer of some questions. And there is nothing obvious at all. What is wrong with that??? Answer those questions and don't start trying to make a psychological analysis about, nor an other story around, please. I say it again, some friends from my country (and other countries also, now...) were asking me that whilst I was trying to get more members for Knol.

Why not creating a new knol called "FAQ's about KAF?" (me not) and than bringing in those questions and answering them, as well as other questions???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 11 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
I already told you that the KAF is legally registered and has a bank account. It even has a thrift store. All this talk of legality and law is pretty obvious. In the US we have too few people to really form a quorum. But I would not only like to invite you to become a member but also any position you want. Me and RK will give up any position you desire. I am not interested in any position neither is RK. All we are interested in is to expand the knowledge frontiers and help all mankind.

Sajid Khan - 11 Oct 2010

Hi Gust.

Just understood that you consider all KPG practices as bona fide and that you or your group intend to keep all of them.

Also that no comments you don't like can survive in your pages. No problem. As for yours in this "undemocratic" KBB page (or on my own page if you feel like expressing there), they will be kept anyway. From what I recall, it has always been the case for comments made here. As for me, I kicked out only one or two spams.

In conclusion, I got your answer, a clear one, no need to elaborate, we would both lose our time.

Peter Greenfinch - 10 Oct 2010


My original post was ---> Stop talking negative against other groups, please...<--- , so respect this please, thanks in advance.

And also I wanted get answered these questions, please, which is not yet getting answered. A lot of different answers, but not those I wished to get answered. So, once again, here they are again:

As I didn't see anything from KAF about democracy, which is meaning for me "asking people", giving "advice to people", "democratical votes"??? KAF is talking and talking here on the KBB and what are saying the other members of the Foundation??? Are they even get asked to tell their meaning??? Is their some democracy on KAF???

I want to know more as I don't see any actions from the members and the chapters??? Are there no "meetings" organized "online" by the KAF Committee for the Chapters where the Chapter Presidents are getting involved to talk about the future of KAF (is this existing???)

How is such a big Foundation working, let me know please, thanks in advance. What are the legal aspects of the chapters??? What does a Chapter do to be right by law in their Country??? How works the governance of KAF??? Do the responsible people of the Chapters know that they have to follow the laws of their Country, Internet is not lawless??? Who is electing the Committee of KAF??? Are there elections and how do they work??? Is KAF working on a democratically way or are only the people who created that knol about KAF already for the rest of their life the administrators???

In my country (Luxembourg) there is a need also to make a legal deposit for a Foundation, also on Internet. How is that in the US??? Howe is this in other Chapter Countries??? Are those Chapters aware about the legal issues of their Country??? Did somebody from KAF tell them that they have to watch and to respect the laws of their Countries???

Your answers actually are like this: I ask the way to Sydney Australia and you give me the direction to Sydney in Canada, an other the direction to Sidnei in US, so please be correct and answer on what I have asked, thanks in advance.
And as you can see, I can read everybody's comments ;-), as I didn't block anybody from you. There are lots of non-proofed comments in knols and in comments attacking me and trying to bring me on a bad position to other knol-authors. I won't anymore accept such comments :-( Even somewhere urban legends were getting started talking about Scientology advertising on my knols and/or from the group I am belonging to.

You should know this first before posting such comments:

1.) The advertising from Google AdSense which a visitor is seeing on a knol is not the publicity that that knol author wants to show. The knol author doesn't have any choice on what is brought up by Google AdSense, apart that he can choose some filters on what he doesn't want to get displayed. Knol authors should use that function if they want.

2.) The MOST IMPORTANT: what a visitor is seeing (right-hand side) published by Google AdSense is based on the profile what Google Knol collected about that visitor over years!!! It is what Google AdSense thinks is important for that person and comes from his surf habits. So, neither the group I am belonging to, nor ME are displaying such advertisings. So, who should be aware about that advertised content???

Some persons are even saying that it is me who is behind the group I am belonging to (I am one of the founders, that's all) and that is no shame at ALL to show the visitors outside of Knol what could be done with GOOGLE Knol. Me and the group I am belonging to want to show the readers a collection of quality knols. You are also showing collections, that is OK for me.

But why fore should KPG be seen as a private club or something similar as some authors are saying this? KPG has one goal, promoting Knol and quality knols and giving also Help to other authors when needed. Is that bad in your eyes???

Concerning page views: who from you all of KAF didn't collect 13.000 page views and more by joining a Chapter of KAF??? You are talking against KPG because the members would get more page views??? Do KPG memebers getting more page views only by getting one knol in that collection??? If so, check the stats please. I don't think so. As I was one of the first authors to get my knols in that collection, by your point of counting I should have the number of page views from that collection and my own page views. This is not so, check it yourself, please.

You may also ask authors who are on KAF and on KPG about page views, if you want so...

Hey, this is looking to me as some authors have hostile mentality. Once again I say it: Stop talking negative against other groups, please...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 10 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
Do you know what your problem is? Professionally you are +2 but emotionally you are +1. I bet your parents brought you up on, 'You are the best' philosophy. You know why I say this, it is because you throw an emotional punch at me. I throw one back and as you get cornered you go silent. So you change the subject and throw a punch at my mentor Prof. Rao. Where will all this get you. Are you trying to prove that your group is better than my group. As for me I see only one group with a little misunderstanding. You and our esteemed friends can get all the badges and honors but they have not shown in their knols the kind of original knowledge that the knol platform is based on.

Find me one knol from any group that packs as much new practical applications as my knol, 'The practical applications of quantifying the mind' or my knol, 'Knowing the difference between brain and mind...' So please I am ready for your next emotional punch which you deserve to throw at me and I look forward to receive with full honor and love for you. Don't be a quitter! Come lets have a healthy discussion.

Sajid Khan - 10 Oct 2010

Hi Gust
I don't know if you can read me, as you censor my comments (and those of others) in your pages, even when you are just a coauthor, what a lesson of ...democracy.
Well, I will not enter into a fussy / fuzzy philosophical debate (although I wrote a knoll about fuzzy logic, a key practical theme)
I will not discuss either about monopolies and oligopolies (although I'm a fan of economics).
I will not even talk about democracy, one of my pet topics also, if not my answer would be several kilometers long.
I will be much more practical, if I understand what you are referring to, I just remind that there is an easy way to give a private award to a knol without rigging the pageviews: the "collection" tool.
See how little things can solve big issues ;-))

Now if we want to broaden the debate, I'm on the side of KVSS, considering that stressing too much quality over quantity is a misunderstanding of what the web is. It is a world of abundance, not a malthusian world. Quality can make proud, to aim at doing masterpieces is perfectly legitimate (made one lately?), but quantity (seems you don't despise to get high pageviews) earns the bread ! Know something: the craze at the moment among environnementalists is how to maintain biodiversity !

Peter Greenfinch - 10 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
I love your frankness. I want you to clear any doubts. I am grateful to the knol platform for helping me spread my work around the globe. In the US we do have an officially legal foundation. We have a bank account. We have used our own KAF member's money to establish this foundation and even give out prizes. I have even been approached by others mainly friends who are willing to donate, including the couple I mentioned earlier, who work at Google. I am not accepting because my thrift store has not taken off. Fortunately I do do not need from others as I have enough antiques of my own that I can donate.

But I do not know the legal aspects in other countries. An organization on the internet probably does not need a legal status.

Even the ownership of the KAF bulletin board we keep changing. Respecting the law is obvious.

The one thing that is very curious to me is that you keep doubting my posts. Who cares if I am a prince or not or that my family is a VIP in many countries or that I am a proven direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and thus a direct descendant of all the Jewish prophets. The important fact is that we are all one human family. I am as much a prince as you are; not less and not more.

The more important fact is that I have written more pages on wisdom and mind than all the encyclopedias combined. I have practical applications in the mind sciences that run into the hundreds. I am an official US recognized inventor. And it is amazing that you have not one word of praise for my work, not one word! I like my friends a lot but I like my critics even more. For then I can improve my work.

I have no problem acknowledging and praising your invaluable contribution to knowledge and to knol.

I think we should discuss your doubts one by one and our earlier comment exchange should go on.

I love you Gust and I wish you the best.

If you ever visit Paris go to the Presidential Palace and near by you will see the Jacobean Club, the one responsible for the French revolution. Go inside and ask them the connection of this club with Tippu Sultan. Who was also a big supporter of the American war of independence! The only king from all of Asia!

Regarding talking negative I have said again and again that I am a fan of Krishan Maggnon and the rest of his team. I consider SKS as a friend. The only thing I do not like is when you say things like, 'A lot of talking and no "proofs", so???'; when my work is dismissed as junk science without any supportive evidence!

Sajid Khan - 09 Oct 2010

Dear NRao,

I didn't attack anyone, sorry. I don't know for which reason You are answering that way??? I am asking normal questions which I am interested to it and even if I would criticize that would be democracy. Do You have an other view for democracy as I and other persons have?

Concerning ---> You don't have to ask questions about our association. You take care of yours. <--- Hey, what is democracy??? Not this please... That is a dictatorial reply, sorry!

I was getting asked by some of my friends from my country on how the Foundation is working and the questions which they told me I published them. They were interested by Knol and so they were asking, quite normal... Answers which I couldn't give them...Maybe some new authors if they get the right answers???

They were asking me about the hierarchy and I told them that there isn't anyone, but that there is also a Foundation, called KAF (Knol Author Foundation)..., so they were asking more and those questions I published them in my comment. As I know a lot of people and that I am telling them to join also Knol, they are asking me a lot of questions, some where I can't give them an answer, but You could, please.

Can't You give a reply for that normal questions??? Please give me a normal reply and I will forget about the other one ;-)

Looks like that we in Europe have different mentalities as on your continent??? Maybe it would be good to consider this??? Don't take everything as an attack as it isn't one, please. I think probably different and my friends also.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 09 Oct 2010

Dear Gust Mees

Don't think we agree with what you are doing and what you are writing. Sorry. You say it frequently. All can say it. SORRY.

You wrote about democracy else where also. We have the best democratic tradition. An open board where anyone can write. We are not a closed club. So don't ask us questions as you please. If you still want to keep writing. Welcome keep writing. Our board is well read board.

We are inviting all knol authors to keep writing knols, to keep writing comments, to give suggestions to fellow authors, and to keep writing in social media.

As Kalle Schwarz said once, first this bulletin board came and then the foundation. It is an open bulletin board. You don't have to come here and criticize Peter Greenfinch's democracy concept in your own way. Yes people involved actively here, Sajid, Peter, Kalle, Artur, all are trying to promote democracy in their countries as well as talking about global democracy.

You don't have to ask questions about our association. You take care of yours.

Narayana Rao - 09 Oct 2010

Good idea from Prof. CLAUSEN...


Good idea.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 12 Oct 2010

Always happy to see an initiative. Well, it will need a few time to consider all aspects so as to see if it is in the interest of authors and readers.

For what I read in the "smallprints" (well, they are ambiguous, maybe that is why they are so long) authors who want privacy will be excluded. Two remarks here:
1) I don't see the relevancy of this criteria regarding the inclusion or not of a knol in a knol library.
2) It would be in frontal conflict with the

Another things, will all topics (that fit Google Terms of Services), and opinions on those topics, be accepted ?
You know I'm still waiting to see a really informative knol about Lady Gaga ;-)
As for quality, some sorting between knols is understandable, but where to position the selectivity cursor. In practice, nearer to 10% or to 90 % ? How the decisions to place it will be taken ?

Peter Greenfinch - 12 Oct 2010

It is not a knol initiative. It is an initiative by a knol author.

Narayana Rao - 12 Oct 2010

Dear Randall Kleinert

Many initiatives are required to make knol popular among visitors.

You say "Eric has come up with a brilliant plan ". I agree with you and hope that it will do good to Knol platform. You collaborated with Eric earlier also. Please join the initiative and let me know what I can do. My support is with you.

I appreciate Prof Eric Clausen, because he came out with an idea and implementing it earnestly. He did similar things earlier also.

Narayana Rao - 11 Oct 2010

Prof. Clauson

KnolLibrary is a great plan.

This is a very good idea. Maybe opposing groups can learn to work together to build KnolLibrary into something to bring knol forward. The concept is here. As the old saying goes "it is water under the bridge," it is time to get past old differences. I am willing to work with any knol author or author group to improve knol,and Eric has come up with a brilliant plan. Gust, Krishan, Murry, Moharram, Peter, Sajid, KVSS, Kalle, Peter, P.V Ariel, Spiros, and all other authors, let's work together to build something great.

Google Knol will not return with fixes for the knol problems with warring factions going on. Let us give them a reason to return and set "our" ship on the correct path.

I have not been commenting on knol for quite some time because of the bad feelings between "GOOD" knol authors. I hope this will not be my last comment.

It is time to make peace.

Randy Kleinert - 11 Oct 2010

You Are Going To Get Some REALLY Interesting Traffic

Anonymous - 12 Oct 2010

It is an unfortunate incident. But all sorts of comments are being written on twitter and various forums by various people with interpretations of various dimensions. That shows how an incident is distorted and also interpreted in multiple ways when authoritative news is not there.

Many times when authoritative news is there all papers write the same thing.

Narayana Rao - 12 Oct 2010

We need facts and not only talking...


Concerning "Yesterday I got a visit from a higher up at Google", that is what everybody could say. This is not that I don't believe it, but who was it??? A bit more information please, readers (that are the people why fore you publish your knols and wherefore members and interesting people come to visit your KBB) want to know more and me especially, so please give us more information...

A lot of talking and no "proofs", so???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 09 Oct 2010

Dear Gust:
I cannot tell you the name simply because this was off the record. And I have known his family since over 3 decades, he hails from India; perhaps he came because he is a friend. In fact his wife wanted to donate an extremely valuable painting! Till recently he was working in the knol help section.

The important point is that I learnt that one way to communicate with the Google top brass is to post your letter on their message board. If you know someone on the inside you too can do this. It is no big deal. So please do not feel jealous.

What do you mean, 'A lot of talking and no "proofs", so???'. Please list all my talk that you do not believe and I will try to provide you with proof.

You must understand that my bottom line is that I am a journalist and I know that I cannot post any false information. You must also understand that my aim is the same as your own to help change the world and expand the frontiers of science.

In any case who cares what I say about who I met or not (Even though my post that I have met President Obama several times and talked to him and some Senators and Congressmen is true,) the bottom line is do my knols expand the frontiers of science?

You must understand that I am a scion of the Tippu Sultan family and the Oudh family. An airport, hospital, railway station etc is named after my ancestor Safdar Jung in New Delhi. One of the Kings of Sweden King Charles the fourteenth's life was saved by my Tippu Sultan. Napoleon was his friend. Because of my family connections you will not believe the VIP parties I get invited to. Even the Indian ruling family is from my area where my ancestors were rulers. Indira Gandhi's first cousins were my school mates. I still talk to them. I cannot tell you too much because then you will really get jealous.

Just examine my latest masterpiece (In fact I would love it if you or anyone who is an expert in the mind sciences to criticize this knol and prove that it is junk science): Notes on knowing and understanding and why a clear picture of the two is essential for removing the mess in education.

Also I own an antique store in the best place in New York City, in fact I am proud of starting an antique enclave on this East 59th Street location! So I have extremely important clients like Senator Lautenberg and Steve Creamer the energy generator king/billionaire and all kinds of VIP people in between.

Just my work on the brain mind differences has so many applications, worth at least one PhD! Show me anyone else who can write a knol like the following: Is President Obama a Muslim?

And I love you Gust and all the other knollers. Lets forget our personal tiffs and lets focus on making the world better. Lets take the first step and write a joint letter to the Google bosses.

Sajid Khan - 09 Oct 2010


We believe you and your service to Knol. All this knol work does not help your business in any way. But you are committed to Knol and spending money from your pocket in various ways to promote Knol when they are others who are writing in the columns of Knol itself that Knol will be anyway closed and they are the first people running away to take care of themselves.

Narayana Rao - 09 Oct 2010

yes, we need a campaign to make knol a social media .

if we want a discussion with knol and knol help, then this page (knol discussion page) may be our lever .
first it is a discussion among ourselves . then we need a spokesman . then it is a suggestion to knol help .
we have to stay together to help knol help to make this page a real discussion page .
that means, it has to be open collaboration, so you can write on the top of it and we all can read the comments of our co-authors immediatly and not hidden as sub-comments .
e.g. if we use this page for change requests (1),this usually needs a lot of communinication within the user community itself and with knol

(1) i'm not a scientist, but i wish i could organise my home page as ONE collection .
knols, collections, reviews, comments, collaborators, favorites are then sub-collections to this big collection, which i can organise myself .
i'm shure, many other authors do wish this too, so we really need a speaker to knol help .

Kalle Schwarz - 16 Sep 2010

I agree to KVSS . SK could ask google whether they are willing to talk with an elected speaker of the knol community (knol star) . then all the other things can be developed .

Kalle Schwarz - 16 Sep 2010

I would say you propose the agenda you want to put before the Google. You are the executive director of KAF. You are an active member and performing member.

You come out with an agenda that you feel is appropriate. It will be a first cut attempt. Then others may come with additions or modifications. But you are our Knol Star for this project. You can draft the final agenda yourself. In the first meeting what is more important is the meeting itself and an assessment of the current situation. More formal what is to be done can developed later on if it is agreed in the meeting to develop such a list.

Narayana Rao - 16 Sep 2010

Dear Team:
Before I try to approach Google lets decide what agenda we need to put before them.

Sajid Khan - 16 Sep 2010

At this stage, I feel it will be very difficult for anybody to ask Google to support any further additions to technical features of knol.

Sajid has come forward to meet Google executives in New York. I think it will be good if he can do that.

Many knol authors now express the view that all technical features now available must work robustly. If Sajid can meet Google execs and come with an assurance to that effect it will be very good outcome.

I am trying to build a home page for my self especially to develop a classified directory of my knols and I think I can use the dash board facility provided by knol to complement it.

I suggest you can develop a home page model of your liking so that whenever Knol is for changes, your suggested template is ready for consideration. Also in between many knol authors visit your homepage and become its fans.


Narayana Rao - 14 Sep 2010

Support and Invest Further in Knol

I feel we need to take the campaign to social media.

There are many positive things on Knol. Social media could attack knol viciously. It was documented elsewhere how media companies could successfully attack Google's media initiatives.

Knol authors have to project positives on knol in social media and urge Google management to support and invest further in Knol.

I created a twitter message


Support and invest further in Knol - A message to Google Management

When many knol authors come out with various messages, the good ones can be retweeted and we can build a campaign.

Narayana Rao - 14 Sep 2010

Promote Knol in Social Media
An Appeal to all Knol Authors

Knol authors have to use social media and write positive aspects of knol. When hundred knol authors do this, we all can see change in the sentiment of social media as well as Google management towards knol. There are more than 3500 badge holder knols. I think there are certainly more than 1000 authors who can write positive things about knol. The point is 100 of them have to write simultaneously on blogs, twitter, and variuos networking communities in various groups within those communities.

Narayana Rao - 14 Sep 2010

Ecology organizations hypocricy

I added a section for the ecology organizations hypocricy, mainly based on their SILENCE in the case of the recent BP oil leak. You can find it at Your comments are mostly welcomed. I think we should all put a stop at this. Not only did we witness ecology organization be actually IDLE during the oil spill, now we have the news agencies telling us that the "oil has vanished" and that "everything is ok" (see!

Spiros Kakos - 02 Sep 2010

Thank you all

Today I resigned from KAF and my resignation has been accepted.. Thank you all and wish you good luck

Dr. Moharram Khalifa -- MAK

Moharram Khalifa - 27 Aug 2010

Dear Moharram:
Would you be interested in starting a branch of 'The Wisdom Express' in Egypt? Please check out my knol with the same name.

Sajid Khan - 27 Aug 2010

Save and Improve Knol Petition

If you like knol, if you value it, if you think more resources should be invested to ensure its continued growth, raise your head and be counted.

Fill the Knol Petition questionnaire indicated from the link below

Phil Kongtcheu, a KAF member wants to send the filled petition to Google Management.

Narayana Rao - 21 Aug 2010

12th August Meter Jam Day in Mumbai India

12th August is no use of Taxis and Autos Day in Mumbai.

Protest against flouting of regulations by Autos and Taxis.

Appeal to knol authors to support the movement. There is a knol on this topic now and more can be written by knol authors.

Narayana Rao - 07 Aug 2010

2nd October is Wisdom

2nd October will be celebrated as Wisdom Day.

Mr. Sajid Khan is organizing the event and more details will be given in due course.

Narayana Rao - 17 Jul 2010


What is tristate area?

Narayana Rao - 16 Jul 2010

So we have to expand the knol author lists of these three states and also write comments on them. You are the coauthor of New york and New jersey knols. Write in those knols about MNN first.

Narayana Rao - 16 Jul 2010

The states that are less than half an hour from New York City and may be as well as Pennsylvania which is 2 hours away.

New Jersey is across the Hudson river and Connecticut is half an hour away. I guess the tristate area is the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. So knollers of these states can pool their talents and we can together produce The Knol Show.

Sajid Khan - 16 Jul 2010

Dear KS & Team:

"can we make this our new top theme ?." All rules and regulations like these are merely the means to our top theme: To spread the latest knowledge around the world.

Also it does not look good that in spite of our group being there for over 18 months we are still bickering over policy. If we need to discus differences we should open a knol which only we can have access to. At least please do not post it on top in the main body of the knol and lets leave it in the comments section down here.

Sajid Khan - 27 Jun 2010

"Very Young, not yet mature Mentality" in this KBB, isn't it?

Hi all,

Looks like some very young teenagers without a "real name" and a "real photo" are trying to "manage", did I say "manage" this KBB? Sorry, they are only trying to play "Super Administrator" in here, very funny to follow this :-) :-) :-)

Trying to show what they are not able to do, creating real content. But at least trying to "push" their mentality trough to ALL other authors? Are the other author's that stupid that they don't remark this?

If I am wrong, show me your real identities, please, I would believe you then, but not like this, come on ;-)

No real content, only able to copy comments and publish it on your own accounts? This not looking like being "male". What are you fearing?

I wish even to see "female" comments in here (which is probably more then sure already), but then please with a "real female name and account" and showing the real identity ;-)

Be honest and publish your honest content ;-)

This is not a hostile message, I am not hostile, even not against people who are hostile against me.

But I am for an honest conversation and this with an honest profile, and that is the reason why fore I didn't accept to become a co-author of this knol. I don't like to talk to "fake accounts" author's.

PS: Remembering the "header of this knol": Let us improve our life and life of all by mutual communication of our understanding, opinions and feelings.
We are proud to be knol authors and happy to be of some service to online readers.

Don't miss this statement when replying ;-)

Have a nice week-end ALL:


Gust MEES - 22 Jun 2010

Nietzsche and Schopenahauer are Ph ds. I came to know from Durant.

Narayana Rao - 20 Jun 2010

this metaphor does not cause any problems in german (Nietzsche is a master of german language). perhaps it does in english .

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Jun 2010

dear GJ
discussion solves everything .
why didn't you ask me
instead of : "I have flagged this comment and asked for this person's removal from knol."

"with his own blood" means "authentic" .
or as GM says : "be honest and publish your honest content" .
the methaphor comes from nietzsche .
"Von allem Geschriebenen liebe ich nur Das, was Einer mit seinem Blute schreibt. Schreibe mit Blut: und du wirst erfahren, dass Blut Geist ist."
(from everything written I love only that which one writes with his blood. Write with blood: and you'll learn that blood is spirit .)

btw. you don't need to excuse . write an article with your blood about the future of knol for our contest and we will honor it .
ok ?

Kalle Schwarz - 20 Jun 2010

Metaphors are creating problems.

I shall read Nietzsche in Will Durant quickly. Klaus Rohde made my reading Schopenahauer interesting. You make reading Nietzsche interesting.

But I would like to reiterate my thought - We do not wish bad of anybody on knol. There should be lot of cooperation and some competition. No conflict should arise from our voluntary extracurricular activity of writing knols. There is really nothing at stake in normal circumstances and still we want develop conflict. Gunslingers is a term used by one of fellow authors. Spraying bullets should not be policy of any mature knol author.

Narayana Rao - 19 Jun 2010

Dear Garry

I am sure our participation on this knol platform should not result in any bad things. We should not wish bad of any fellow knol author. As far as I know, only one person suffered so far, Randall Kleinert. I tried to do my best to persuade him to come back on the platform, but now he is taking up a different activity, of music recording. Otherwise so far we are for the good of all knol authors despite some discussions may be due to difference in thinking about some basic ways of working.

At this advanced age that many of us are, wishing anybody bad for our extracurricular activity of writing knols is not justified by any argument. We are always present on knol with best wishes to all our fellow knol authors - the knol community members. Any discussion or statement, however heated it might be has to be finally interpreted and used for the good of the people rather than for the bad of people.

Narayana Rao - 19 Jun 2010

Rao, with respect, no one, including GM, has made a similar comment to this. With his own blood! I do hope you appreciate the seriousness of what this is implying.

Garry Jenkins - 19 Jun 2010


What did you mean by your comment in the name of GM?

Also I observed that GM has made similar comment on three places on this knol. May be the strident criticism of this bulletin board. Many of us ignored because we do not want unnecessary arguments. Yes, there was a criticism of KPG way accumulating page views because there are members in it who talk of manipulations on knol and they made the biggest visible manipulation. If they accumulated page views for KPG for the help they render to future knols, they would have been appreciated for providing editing and formatting support to new knols. But instead they manipulated page views accumulation from past knols.

Narayana Rao - 18 Jun 2010

"With his own blood." I have flagged this comment and asked for this person's removal from knol. Debate and strident criticism is one thing. This is something else. Totally unacceptable. And this bulletin board is equally guilty if it defends such language.

Garry Jenkins - 18 Jun 2010

GM is invited to write on this board with his own blood .
we surely will honour this .

Kalle Schwarz - 17 Jun 2010

Hi all,

I gave this comment in a new post:

You are right, to say "may you stop this nonsense". That was why fore I posted the comment below to show what is going on on this KBB. And I posted what other friends in my country and other international contacts were seeing "outside" from Knol. So I hope that every body understood now, what for a nonsense, from me included as well, was published on this KBB (Knol Bulletin Board)...

In the hope that this KBB would become more interesting in the future for people who are "watching" (following) it by posting constructive comments in it ;-)

Best regards to every body,

Gust MEES - 30 May 2010

A very messy message Gust, but I have nothing against fuzziness, I myself wrote a knol on fuzzy logic.
And even if I did not grasp fully the rationale, you get as always my positive vote

However obscure is your ranting, don't tell me that it is about Authorship privacy? Is not an author identity in what he/she write? Is Knol a police state that grill authors with a big lamp thrown in their face?

Btw, did you hear all the present worries about privacy on the Internet and the menace of setback for sites that don't respect it? This is now a highly crucial issue and certainy Google Knol should not ignore it

That you care your own fame, always waiting for praise (wow, look at that collection of comments with public handshaking you get, like some Head of State in official visit), this is OK.
But it might not be everybody goal in life. To be recognised by the cashier in the supermarket as a famous (or aspiring to be famous) authors might not be the ultimate goal of life. Well I understand that some authors might get a professional or personal bonus from it, I fully respect that of course.

Dear GM, who sees immature teenagers everywhere except in you, don't you realise also the inconsistency of your speech as a promoter of a fake author? Is to game the system really mature (unless of course there be some agenda) and "honest" (strange that you use that pet word again and again, but I'm not Sigmund to give mental interpretations)?

Paradoxally, what is this strange logic that would state that to claim authorship privacy, you have to be ...a non author?

Peter Greenfinch - 30 May 2010

hi daddy,
lol .
tut mir leid, dich enttäuschen zu müssen, but there are no multiple identities . I am I .
who has blown this idea in your brain, that I'm multiple or female ?
but this is a compliment for me, it shows that I have a good emotional intelligence .
and do you know, why this is ?
I have had a good mother, the best in the world .

btw. you are not in the tree of trust . does nobody trust you ?
I wouldn't trust you too . you told me :
"But this is also my last comment to You."
but then you wrote a "Message to KS"
watt denn nu ? KS or not KS ?

oh, and if you die, you will learn, that your identity becomes very little, like a sandkorn, but that you are part of a great identity for which the universe is also a sandkorn .

Kalle Schwarz - 30 May 2010


Where is the courage to show the real identity, only one and not multiple ones and where is the courage to be "honest"? Any idea?

Waiting for an "honest" reply for every body, our readers would appreciate ;-)

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 29 May 2010

Are the other author's that stupid that they don't remark this?

If I am wrong, show me your real identities, please, I would believe you then, but not like this, come on ;-)

Yes, Many are stupid, many try to be stupid, many pretend to stupid, Many agree to be persuaded to be stupid, many take up the role of stupid.

I came to know of this fact very recently in a simple situation wherein I took an Rick to my institute. I am explaining many things to the driver and at the end of the trip, the driver told me that he knows everything I told him, but he pretends to be not knowing to ply his trade comfortably.

Idiot, Ignorance, Intelligence is a topic I want to review from scientific literature..

Narayana Rao - 29 May 2010

Today is World Music Day - 21st June

Make more music, Hear more music

Narayana Rao - 20 Jun 2010

Three Cheers for Knol Authors With Significant Achievements

Three Cheers Coastas Bougalis

Narayana Rao - 31 May 2010

Many knol authors are going to cross 100,000 page milestone this week. Encourage them and congratulate them.

Narayana Rao - 31 May 2010

Collaboration, Competition and Conflict

All three are social processes and they are studied in the subject of Sociology.
All three are present in societies, the most advanced societies as well as primitive societies contemporaneously as well as longitudinally. I am very happy to receive substantial and significant help from a fellow author for my writing in Telugu based on a small comment and follow up. I got a lot of information and software packages for typing in Telugu. I also got a very detailed resource for developing the content.

Stop conflict (nonsense)
Increase Collaboration.
Compete on performance by providing valuable material for reading and study by fellow authors and visitors. Many knol authors are accomplished professionals and they can always come up with better and better ideas and compete.

Narayana Rao - 31 May 2010

Gust, why restart the punching game ;-)
Well, I don't mind too much, as conflicts are sometimes needed, for example when independence is at stake. It might be a bit reductive to call them nonsense when the topic is far from trite. The only thing is that it should be kept courteous as far as possible.

In this respect I will soon put to discussion here the "declaration of knollers independence and rights" draft that could help to deal with such aspects as collaboration, competition and conflict (thanks Rao for broadening the vision about sense vs. nonsense) and with some other crucial aspects such as equal rights, independence, democracy, privacy and respect (the word with which you concluded your message).

Those are important not only for the inside but also for the outside, as Knol visitors has to be convinced that we entered adulthood on the basis of clear principles to which we stick.

Hoping that the debate will be dispassionate, even if all sides of the issue are to be explored, if opinions diverge on some of them, and if some participants even deny that there is an issue.
Hoping also that you, dear Gust, as well as your distinguished friends, will contribute positively and enrich the thinking. Collaboration, to take Rao's word.

Respect and collaboration, two words that put you on the same wavelength ;-)

And when the conflict be over on those decisive topics, after knol authors state what values they stick to, our "fights" will then be limited to the choice of background colors. Hope we wil not be nostalgic of the good old saloon brawl ;-))

Peter Greenfinch - 31 May 2010

Hi Rao,

I don't know for which reason You put a new comment in Top of Moharram here? It is exactly the same what Moharram said, You could have left a post in his comment. Is there a need from You to stay above every body? Let him this honor please, to have started it.

BTW: You are right what You say, but RESPECT the other people as well, thanks.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 30 May 2010

May you stop this nonsense?

This war is not going to help anyone.. Please make an end of it..

Best regards,

Moharram Khalifa - 30 May 2010


You are right, to say "may you stop this nonsense". That was why fore I posted the comment below to show what is going on on this KBB. And I posted what other friends in my country and other international contacts were seeing "outside" from Knol. So I hope that every body understood now, what for a nonsense, me included, was published on this KBB (Knol Bulletin Board)...

In the hope that this KBB would become more interesting in the future for people who are "watching" (following) it by posting constructive comments in it ;-)

Best regards to every body,

Gust MEES - 30 May 2010

You said it right.

But they don't stop until knol becomes big and individuals become small. On bloggers rarely anybody bothers about you and your blogs. Here anyway there is no real money in knolling at the moment. Some people do get some pleasure out of saying see I am the big man around. So these dialogues keep going on periodically. They disturb you bit. They disturbed me a lot. But I was going through much bigger pressures. So, these small things did not really affect me.

But at least we are seeing some good signs in knol authors output. Daily two to three trending knols are coming. I hope some authors concentrate and we get around 10 trending knols daily. Also, one or two author cross performance landmarks daily. Such things create excitement and role models in the positive direction. These negative bickerings will remain because they are coming from a different objective. We do see these things in extended families. People have to tolerate all sorts of behavior of various people in many homes and families.

But sanity calls like yours are needed to pacify people. I cannot give such calls, no body will heed them.

Narayana Rao - 30 May 2010

Message To SK


In Your message You say: "I have also invited Gust to become a coauthor of this knol .", this is not true!!!

Dont't say things which are not true, please. I didn't get any message like that.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 29 May 2010

Hi to all who want to invite me,

You wan to know my answer?

Please listen to this and yo will understand (hopefully), a long way to go from you before I will do so ;-) Show and make some more improvements what you call "wisdom", far away from what I think what wisdom is...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 29 May 2010

hi Gust and MAK
I'm inviting you to join our tree of trust .

thats a strutur for all authors, regardless what group they are .

please accept the invitation.. :-)

Kalle Schwarz - 26 May 2010

Dear Gust:
If you do not want to accept it, it is still OK with me. I am a big fan of yours. At least you can join me as a member of the Wisdom Express?

Sajid Khan - 26 May 2010

Hi Gust,

WHY you can't accept it?, come on man

Let it be friendly and accept the invitation..

Best regards,
Moharram (aka MAK)

Moharram Khalifa - 26 May 2010


I got Your invitation now, thanks. But I can't accept it.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 26 May 2010

Dear Gust:
Invite as author
I did press this invite button. I will do it again. I will even beg you to join because I treat all knollers as partners of our knol aims. I see you as a big asset to my cause of waking up the world to becoming wise.
Infact there are two pending invitations and I am sure one of them is for you.

Invite more authors

Sajid Khan - 26 May 2010

Friendly message

Hi all,

Is there any body who can explain to me how you can call KAF an Foundation without having a legal base? A "Foundation" is something which needs a legal base otherwise no body has the right to call it a "Foundation"? I am waiting to here your "wise" explications...

Being open to learn something new, that would be "New" to me to know that a "Foundation" could exist without a legal base, so, teach me please!!!

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 26 May 2010


Sharing knowledge I do, but waking up the world, no thanks. I can't accept Your offer, I have other ideas, sorry.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 26 May 2010

Dear Gust:
Knol is a platform provided by google to for one and all to share their knowledge. We should all be working together to advance that goal. My goal is to wake up the world to the fact that emotional intelligence is to the brain what blood is to the body. And emotional intelligence starts off as ignorance and for most it gets stalled before becoming wisdom; its highest potential. I see that not only are you a very desirable partner in this knol project you are also a master of your field. So I for one would like you as a founding member of the Wisdom Day.
What do we say we forget our personal slights and join together in making the world wise.

Sajid Khan - 26 May 2010


I wanted to know this because a luxembourgish person was maybe interested (not me) to open a Chapter for KAF. It would be more then important to bring these information well displayed on the main KAF Knol.

And also, as English is not my mothertongue, I made maybe some bad phrases, my excuses for that. I don't want to make a complaint, as mentioned somewhere in your comments.

Please consider that communication is very difficult by only writing, OK? And also that not every body is knowing that good English, OK?

But by the way, you are answering in your comments, I doubt that the person would be interested anymore...

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 25 May 2010


OK, thanks for the information. That was all what I wanted to know.

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 24 May 2010

Dear Gust:
Our KAF is legally registered as a foundation in the USA.

In fact we even have a 'KAF thrift store'.

You can confirm on the IRS website. The EIN # is 30-0528703. In case you have any doubts you can complain to them.

USA encourages foundations to the extent that they make it easy to operate even when it comes to filing financial activities. For organizations getting under $25,000.00 a year in donations the following 'E-postcard' is all that is required. And this is what I have filed for last year.

Employer identification number (EIN): 30-0528703
Tax year: 2009
Legal name and mailing address: Knol Author Foundation, Inc, 2 Union Place, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Any other names the organization uses: NA
Name and address of a principal officer: Sajid Ali Khan, 2 Union Place, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Web site address if the organization has one: and knol author foundation/google/knol
Confirmation that the organization’s annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less: Under $500.00

Sajid Khan - 24 May 2010

Legal angle I leave to the persons who are the signatories to the foundation deed. They will decide to whom they are answerable to queries.

I am happy to know your achievement. Shall follow you on Facebook and follow your lead on facebook. OK - I think you say capital letters are shouting. But I hope OK is socially acceptable etiquette.

We are very fortunate to have an ICT instructor like you to help us and guide in our knol endeavor. I personally keep thanking you for your help whenever I use your knols and you inform me through comments.

Regards. But let me add Knol is making waves on twitter. If the trend continues someday we make knol a trending topic on twitter. Of course you are there to make it big on Facebook. Well Knol succeeds. We both will be happy.

Narayana Rao - 23 May 2010

Hi Rao,

Please, first of all, can You show me the legal base of KAF? I would like to know, maybe I missed something. I would like to know more about it. Show me please where there is the legal deposit and on which country, and also ALL the other legal deposits from other countries, please.

A Foundation needs to be declared on a legal way as it, I would like to see that, please, thanks in advance to let me know.

Concerning the creations of new knols from me, that takes time... Quality matters...

Concerning Twitter, Sir, let me explain You: Twitter has a PR9/10, Facebook a PR10/10 (GOOGLE PAGE RANK), which for both is great, because KNOL has only a PR7/10. But Facebook, that is the way to go to promote on a PROFESSIONAL WAY Knol, not Twitter.

Twitter is mostly used for private messages, also for commercial messages, but not yet that much followed from professionals, OK???

Since I am on Facebook and promoting my knols and knols where I am co-author my PVs raised up, have a look on my FB Account and compare my PVs on knol up from the moment when I published my FB account, don't believe me?

Before becoming an ICT Instructor, I was a Manager in different companies, I know the practice, OK??? Theory and practice are like day and night, OK??? So, Sir please, I know my business, OK???

Best regards,

Gust MEES - 23 May 2010

KAF has proper legal base. It can call itself a foundation without any worry whatsoever.

Thank you for your friendly message. Interacting with you is nice. But give us some time to plan and do what we want to do. Encourage some fellow authors to show some performance. Simultaneously, you have great ability to help authors in web document design etc. Please help them to the extent you can. You have created number of knols already. But you can create some more, or simplify them or promote them twitter. I did not see any promotion by you on twitter so far.

Now it 1.26 am Indian time. I am going to sleep. With best wishes.

Narayana Rao - 23 May 2010

Trending Knol

A knol which gets 700 page views in a week is trending knol. We used to get 700 wpv earlier. I hope we get similar page views once again and this gets to the trending knol list.

Narayana Rao - 26 May 2010

Trending Knol

I expressed the wish that this knol should become the trending knol. Today it became. The knol community is coming back and reading this bulletin board more regularly. Let us provide useful information and choose relevant issues for discussion.

Narayana Rao - 25 May 2010

Yahoo is acquiring Associated Content

Implications for Knol. Trying to develop.

Narayana Rao - 19 May 2010

From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians

A PBS documentary

Written and Produced by Marilyn Mellowes
William Cran, Senior Producer and Director

Air date: April 6, 1998. To watch part I go to:

"And the Jews say, ‘The Christians stand on nothing;’ and the Christians say, ‘The Jews stand on nothing;’ while they both read the same Book. Even thus said those who had no knowledge, like what they say. But Allah shall judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they disagree." (Al Quran 2:114)

When we study the early history of Christianity, we find that it is St. Paul against the rest of humanity, against all the early Christians, the apostles of Jesus Christ, all the Jewish teachings, all that Islam stands for and even other religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. Time to ignore one person and let reason and rationality prevail. Please see for yourself what the early Christians and Jews of Jesus' time believed in and stood for. Time to watch the 4 hour documentary:

The link for the transcript of the documentary:

It is time to be Unitarian Christians if you are not ready for Islam. President Thomas Jefferson wanted and hoped that all Americans will be Unitarian fairly soon.

Zia Shah - 05 May 2010

KAF writing contest

Hi Randy and Team

I really want to see this contest happening, as I did it before. Yes I did a writing (Short Stories) Arabic contest. It was opened for 3 months and gave the prizes value from my pocket. So I know the process.

you have to give the writers some choices regarding to the subject. Or you leave it open everyone write whatever he wants. As one subject is not enough. I am happy that you liked the Future one, there is another topic like writing about Tech. tool that he likes. Traveling writing is fantastic too, something like " Write about your trip that you always remember"

Nothing will happen if we started the contest as for 2 weeks interval, then we expanded it to be for a month. It depends on how many Knols we gonna receive. We have to start and we have to know that the main goal behind it is to gain more members to KAF


Moharram Khalifa - 25 Apr 2010

I apologize for not getting any further on the writing contest. I will try to get a page up so we can get started.

Randy Kleinert - 25 Apr 2010

Congrat KVSS

First million page views, but not the last. It is just the beginning


Moharram Khalifa - 17 Apr 2010

Thank you. I am sure many more authors will get millions of page views. Hopefully I shall also get some more in the coming year.

Narayana Rao - 17 Apr 2010


How many author do you expect will write for this topic? I think we have to chose a topic that they can write about


Moharram Khalifa - 13 Apr 2010

I agree with you all. Lets settle on a wide interest topic.

Sajid Khan - 13 Apr 2010

"We should try to draw a lot of interest before we would start a contest"
I agree . we should search for new forms .
btw. what topic do you think of ?

Kalle Schwarz - 12 Apr 2010

yes, I think it needs to be a topic most authors would be interested to write about. We should try to draw alot of interest before we would start a contest. I was contacted by the Pakistani writers association. Maybe I could convince some of them to write knols. Does that sound like a good idea?

Randy Kleinert - 12 Apr 2010

Thank you

Thank you for inviting me to be co-author, that's really great.


Moharram Khalifa - 12 Apr 2010

It is more to know the subject areas of our fellow authors. Thank you MAK for the reply. Dr. Minoo Bhagia is involved in collaborative book of Gynaecology. Hope you are following it.

Narayana Rao - 12 Apr 2010

me to :) lol

Moharram Khalifa - 11 Apr 2010

I'm very curious to hear the answer of KVSS :) lol

Kalle Schwarz - 11 Apr 2010

I was OB. & Gyn Doctor, but I am now retired. I am not very old, I am only 60, I worked a lot and travled a lot and now I just want to relax and spend the rest of my life in peace. That is why I am mostely online :) lol


Moharram Khalifa - 11 Apr 2010

Welcome MAK

What is your subject area and where do you work?

Narayana Rao - 11 Apr 2010

your knowledge, your ideas, your activity and last not least your wisdom are welcome .

Kalle Schwarz - 11 Apr 2010

,Thank you very much Randy

Moharram Khalifa - 11 Apr 2010

You are an asset to Knol and I am glad you accepted.

Randy Kleinert - 11 Apr 2010

Today is World Water Day

I saw an ad in the paper today. Then on my I saw some volunteers with T shirts with the message World Water Day at the gates of Larsen and Toubro Limited a large engineering company in Mumbai. I change into an autorickshaw at that spot to go to my institute NITIE. I came to the office and posted a knol.

You can write your messages in it.

Narayana Rao - 21 Mar 2010

Active board

it is very nice idea, to have a knol bulletin

keep it up

Moharram Khalifa (MAK)
Arabic knol writer

Moharram Khalifa - 07 Mar 2010

Yes it is for all languages.

The number of knols being written is low compared to authors who have registered on knol.
According to Knol Metrics knol, there are 40,000 english authors. If each of them write one knol a month, we must have 40,000 knols a month and that means in six months we can have 240,000 knols.

Daily 300 or 400 knols are being written now.

Narayana Rao - 07 Mar 2010

that is huge number 320,000 Knols
how long it took for this 320K?
is it for all languages?

Moharram Khalifa - 07 Mar 2010

I found in telugu Wikipedia discussion board. It is called Rachchabanda and it is given prominence in the contents listing also.

There are more than 44,000 entries in Telugu wikipedia. Hindi wiki has still more entries.

Baskerville just informed me that there are 320,000 knols as of now. Wikipedia has 3.2 million entries in English alone. Need to recruit more authors and encourage them to write more knols is a genuine requirement.

Narayana Rao - 07 Mar 2010

well, to exaggerate makes intuitive and discussion solves everything .
I'm really glad, that MAK doesn't feel patronized .
but the only important thing of any board is indeed to continue respecting the discussion and keeping its level up, so we can apply the board idea with mature adult fellows .
only crying I, I, I or "do this" or do that" is not a discussion .
but as you can see here, we can make it the start of a discussion :
there can be different groups with there own discussions, but if you are not engaged in them, don't tell them what they have to do . care about your own group .
our aim is to "bring all of the chapters together (RK)" .
so if someone comes to this board and doesn't speak english, but german, it's okay for me, I'll try to translate it .

Kalle Schwarz - 07 Mar 2010

Let us bring all of the chapters together.

Randy Kleinert - 07 Mar 2010

Dear KS:
'to say: "this is my board, make your own board." is nonsense .
and it's incredible unfriendly and arrogant .'

There are many Arabic speakers who do not know English. So our bulletin board is useless for them.The Arabic board is for them. The English board is for all of us and not just for me. All of us meaning all those who can communicate in English. Yes we would like to encourage bulletin boards in all languages.

Sajid Khan - 06 Mar 2010

A bulletin board in Arabic. We the persons who started the idea feel very happy when many bulletin boards are started language wise as well as subject wise and authors come forward and interact and collaborate and write goods knols and make them popular.

All the best

Narayana Rao - 06 Mar 2010

I didn't find at Mr. SK comment any (unfriendly or arrogant) at all.

when I said applying the bulletin board idea with mature adult fellows, I was referring it to may Arabic side, not about anyone here . That is why I started by comment level until get good responds 

just wanted to make it clear


Moharram Khalifa - 06 Mar 2010

to say: "this is my board, make your own board." is nonsense .
and it's incredible unfriendly and arrogant .
as MAK says : if we continue respecting the discussion and keeping its level up, we can apply the bulletin board idea with mature adult fellows . I hope you got the idea .

Kalle Schwarz - 06 Mar 2010

Dear KS:
Please enlighten me in what context you are referring to, 'I don't understand this ownership crap of SK'.

Sajid Khan - 05 Mar 2010

I don't understand this ownership crap of SK .

Kalle Schwarz - 02 Mar 2010

Dear SK
Actually, I liked the idea very much to have a Bulletin Board. and then I found Knol Help doing the same idea (Knol Discussion Page) but with giving the
chance for authors to just leaving comments, not to write directly to the page

So, I already started a discussion Arabic page at the comments levelمحرم-خليفة/مناقشات-كتاب-نول-العربية/1ibdy1vf6wghd/272#

They are doing great, until now, if they continue respecting the discussion and keeping its level up, so I can apply the Bulletin Board idea with mature adult fellows. I hope you got my idea

Thanks my dear SK for your guidance and ideas, and I am always happy to hear from you

Moharram A. Khalifa

Moharram Khalifa - 01 Mar 2010

Dear Mr. MK:
Please start your own Arabic Bulletin Board

Sajid Khan - 01 Mar 2010

:) thanks .
you can write on it like a wiki . it's open collaboration .

Kalle Schwarz - 22 Feb 2010

JWord JP

Knol appear in google search with jword jp and original knols are not appearing in google search.

I do not know why it happens.

Narayana Rao - 16 Feb 2010

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Islam

Kalle Schwarz makes a few good points in the commnet below as usual.

We need some universality in our understanding of the reality if we have to live peacefully in a global village. I have a knol on Universal Declaration:

Additionally we should examine our scriptures in the light of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration and if we find it lacking, then either we need to interpret the scripture better or trade for a new one. Sir Zafrulla Khan co-relates the Universal Declaration and the Holy Quran. See the knol below:

Zia Shah - 29 Jan 2010

we have different brains but the same mind :)

Kalle Schwarz - 30 Jan 2010

there can be one structure for all religions .

islam, christianity or judaism can not (in their present form) be the religion for all people
since they are associated with various governments . they are fallen and misused .
hinduism is also not the right form, because Hindus live in a class society.
there is one rule which is for all humans . don't be evil !
in our knol-star structure you can show who is a good person in your eyes .
also your voice will give you more weight and it will give the whole structure more weight .
so it's good for all . there is nothing evil .
can you imagine a better religion ?

Kalle Schwarz - 29 Jan 2010

there can also be many wise men . shurely Sankara was a wise man .

selecting somebody to represent you, means naming one person as a good person for this job .
(or, as I wrote : a good person in your eyes) . can you agree ?
btw. each woman has more emotional intelligence than the wisest man .

organized religions : in knol we can organise all religions in a new and better way . so we can solve the problems or shortcomings of the organised religions we have today . we dont need to talk around . that's window dressing .

Kalle Schwarz - 29 Jan 2010

There can be many good persons. Selecting somebody to represent you is different from naming only one person as a good person. Well the wisest man contest is meaningful and votes for the wisest man may be meaningful. But not for good person.

All organized religions may have some problems or shortcomings in view of some or many. That is why every day new sects start appearing. But sometimes unification also takes place. In Hinduism, Sankaracharya, unified many sects into one. But then subsequently once again old sects reappeared. Still Sankara's followers are the major group in India.

Narayana Rao - 29 Jan 2010

People versus their religion

Sajid Khan writes in a comment below:

"The Quran is indeed a divine miracle. However whether the Bible or the Quran is ahead is a mute question. To us Muslims the Quran is ahead and to us Christians the Bible is ahead as it has much of its own content mentioned in the Quran. Unfortunately it is the followers of the Quran that are the problem. We have 72 sects in Islam. And each one of these thinks they alone are the right interpreters of the Quran."

Thank you Sajid Khan for your comments. Here are my two cents:

In Dark ages of Europe, were we to conclude that the Bible is a book that leads to darkness? I guess not! Today in USA almost 3 million people are in jail for a population of 300 million versus one million in China for a population of more than a billion. So, a nine times higher rate. Are we to conclude that the Bible promotes crime? I do not believe so!

People are one thing, depending on what they do with the teaching and a teaching per se is another. We should compare the Quran and the Bible on their own merits. The first step is to know how they came about. I have knols on this subject:

Zia Shah - 27 Jan 2010

Liberal politics: Separation of Church and State

KVSS has made some interesting observations in the comment below. Thank you.

My view is that if someone feels religion is unimportant or irrelevant and he or she does not want to practice it then they are free to do that. On the other hand if some have a converse opinion and want to practice it in their personal life and in their temples and mosques and churches then they are free to do that.

In the public life my opinion is similar to the one expressed by President Barrack Hussein Obama. He says that we can draw our inspiration from our scriptures but we have to translate the message into a language that is understood by other fellow citizens from different religions. Hear him in his own words – Watch on YouTube:

Zia Shah - 27 Jan 2010

Dear Sajid Khan

My disagreement does not reflect any disrespect. I just happen to have a different opinion. There is democracy in public life but there is no democracy in the search for the Truth. Religions have significant overlap in their teachings, and obviously in that domain all of them can be described as the same and correct.

I do not want to dwell over petty differences but when religions differ with each other in important ways, then all may be wrong or just one may be right. We do not have to give up our religion and thoughts to make peace with others. Freedom of thought, speech and religion imply that peace can exist in presence of difference of opinion.

Best Regards

Yours sincerely,

Zia Shah

Zia Shah - 27 Jan 2010

Dear Mr. Shah:
'...we have to translate the message into a language that is understood by other fellow citizens from different religions...' If you really believe in this statement then you will not proclaim that one is superior to all others.

Sajid Khan - 27 Jan 2010

a new prophet

in our times there will be a last prophet, equally to christians, muslims and jews .
s/he will establish the rule of god on earth and distroy all evil .
s/he is a super being and will appear first on knol, because google is the only company with the motto : don't be evil .
this big prophet has a little prophet in itself . we call it knol star and s/he is the best of all persons who are living on earth .
the logic is that we vote the best person, we know, and these persons also vote the best persons they know . so the best of all persons come to the center and this is the little prophet .
so if you want to test the will of god, please vote .

Kalle Schwarz - 27 Jan 2010

The beauty of the Holy Quran

Dear Sajid Khan

I welcome your views about the Holy Quran. But, do not expect the Muslims to immediately agree with whatever you would say. Of course, both of us believe in freedom of thought, speech and religion. And certainly we both want to use polite and reasonable language. I respect your mentor, Dr. KVSS, he was kind enough to congratulate me when I had completed 100 knols. Here is a part of my knol about the Holy Quran, let us discuss the Quran in that knol in the comment section, please.

"Illiterate himself, scarcely able to read or write, he was yet the author of a book which is a poem, a code of laws, a Book of Common Prayer, and a Bible in one, and is reverenced to this day by a sixth of the whole human race as a miracle of purity of style, of wisdom, and of truth. It was the one miracle claimed by Mohammed—his 'standing miracle' he called it; and a miracle indeed it is." Reginald Bosworth Smith

In the 21st century residents of a European country, namely the Swiss voters have backed a ban on building any more mosques with minarets in their country. The Holy Quran, revealed in the desert of Arabia in the seventh century stated that the purpose of defensive warfare is to preserve the sanctity of cloisters, churches, synagogues and mosques. The Quran named the place of worship of the Muslims as the last on this sacred list. Is it a miracle or not?

Religious tolerance is not the only teaching wherein the Holy Quran excels all other secular books or religious scriptures. Since 1982 half a million people have died in USA alone in alcohol related traffic accidents, to name only one problem from alcohol. The Holy Quran emphatically forbade alcohol, saving the believers from this mother of many evils. Is it a miracle or not? Sir Godfrey Higgins wrote, "By the law of Mohamed all games of chance were expressly prohibited: the beneficial tendency of this law surely no one will deny. He is refused all merit for his morality, because it is said that he only copied it from the Bible. I have not observed the prohibition of this vice either in the decalogue or the gospels." Fifteen million people now display some sign of gambling addiction in USA, and inflict themselves and the society with pain. The Holy Quran nipped the evil in the bud. Is it a miracle or not?

"Mohamedism is reproached with copying its morality from the gospel;” Sir Godfrey Higgins wrote in the defense of the Prophet, “a philosopher, perhaps, may suspect that when the prophet was availing himself of the excellent moral precepts of Christianism, he had sense, not only to take the good, but to leave the evil; to adopt the morality, but to avoid the hired priesthood which, in his day, had filled the world with bloodshed and misery, and was rapidly reducing it to a state of the most debasing ignorance." The Holy Quran forbade monasticism in clear terms. Fourteen hundred years later the Catholic Church is following suit in their negotiation with the Anglican Church. Every time we contrast the Holy Quran with the Bible, the Quran comes out ahead. Is it a miracle or not?

The Quran was revealed in a seventh century tribal society yet it has 800 verses stressing the study of nature. Is it a miracle or not? It anticipates both the Big Bang and the fact that all living things require and contain water, in the same verse, “Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” Is it a miracle or not? Read on and in the words of Francis Bacon, “Read not to contradict … but to weigh and consider.”

The Quran was revealed in a society where very few people could read or write, yet its text has been preserved for more than 14 centuries.

Zia Shah - 27 Jan 2010


I read and wrote a knol also on Theosophy. Theosophers do not claim that God revealed something to them but they provide religious guidance based on their deep understanding of the religious practices around them. They approve some practices and disapprove some practices and start some new practices to provide comfort to the people who are in search of comfort for their soul or spirit.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa actually performed all the religious practices of Islam and Christianity and declared that each practice gives him the same comfort and peace as that of Hindu practices.

Liberal thoughts are required but liberal thoughts are required within each religion first so that its members are free to pursue the religious practices they prefer. So within that context if christianity allows 40 percent of its members not to attend churches, it is a tolerant religion. In Hindu society, no body keeps track of anybody regarding temple attendance. Even life ceremonies are becoming more and more liberal. Probably marriage and death ceremonies are the only formal ceremonies now with many people enquiring about them.

Narayana Rao - 27 Jan 2010

The Quran is indeed a divine miracle. However whether the Bible or the Quran is ahead is a mute question. To us Muslims the Quran is ahead and to us Christians the Bible is ahead as it has much of its own content mentioned in the Quran. Unfortunately it is the followers of the Quran that are the problem. We have 72 sects in Islam. And each one of these thinks they alone are the right interpreters of the Quran. The Quran says that prophets are sent amongst every race. So the Hindus have their own prophets according to the Koran yet according to us Muslims the Hindu prophets do not measure up as prophets.

In fact each one of our sects believes that they alone have the key to heaven...

Sajid Khan - 26 Jan 2010

Your fixed dogmas are coming through

SK @ Mr. Shah
You wrote, 'I acknowledge some of the weaknesses of the present day Muslims.' Look at the Muslim world today, it is falling more and more behind. We do not have some weaknesses, we have acquired major flaws that are harming the whole world and are mostly harming our own societies. Take your own self. You have a self image of being an altruistic person who wants dialogue with all others. But what you are saying is that Islam is perfect and that the other religions are flawed. Yes Islam is perfect but its interpretations by us Muslims are flawed. Just like I have found a way to interpret the Bible in my own unique way you think I cannot interpret the Koran in the same manner? I can waken our Muslim brothers to the real wisdom of the Koran too but knowing the state of the minds of our brothers I want to stay away. My mentor and friend Dr. KVSS keeps asking me to write about the Koran the way I write about the Bible but I stay away because even the top scholars in Islam are just like you.

Sajid Khan - 24 Jan 2010

Islam a tolerant religion

Sajid Khan wrote in a comment below:

"The reason why almost 40% of people are unaffiliated with the Church in Europe and about 20% of those born in Christian families are unaffiliated or agnostic in North America is because Christianity is so open minded and tolerant."

Implying that the present day Muslims are not tolerant.

Thank you for your comment Sajid Khan. I acknowledge some of the weaknesses of the present day Muslims. I see myself as an apologist for Islam, the Prophet Muhammad and the Holy Quran and not for the Muslims at large. I would like to invite you to kindly review two of my knols here. One is titled, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Islam:

Zia Shah - 23 Jan 2010

Faith and reason: an invitation to Christians

Let us talk and write about what is of significant consequence. Almost 40% of people are unaffiliated with the Church in Europe and about 20% of those born in Christian families are unaffiliated or agnostic in North America, as the dogmas no longer make any sense to them. It is not only Santa Claus that is make belief, but a lot more ... Read on and in the words of Francis Bacon, “Read not to contradict … but to weigh and consider.”
Albert Einstein said, “The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.”

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." Galileo Galilee
This invitation is extended to the fellow Christians with love and compassion because the Holy Quran says about them:
And thou shalt assuredly find those who say, ‘We are Christians,’ to be the nearest of them in love to the believers. That is because amongst them are savants and monks and because they are not proud. (Al Quran 5:83)
Andrew Conway Ivy writes, “One should never retreat from reason. One should use reason, and use it accurately and aggressively. A faith which is not preceded by reason is a weak faith and is vulnerable to devastating attack and to subversion. Religious faith not based on reason breeds bad character and bad conduct.”

For rest of the story:

Zia Shah - 22 Jan 2010

Dear Mr. Shah:
When you start your dialogue with, 'Almost 40% of people are unaffiliated with the Church in Europe and about 20% of those born in Christian families are unaffiliated or agnostic in North America, as the dogmas no longer make any sense to them.' You are already displaying a dogmatic attitude towards us Christians. Christianity passes my wisdom test with the top +2 super mature marks and so does Islam. But when it comes to the followers the Christians come up +1 and unfortunately I cannot say the same for us Muslims.

The reason why almost 40% of people are unaffiliated with the Church in Europe and about 20% of those born in Christian families are unaffiliated or agnostic in North America is because Christianity is so open minded and tolerant.

Sajid Khan - 22 Jan 2010

that are open doors . i don't think it's of significant consequence .
what is going on today is a general change in the cultural structure .
from top down (church, holy war) to bottom up (democracy)
and then to a new world (knol) .

Kalle Schwarz - 06 Jan 2010

A Christian apologist, Shastri JC Philip has blocked me

I had only provided a few polite comments and presented Islamic view point. He has not only deleted those but also blocked me from future discussion. Let us not shy away from honest sincere discussion in this age of information. It is a time when the world is changing into a global village and it is becoming increasingly important to have free, sincere and open dialogue.

Such restrictive attitude is not healthy and useful for eventual utility and fate of Google-knol.

He has several knols on Christianity and one of them is titled, 'History Of Christian Apologetics.' He wants to teach his readers 'Christian Apologetics,' is this the first lesson? Is this the way to safeguard the Truth, to avoid honest and sincere discussion? He leaves me no choice but to discuss this issue in my knols.

Please see some of my knols and see what pressing need he had to block me:

Zia Shah - 13 Jan 2010

that would be greatly appreciated :)

Kalle Schwarz - 13 Jan 2010

Thank you Kalle and Peter for your encouragement. I will read some of your knols and get to know both of you better.

Zia Shah - 07 Jan 2010

A knol factory?

Peter Greenfinch - 05 Jan 2010

wow, 79 knols and 215 comments in ten days !
you set a record .
welcome .
this board is open collaboration .
you did the right by making a knol about this blocking .
if there are more of such knols we can make a collection .

Kalle Schwarz - 04 Jan 2010

Robert Ludlum's innocent mistake

In his best selling novel 'the Janson Directive,' he innocently names the terrorist character as the Caliph! Is it innocent or deliberate, you be the judge. But, I know that if non-Christians name their villians in their novels, as the Pope or Pope John Paul II, the believing Christians will be terribly offended. It would be considered slander.

It is the attitude that counts. Do you stand for promoting love and harmony or hatred and prejuidice?


The Lady Saladin - 10 Jan 2010

Online Gaming Portal

Just opened a new Free Online Gaming portal at Come in and have fun! :)

Spiros Kakos - 30 Dec 2009

Google gadgets!

Hi to all members! I just added two new Google gadgets on the page: the translation gadget on top of the page and the conversation gadget at the botoom of the page!

There are many new Google gadgets that we can add! Just go to Insert -> Google gadget and enter your search term in the Search box! I have entered some of these gadgets to my various pages, so you could have a look there to get a small taste!

Happy new year to all with health, love and hapiness!

Spiros Kakos - 27 Dec 2009

Happy new year

Narayana Rao - 27 Dec 2009

Big letters

I did not give big letters. blue color has come because some link did not come properly but the color remained. The letter size is some trick in formating. But I did not format the big letters. There is no need for big letters. Big letters can be used if it is some very interesting information related to authors group as such.

Narayana Rao - 26 Dec 2009

Problem of writing in English still persists

I tried three computers. Problem is still there. Now PV Ariel also says he has a problem.

Narayana Rao - 23 Dec 2009

Knol help gave the reply that author can click on the transiteration button and toggle will go out of transliteration mode.

Narayana Rao - 23 Dec 2009

Social book mark effect

The knol titled as Environmental Value Engineering had a mild social book marking effect today. When this effect is strong it seems you will get more than 1000 visits in a day and the traffic will persist for some time.

Narayana Rao - 23 Dec 2009

Block buster Knol - @PG

We have not discussed the issue of block buster knols. What are block busters? How many page views? what are their features? How to create them? It will be good if we discuss them and plan to create new ones or upgrade some current ones to that level.

Narayana Rao - 23 Dec 2009

Diferent account

A diffent acct. still same problem

Anonymous - 22 Dec 2009


sorry, i don't look for page views .

Kalle Schwarz - 22 Dec 2009

Well you have your own standards to assess the success or failure of endeavors. You will congratulate somebody when he achieves according to your measurements. That should be OK with many.


Narayana Rao - 23 Dec 2009

@ KS
You are an original, more original than most!

Sajid Khan - 23 Dec 2009

Now even the badge people are looking for page views. They are now doing a lot of grunt work to accumulate page views.

Narayana Rao - 23 Dec 2009


My posting is getting turned into Hindi automatically

Narayana Rao - 22 Dec 2009

I saw one such button in gmail setting. I do not know where such button is there in knol settings.

Narayana Rao - 22 Dec 2009

I don't know. Some setting might be there to give default transliteration. It must have been activated accidentally by me. I have to now know to deactivate it.

Narayana Rao - 22 Dec 2009


Sajid Khan - 21 Dec 2009

google news
has now an audio-button where you can listen to the tranlation (only english) .
that's really great .

Kalle Schwarz - 14 Dec 2009

Translate button can be there on all knols for a reader to translate and read a knol in his default language.

Narayana Rao - 14 Dec 2009

Wisdom day

12/07 KVSS

Today it is day of wisdom as far as knol commentator is concerned. The commentary appreciates Mr. Sajid Khan for his pursuit of wisdom topic on knol. Knol Marathon Commentary.

Knol needs many knollers with weekly page views of 5000.
Some ideas and tips provided by various knol authors are assembled in Want To Be a Top Knoller - Top Knol Author with 5000 Weekly Page Views-Some Ideas and Tips.

Knol authors are invited to add more and make knol the platform a success. Best wishes for all knol authors.

Narayana Rao - 06 Dec 2009

@ SK

11/30 SK @ SKS (shortened comment)


Kalle Schwarz - 01 Dec 2009

yes, we can try it for several times, but then it is good to hear what the others have to say and to look for correspondence .

Kalle Schwarz - 01 Dec 2009

We can state our ideas. If it is a democracy, you can advocate your ideas.

Narayana Rao - 30 Nov 2009

Contribute Positively to Environment

I came across Environmental Value Engineering and Environmental Cost Reduction. Started knols to create an avenue to share knowledge on knol.

Narayana Rao - 28 Nov 2009

@ SK

please shorten your longer comments

Kalle Schwarz - 27 Nov 2009

550,000 page views

Crossed 550,000 page views.

Some body says page views are easily available. There are many online visitors.

Probably getting them is only the difficulty. But many are very intelligent. If they realize page views are important for the survival of google knol, they will get it. They cannot blame anybody (neither knol platform nor other authors) for lack of page views but themselves.

Think about the issue and you will get some ideas. Lauch some initiatives and make knol a success.

Narayana Rao - 26 Nov 2009

The bottom line is indeed quality. I would prefer one quality knol over any number of regular knols. But one must keep in mind that we must have knols on each and every topic. Suppose there are 50,000 knols on 10,000 topics and there is no knol on say 'enteritis' then it is better to have one regular knol on enteritis then to have none. So one must not criticize KVSS for writing 1,700 knols. First check each individual knol to see if it fills a needed spot or not. Also KVSS has said it repeatedly, that eventually he will get back to improving each knol. I agree with all of you but please do not rush to judgment so fact it first.

Sajid Khan - 26 Nov 2009

Thanks Spiros. You are on the path.


Jagadeesh Mohan Kumar Nambiar - 25 Nov 2009

I am in favor of quality and not quantity.
When quantity comes in hard with no quality to accompany it, it seems to me that algorithm gaming is in front of us...The logic of Jag is a good example.

Spiros Kakos - 24 Nov 2009


Kalle Schwarz - 24 Nov 2009

How many visitors through google search engine?

How many visitors through direct knol?

How many visitors through referrals?

Narayana Rao - 24 Nov 2009

how many visitors ...

Kalle Schwarz - 23 Nov 2009

So do you mean to say all your knol's are well promoted by/within Knol platform than Google search engine?

And Kalle you are in the correct line and good that you are.


Jagadeesh Mohan Kumar Nambiar - 23 Nov 2009

Dear Kalle Schwarz

How many visitors are you getting from knol directly compared to google search engine?

Narayana Rao - 22 Nov 2009

Jag is not so wrong . people look for authors with high page views . so they increase the number of page views . it's like self-fulfilling prophecy or like a speculative bubble .

Kalle Schwarz - 22 Nov 2009

Dear Jagadeesh

I have no issue with you to argue. I listen to your suggestions and do things at my convenience.

Page views and visitors are important for any website especially for article web sites. In the case of E-commerce websites, there is purchase action. Hence if page views are not resulting in purchase, your concept of quantity page views and quality page views becomes important and becomes an issue of that needs urgent resolution and improvement of the website.

I am with you on various issues. An unnecessary controversy was started on this quality badge issue and a vast majority of knol authors are being berated. If I am one among the 24,500 authors and not the other 500 it is okay with me. May be as you said, when I change my direction, I shall accumulate many of those badges. Today, as for my project, which is delayed enough, my focus is to create around 800 knols under the category Management Knowledge Revision Knols. In the mean time, I posted some other themes like USA knol authors, Directory of knols etc. They are more for promoting knol and knol authors. There is no reason for anybody to criticise the number of knols that I have written so far. Yes sometime back they said page views are not there. Now that my knol portfolio has a good number of page views, people look for a different logic.

Page views do not come easily. Even when I request, people will not see a page unless they want to. They are coming because people are coming there through google search only. If somebody else is not getting page views, he is not getting because people are not coming to his articles via google. So they have to improve their understanding of google search and write articles that people want to read through google search.

As I said, I have no issue with you at all. You have not started any issue and I am also not starting any issue with you. Yes once I said what alternatives are there to improve page views, you suggested improving knols as one alternative. You said, that way our google ranks go up. I am happy with the suggestion.

Narayana Rao - 21 Nov 2009

Mr Rao, You can mention that the Some body is "JAG".

I thought you would have understood. Here is another point if Mr.X, a new author comes to Knol and hire's few hundred people to create 550,0001 blank / incomplete pages in Knol and obviously his page views for first day of creation will be 550,0001 page views, 2nd day 550,0001 * 2, 3rd day 550,0001 *2*3, 4th day 550,0001 2*3*4, 5th day 550,0001 2*3*4*5 and so.

Now I hope you understood why I told quality page views are important than quantity page view. Do you think quantity page view will help Google Knol? You are my co-author and I am just trying to make you realize things. So don't take it wrong.


Jagadeesh Mohan Kumar Nambiar - 20 Nov 2009

Questions about KAF - Is it needed?

A foundation has official organs that represent it and help in decision making. A Knol or a Bulletin Board is not an official foundation committee. If Knol Bulletin Board is the way we organize the KAF, then why have KAF at all and not dissolve it? I did not make the Knol Poetry Contest because KAF decided something. I did it on my self and not as part of KAF. Why KAF wants to take credit for everything its members are doing while it has no committees to decide upon its actions? Why isn't there any email newsletter informing us, members of KAF, for its activities in an official manner? Knol is not meant to be a foundation decision making organ. KAF should have its own organs.

Spiros Kakos - 25 Nov 2009

To make our group really effective we need a fully accredited foundation. That was the idea behind KAF. I do not have either time nor the expertise to do justice, so if it is left to me I am in favor of dissolving it. Unless some people come forward to take it over; by the end of the year I will close it. KAF is on life support and I am pulling the plug soon.

Sajid Khan - 25 Nov 2009

KAF administration - bureaucracy, democracy or something else?
what kind of administration system do we need for KAF?
do we need KAF ?
all I know is that life is organized in groups .
whether wisdom group or knowledge group or something else, each group needs it's own board .
but all groups need to be in a common structure, a global consciousness, our voting tree .

Kalle Schwarz - 25 Nov 2009

Angela - Congratulations - 40,000 page view milestone

Boys and Girls, Men and Women run, run, run
Show your dress, show your speed, show your antics, shout your slogans, it is an open ground, take rest if you are tired, take help if you are drained.

Shout at others if you are bored. comments are there, commentaries are there. lists are there and blisters are there. Plasters are there and pollsters are there.

Knol Marathon Commentary

Narayana Rao - 24 Nov 2009

Where is Angela?

Busy writing a book cum knol?

Narayana Rao - 22 Nov 2009

Oh, thanks Narayana! I'll go ask her, I've been searching around lately without success.

Anonymous - 22 Nov 2009

Today I found a cat veterinarian as a knol author.
She is a feline veterinarian.
Shelby is her name. I remember that you wrote a knol on cat's problems and I said get a veterinarian as a coauthor. See, if the doctor agrees to be coauthor.

Narayana Rao - 21 Nov 2009

Thanks KVSS!

Anonymous - 21 Nov 2009

All the best for your book.

Narayana Rao - 20 Nov 2009


Yes, I am currently writing a book with my spare time. I still come and visit Knol often, as I am very proud of our board and the Knol of Wit and Wisdom.

Anonymous - 20 Nov 2009


Kalle Schwarz - 21 Nov 2009

do you really think this is the last word between us ?
i don't think so .

please shorten your longer comments
where i have shortened your last comment)

Kalle Schwarz - 21 Nov 2009

Dear KS
You always have the last word. As you can see now atleast over half a dozen world famous sages in the field of education and psychology think my work is awesome!!!

I got the following note from the VP and Dean of Education and Psychology at Turro College:
From Dr. Polemini
Sajid Khan
Subject: Review of written material
It was great a pleasure that I have had the opportunity to explore the written materials with respect: The concepts of the brain, mind, intelligence, emotional intelligence, consciousness, human nature, self/I. The materials are a revolutionary method of investigation of the many questions of intelligence and the emotional properties of the mind. It is my privilege to recommend these new concepts for exploration. Wisdom Day is a brilliant idea.

I also met a prominent Professor, who is a PhD in Education from Harvard University who wants to be part of Wisdom Day. He wants to introduce me to some important people. He has invited me to a party on Sunday in Manhattan. He is the founder of a Philosophy conference where he wants me to speak. He also wants me to go with him to Boston to meet Prof. Pinker and show him my hypothesis! This is the first person I met who is more enthusiastic than me about Wisdom Day.

Sajid Khan - 20 Nov 2009

"awfull" = ???
i meant awesome . but this was ironic . so awful is ok .

what shall i tell you ? things* are too complex for my english .
* e.g. poems

if someone has no interest to hear any other voice except his own, then he should not hear any other voice .

Kalle Schwarz - 19 Nov 2009

you say : "human nature is womb-conditioned, upbringing conditioned and belief conditioned."
in one word : it's mother-conditioned .
therefore i said : happy mother, happy child .

you say : in fact I know how to create even super mature whole groups ..
how ?

Kalle Schwarz - 17 Nov 2009

yes, this would be wonderful .

Kalle Schwarz - 17 Nov 2009

You are right this was -2 behavior. But it was because I was sick in the brain. This is what I am trying to say. When one is -2; ones behavior will also be -2. As I came out my -2 holes I can help others come out of theirs.

Sajid Khan - 16 Nov 2009

the question is : was this selflessness ?
scientifically : was it +2, +1, -1 or -2 ?

Kalle Schwarz - 16 Nov 2009

Dear KS:
Yes you are right that I walked out after perusing the girl for a couple of years. But I never married her. All those years she kept saying no and so the 'yes' relationship just lasted a few days. It was not like I lived with her for years and then dumped her.

I was describing the effects of my emotional holes.

Sajid Khan - 15 Nov 2009

indeed, with respect to women, men need to be selfless.
your story about your first wife shows very clearly, that you are not selfless .
but imagine a group where all men agree that they want the women to be happy and nothing else .
they can make a board and the women each week make a council, where they deliberate who is their partner for the next week .
men can read this on the board and then may accept it or not, but they can not try to find a woman elsewhere . if your name is always not on the board, you can try to find another group .

Kalle Schwarz - 14 Nov 2009

you wrote:
"... when she agrees to marry me I promptly fall out of love!"
"So I ended this relationship by saying to her that we will have to move to my farm 1200 miles away ( I knew she was from a village and had hated her earlier village life)."
(4/23 SK @ Team @ KS)

Kalle Schwarz - 14 Nov 2009

I am married to the same women for the last 26 years. And she is my first and last wife. How did you get the idea that I left my first wife?

Sajid Khan - 13 Nov 2009

You are right that the mother is the most important factor as the mother provides the womb and most part of the early upbringing. Not just a happy mother but a responsible and caring mother who is also knowledgeable in the ways of upbringing.

Groups, clans and nations are all brought up on beliefs. Hitlers Germany was a nation created on the erroneous belief of the supreme and divine rights of the Aryan nation. The same key to wisdom in individuals is the key to wisdom in groups - the eternal power of selflessness.

Sajid Khan - 13 Nov 2009

As far as I am concerned I love to be criticized. Because it brings out the defects in my work.
I am grateful to our KVSS for his kind mentoring and guidance. And I respect his passion to see me steered into the right direction. But I have my own plans...

Sajid Khan - 11 Nov 2009

Things are too complex for my english. A good statement.

If someone has no interest to hear any other voice except his own, then he should not hear any other voice.

This is also a good statement. It should be written in the knol of wit and wisdom.

Groups have problems and virtual groups also have misunderstandings. Periodically, there have to be rituals to bring back cohesion in the group. It is written in textbooks also. Even after every meeting there has to be some practice that brings back camaradarie after a heated discussion on some issue. Issues keep on coming and opinions differ, but group has to remain cohesive for a longer time.

Narayana Rao - 11 Nov 2009

I just updated the Knol Poetry Contest page.
Too much work has kept me away from Knol in general.

PS. "awfull" = ???

Spiros Kakos - 11 Nov 2009

Yes KS

Say something more.

Knol Poetry contest voting has started. Suggest how we can increase visitors and voting for that initiative.

Spiros also is not visible here these days.

Narayana Rao - 10 Nov 2009

Knol Poetry Contest - Voting started

A Knol Poetry Contest is held at Everyone can enter the contest with his/her poem and then vote for the winners! The voting process has started!

Spiros Kakos - 14 Nov 2009

A Veterans Day Tribute

Since November 12 was Veteran's Day (all day) I thought I would offer a Knol moment of silence in Memory of the Veterans who have served the United States throughout the years.


We owe much to them who sacrificed for our freedom to express ourselves in public forums.

William Whetstone - 12 Nov 2009

W(elcome) WW

Kalle Schwarz - 12 Nov 2009

Thank you Mr. Whetstone.

You made us remember the services of fellow countrymen in protecting and defending us and our thoughts.

I saw some videos related to veterans on the youtube yesterday morning but could not relate them to veteran's day. When I saw your post here, I could immediately relate.

I informed knol help that they can highlight various national days and world days on the home page. But they are yet to see the benefit of it. Knol authors get informed about the specific days, they will write some knols on the topic of the day and read some knols related to it.

Thank you once again.

Narayana Rao - 12 Nov 2009


Anonymous - 12 Nov 2009


Narayana Rao - 11 Nov 2009

my latest knol

Kalle Schwarz - 04 Nov 2009

I suggested to knol help that there should be button that says read in your language and pressing that button should give the translated version of the page in the default language of the person. That will make it easy for people to read knols in other languages.

Still, authors who feel their knols are useful for many should take the initiative in translating their knols into other languages by establishing linkages with other knol authors. Especially multilingual authors should take a lead in this process.

I plan to translate my knols into Hindi and Telugu once I complete writing knols in English. May be two more years are required for it.

Narayana Rao - 04 Nov 2009

bottom up approach

you can create whuffy till, let us say, to the limit of 300 .
if you have the limit, you cannot create any more whuffy .
but you can earn it from others or buy it with real money .

Kalle Schwarz - 25 Oct 2009

but you are the only one to ask me about it .
there is little to explain . it's a bottom up approach as we said already .
everyone can make an account and create a certain quantity of whuffy .
you can use it like money .
it's a local money and it shows how a universal money could look like :
without inflation, deflation, interest and compound interest .

"how it will facilitate knol platform" :
you can use it instead of AK's translation points .
you can use it to honour an author (instead of star rating and other ratings) .
you can use it as a general reward system .

please see

if you want to do more, we can make a team for common rewards of good knol practise .

there is also a top down approach : google gold .
if you want to do more, we can make a team for it .

Kalle Schwarz - 28 Oct 2009

We means all minus KS.

Narayana Rao - 24 Oct 2009

who is "we" ?

Kalle Schwarz - 24 Oct 2009

Whuffy is an interesting idea, but I think we still have not understood its role. How it will facilitate, knol platform? But you are advocating it. So there is a logic behind the idea.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2009

Page views crossed 450,000

The present page view count is 450,694.

I opened a new knol collection

Economic, Accounting, Cost Control and Financial Analysis Skills for Technical Personnel

I need to add some more knols to this collection today.

Narayana Rao - 24 Oct 2009

Two More Knols on USA Knol authors updated

Knol authors of USA

Ohio state knol authors

Narayana Rao - 24 Oct 2009

Writing 100 Knols - A Goal of Knol Campaign

I initiated the knol with the above title. Many knol authors need to plan and write 100 knols on the subject of their expertise.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2009

North Dakota - Knols and Knol Authors

I just updated the knol.

Add anything interesting on the state.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2009

Knol Authors of New Mexico

Updating the knol on State of New Mexico.
Add any interesting information about the state, knols on the state or knol authors.

Narayana Rao - 23 Oct 2009

50 Articles on Industrial Engineering

Today, I have added the 50th article to my collection of Knols on Industrial Engineering. I started my knol writing with an article on industrial engineering.

It is nice that the collection is getting good support from all.

Narayana Rao - 22 Oct 2009

Knol Authors of Nevada, USA

I just updated the knol.

Narayana Rao - 22 Oct 2009

Author Lists

I am updating authors lists of USA statewise.

Can KS and SKS do some author lists state wise for their countries. If we identify authors we can do some promotion activity to increase writing of knols. We can examine how to increase page views for their knols. We may get some of them on to the bulletin board.

My page views are going to cross 450,000 this week. I hope I can give some ideas on increasing visitors to knol. And some of them are from practice

Narayana Rao - 22 Oct 2009


Those who agree with me can do it my way and those who agree with your clever and fine way can do that. Both ways will work fine. I can have my vanilla and you can have your chocolate. Or is it the other way around?

Sajid Khan - 22 Oct 2009

Poetry and allegories

I'm not sure I have a gift for poetry, but I love allegories.
What about "the man and the lettuce" in my knol:
I think I will feed also the "wit and wisdom" knol with it.

Peter Greenfinch - 22 Oct 2009


Thanks for your nice information.
@ KS
'but you don't do, what you say . in the contrary !' Well I am really trying to do all I can. I am so busy with knol that I forgot to renew the domain names '' and '' when I realized my mistake they are saying I have to bid for them in auction! I will just take other names. Today I went to a rally for Gov. Corzine. As I came to know about it very late I had no pass. So I spent quite a part of the day before I could secure a pass. President Obama was there. I couldn't talk to him but I made sure he saw me. I was just 15' from him. I was able to give a flier that I made for the occasion to many of the news channels and some of the leaders. Crongressman Steve Rothman I saw actually read it right there. So you can see I am trying to spread the knol as much as I can. This is the flier:

This is a petition to our Leaders to make wisdom (which is the highest stage of emotional intelligence), education compulsory from preK-12 and beyond.

Lack of emotional intelligence education is a big factor in the current mess in the world. We need emotional intelligence education to cure a lot of the problems of the world. We have hundreds of courses for making a living and not a single course for becoming our true self. We develop our intelligence and neglect our emotional intelligence which results in all this craziness in the world. Every single day the pundits are analyzing and proposing solutions to the problems facing the country and the world. Somehow the problem of lack of emotional intelligence education is below their radar screen. The human brain has two parts. One part develops intelligence and the other part develops emotional intelligence. Our education that develops intelligence is cutting edge creating doctors, lawyers and scientists; and the part that develops emotional intelligence which creates wise human beings we mostly neglect.

Emotional intelligence is real. Emotional intelligence has a constant impact on individual lives and even on groups and countries. Emotional intelligence affects everything from emotional happiness to depression from success to failure from relations between individuals, spouses and even groups and countries. Emotional intelligence controls defense budgets and foreign policies. It is the main factor in many of the ills of society today.

My 4th R Foundation, Inc has been working on researching how to create self mastery education. It has taken us over 35 years to figure out that self mastery, wisdom and super mature emotional intelligence are all one and the same entity. We have found that we can create self masters through super emotional healing using further the same techniques we use for emotional healing. If we get the funding we can fill this essential hole in our current education system. This will benefit the whole world, from individuals, to groups, to companies to countries. The impact of this will solve all kinds of problems facing the world today. Making individuals, groups, companies and countries wise will solve much of the world’s mess. And it will cost less than a fraction of a penny on the dollar.

Please google, ‘Wisdom by Sajid Khan’ to read my 500+ original papers/knols on emotional intelligence education.

Kind regards,

Sajid Khan

Founder/President, The 4th R Foundation/The Wisdom Express, 233 East, 59th Street, NY NY 10022

212 421 4848
Email :

Sajid Khan - 21 Oct 2009


I always wondered why some knollers kept putting comments on their own knols. Thanks to SKS now we know. So this is what I am suggesting. Lets keep posting everything the way we are doing right now and also put every post in comment form too. This way we have the best of both worlds!

Sajid Khan - 21 Oct 2009

to all knol authors

please join the knol star tree .
it is good for you and good for us

Kalle Schwarz - 21 Oct 2009

Poetry Contest beats H1N1 Knols

The poetry contest is in the first place of the "Most Discussed" tab! Thanks to everyone who submitted a poem!

Spiros Kakos - 21 Oct 2009

New Knol - Google Foundation

I do read the outputs of some of the projects funded by google foundation. Good to make a knol and track the projects.

Narayana Rao - 21 Oct 2009

Knol Poetry Contest - Update 2009-10-20

We have reached 6 participations in the contest!

Spiros Kakos - 20 Oct 2009